
NuNaat Brazilian Keratin Products

NuNaat was formed in Brazil using the natural resources found there to bring us some awesome hair care products. I was very fortunate to be sent 5 different products to try out and I took them for a spin. I have long thin hair that is wavy to curly. Depending on how I dry it, the curlier or wavier it gets. I have an issue with oiliness so finding a shampoo, conditioner and styling products that won't make that worse hasn't been easy. I love my hair even when its being "bad" so I don't want to use hair care products that are harsh on it. Thankfully Nunaat's Brazilian Keratin Products are all formaldehyde and sodium chloride free.


The Nunaat Brazilian Keratin Shampoo is formulated with green keratin and amino acids to provide a deep cleaning without being abrasive. It is sodium chloride free and made for daily use. I myself actually don't wash my hair with shampoo every day as I find it really strips my hair of the natural oils it has. I did go ahead and for 5 days straight I washed my hair with the NuNaat shampoo. It worked great and I didn't feel that it dried out my hair. It left it clean, but not stripped so it was still full of life and "moisture". I am still huge on smells so was delighted with the clean, fresh, light scent of the shampoo. It lathered nicely and rinsed off quickly. Definitely a shampoo that needs to be in your shower!


The conditioner contains high capacity conditioning ingredients to make for easy detangling. Now for someone with curly hair that is a huge deal. Growing up I hated my curly hair because it was so difficult to comb. I think for those with curly hair, we've all felt that way at one point in our lives. The Nunaat Brazilian Keratin Conditioner helps to tame frizz and unruly hair leaving you with silky soft hair. The conditioner is super thick and really coated my hair really well. The smell was a little different, it wasn't totally unpleasant, but not the same fresh light scent that the shampoo had. I like to rinse off my conditioner using cold water which helps to seal in all that conditioning goodness. If you've never done it, try it out and you'll definitely see a difference.


This product is designed for heat styling and works wonderfully with a flat iron. I have a go to product when flat ironing my hair so hesitated a little when using this product. I was so glad I gave it a chance because it worked so well. It is a clear liquid that didn't leave any sticky residue and didn't weigh my hair down. Just make sure that your hair is dry enough before putting a flat iron to it because sizzling hair is no bueno! It has a more perfumey smell in my opinion, but it is not over powering and after styling leaves a nice clean scent.


The ultra shine serum is so great and I love the shininess that it brings to my hair. I am so glad I got to try this out because I love shine products. It just helps to make your hair look so much healthier and full of life. The smell is almost non existent, but it doesn't matter because that's not what its for. What it is for is to help your hair look shiny without weighing it down. It totally succeeds in that and leaves your hair shiny without looking greasy! I have tried other products that just ruin the overall look of your hair because it leaves you looking like a wet dog. It absorbs really quickly, no stickiness, tons of shine, and no weighing down of your hair. It's a perfect shine product and if you don't get any of the other products in the line, this is definitely the one to get.


Last, but not least is the NuNaat hair mask. You use this instead of the regular conditioner and it essentially deep moisturizes your hair leaving it softer and more manageable. It has a good smell and is so thick that you don't need a lot at all. It went on easily and rinsed out easily as well too, just remember to rinse with cold water afterwards to close up the cuticles. My only gripe is that it takes 10-20 minutes. With having a large household it isn't easy taking a shower longer than 30 minutes. So I definitely had to leave this for late night after the kids were sleeping.

Overall, I'd give the whole product like an A-, because the smells of some of the products could be better and 10-20 mins is a long wait for me. You can buy NuNaat products at some Walgreens and Sally Beauty Shops. You can also purchase them online at Walgreens.com and Drugstore.com. The prices vary from region to region, but are all pretty affordable.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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