
Homesteading is not for the faint of heart whether you are an “Urban Farmer”, a “Suburban Homesteader” like me, on “Some Acreage” or completely “off-grid” it is a 24/7 way of life that is by no means glamorous but extremely rewarding.   It is a lifestyle that as I have researched and connected with fellow like-minded homesteading friends;  that incorporates the following qualities such as the love of life-long learning, the pursuit of a more self-sufficient, financially independent,  and self-reliant life. Often homesteaders are innovators, Do It Yourselfers, Gardeners, Chicken Mama & Papa’s, Preppers/Survivalists, herbalists, and often even use their own Home Apothecary.

So if you are currently researching the homesteading lifestyle and wondering if it’s for you have I got a stellar line up of folks and resources that not only have a lot of inspiration to share but are experts in their field. I am going to toss my hat into that ring as well and share with you some of my favorite blog posts!

“Lil’ Suburban Homestead”

Welcome To Our Lil’ Suburban Homestead

This Is How We Got Started The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly!

Teri Page

Homestead Honey

“Cultivate a balance between idealism and realism. Celebrate that what you’re doing on your homestead is life-changing and inspirational, while recognizing that it takes hard work, more money than you think, and more time than you think!”


Survival At Home

“Don’t give up! If you started on the path, you did it because you want that life. It might be a hard start, but when things level out, it’s a good life! Stay diligent.”

Rachel & Craig

Off Grid Homestead

“Talk to the locals, they can save you and teach you a lot! For instance, one neighbour showed us the closest wild leek patches, and another neighbour taught us to mention we’re local to the closest building supply store as they charge double to wealthy cottagers around here… and that’s just a tiny glimpse of extremely useful tips we’ve garnered from locals.

Angela England

Untrained Housewife

“Developing a more self-sufficient lifestyle is partly about understanding your boundaries, your

personal limitations. And taking the risk and the chance to push the boundaries of where those

limits are. Do you just “know” that you could never have a backyard chicken flock? Do you

“know” that you have a terrible black thumb and could never grow your own food?  For me this year it’s starting the garden from seeds – heirloom seeds that I can try my hand at saving for the first time. It could be a colossal failure, but it could be a brilliant success. Chances are it’ll be something in the middle and that is ok with me.”

Melissa Jones

From Scratch Magazine

“When you are homesteading and trying to live a more sustainable life it is important to remember that this entire lifestyle is a process. Perfection or completion should not be your goal. Instead focus on the daily triumphs. Look at each day as an opportunity to learn something new.”

Rachel Arsenault

Grow  A Good Life

“The one piece of advice I can share with a new homesteader is to grow slowly. Don’t try to build a house, add livestock, and start a huge garden the first year. Begin small, set goals each season, expand, evaluate your progress, adjust as you go along, learn from your mistakes, and try to enjoy the process of becoming self-sufficient a little at a time.”

Karen Coghlan

Blue Yonder Urban Farms

“I read this somewhere recently, “It is easier to grow food in a walled in area than in an open field”.  And I know from experience that it is true. Because when we lived in Texas on 5 acres I could not get my large unprotected garden growing well, the rain, and wind along with the scorching heat my plants just withered. But now living in an area with a walled in back yard it just seems to grow better, even with the heat and wind. What I read is that the walls protect the plants from harsh blowing winds and bad weather; also it keeps out critters that might eat your produce. I am not sure how this advice will help someone with a large area to work with, but I know it has made a difference for us. Things are growing again. “


Little Big Harvest

“Make your vision your own, and embrace it. Remember not to compare yourself to the homesteading efforts of others; whatever steps you are taking are huge. So keep doing them, and enjoy your journey!”


Timber Creek Farmer

“Before getting any type of homestead livestock, chickens, ducks, goats,dairy cow. etc, make sure to do your homework.  All baby animals are cute and it makes them hard to resist.  But make sure their needs will fit with your family’s lifestyle and your property. Many animals can be destructive to a small property.  Some need protective housing.  Knowing the needs of the animal first, can prevent heartache later.”


Schneider Peeps

My number one advice is to start small and add a little more each year.  It’s better to do something small and do it well than it is to try to do something big and totally feel overwhelmed.


Letters  From Sunnybrook

“Build on your skills and experience slowly. Each year you will grow and learn from the lessons the year before. It is tempting to try and ‘do everything’ but that can lead to being overwhelmed, and not putting your best into the experience. If you try something and it doesn’t work out the way you planned, don’t get discouraged. It is the trying that makes us grow as homesteaders.”


One Acre Farm

“Thoroughly research the habits and needs of animals before you get them, so you understand what you’re getting yourself into, and so you will be able to provide the proper care and living conditions. Don’t feel like you need to do it all. It’s okay to pick and choose the animals, crops, and activities that YOU will enjoy.”


Easy Homestead

“Start small- you have plenty of time to grow. Don’t try to do everything at once because you will become overworked, tired, and stressed. Also, don’t be afraid to fail- it’s a learning process!”

Chris Dalziel

Joybilee Farm

“Take a planned day off once a week. Don’t go shopping. Don’t go anywhere. Just stay home, do only essential chores, put dinner in the crock pot, and rest. You will gain perspective, refuel your creativity, and enjoy your homestead life so much more. The to-do list doesn’t get any shorter.”

Dr. Eric Z.

Dr. Eric Z.com

“Urban Homesteading is not about the money, it’s a way of life.  It’s about taking control of your food supply and being intentional in , how you live.  It’s worth the time and energy, so get plugged in with some good FB groups and blogs and learn all that you can!”


Montana Homesteader

“Don’t expect that you can do everything you want to do in your first year homesteading: big garden, orchard, chickens, goat, cow, beekeeping. It all takes time and costs more money than you may realize. Make a list of priorities and start with small steps to achieve your homesteading goals. “


104 Homestead

“If you can dream it, you can do it. It may need to be tweaked a bit, but your homesteading dream CAN be a reality.”

Deborah Jean

Dandelion House

“Dream Big, then work small towards your homesteading dreams. Be grateful where you are on your homesteading journey. Grow something new every year. Cultivate relationships with other like-minded homesteaders for learning and ongoing support.  Put down some roots and bloom.”


Pasture Deficit Disorder

“My best advice is to start small, but always build/plan for bigger in the future.  If you think ahead of the capacity and infrastructure you’ll need down the road, and plan ahead for it, it will save having to redo or tear down what you’ve already built. A great example is running water lines for future animals, barns, gardens, etc.”


Northern Homestead

“Find out and work with your climate, not against it. What works in Kalifornien might not work for you. If it is hot where you are, plant melons, if it is cold build a greenhouse. You will be much happier and more productive. “

I hope you have all enjoyed reading these inspiring words of wisdom from the Homesteading experts!  I know they have inspired me and make sure to take time to check out their blogs and blog resources.  It is so important to connect with others who are like-minded on the homesteading journey!

And as you know my motto is…”If you have a home you’re a homesteader!”


The post So You Wanna’ Be A Homesteader? Advice & Inspiration From The Experts appeared first on Lil' Suburban Homestead.

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