You know when you're desperate for a pet, all you look at is photos of dogs and cats. Or when you're thinking of planning a holiday you spend hours googling paradise resorts. Well home decor is my thing of the moment. Random fact, I've had to ban myself from Pinterest as I was spending hours and hours looking at home decor photos and it actually ended up making me upset that I didn't have the the perfect lounge or kitchen... ridiculous. But with a prospect of getting my own place next year I really do enjoy looking at home decor photos and figuring out what I love and what's not for me.
So here are some of the sites, Instagram accounts and stores that give me the home decor butterflies...
Nouvelle Daily//Gh0stparties
My lovely friend Kate is the brains and beauty behind her personal blog Gh0stparties and her daily editorial website, Nouvelle Daily. I frequently visit both websites for home decor inspiration and I've already tried to bribe her to be my own personal interior designer. The girl just has a great eye for it! Nouvelle Daily has a range of great tips including DIYS and Gh0stparties is a more personal approach to her home, which looks beautiful! Both are worth checking out.
Oliver Bonas //
I'm obsessed with Oliver Bonas and probably visit every weekend. It's actually more of a gift shop but their homeware and furniture is to die for! At the moment they have a copper and glass range that is so gorgeous. I often buy my cushions from there, but when I have my own place I just know I'm going to go wild and buy everything!
A Beautiful Mess //
Here's another one of my favourite blogs that I've read for years. The girls from ABM create a huge range of content but their home decor and DIYs are my favourite. They bought an entire house, just so they could do it up and show it on the blog - now that's amazing. I also love when they feature other people's before and after home photos. So much inspiration!
Homesick //
Homesick blog is run by three Danish girls and despite it not being in English (there are sometimes translations but they're not exact) it's one of my absolute favourites. These girls collect the perfect images for posts and their taste is spot on. I just love browsing through the photos and picking out the details.
I missed this Instagram account off my recent 'who to follow' blog post as it's more of a recent find. Houseinspiration_ has some beautiful home decor photos and I always double click when they appear on my feed. It's that minimalistic, monochrome look that I love so much. Definitely one to follow when you're next updated your follow list.
So if you have your own place, hopefully this gave you some fresh home decor inspiration and if, like me, you're not quite there yet then you can join me on staring longingly at your computer screen daydreaming of that perfect lounge or kitchen.