
Buttock implants have become more popular than ever among the U.S. public, according to recent findings released by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).

The 2015 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report was compiled with the aim of identifying trends and patterns regarding the most frequently chosen cosmetic procedures nowadays.

It was determined that compared to the year before, in 2015 there has been a slight increase in the number of minimally invasive cosmetic procedures (such as eye lifts or facelifts) and isolated cosmetic surgeries (such as breast enlargements, buttock implants, liposuctions) etc.

More precisely, the volume of such interventions reached 15.9 million last year, experiencing an upturn of around 2% in the last 12 months.

When compared to the number of cosmetic procedures reported in 2000, the surge has been even more dramatic, by approximately 115%.

The most avidly sought cosmetic surgeries, meant to boost physical appearance and to reverse the damage caused by aging, have been the following: silicone and saline breast implants, liposuctions, rhinoplasties (nose jobs), blepharoplasties (eye lifts) and abdominoplasties (tummy tucks).

When it came to minimally invasive cosmetic surgeries that require just a tiny incision resulting in diminished scarring and speedier recovery, the most ubiquitous procedures were Botox injections, dermal fillers (to plump lips or remove scars and wrinkles), chemical peels, microdermabrasion and laser hair removal.

As explained by Dr. David H. Song, who was recently appointed as president of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the largest number of people still opt for more commonplace cosmetic procedures, such as breast augmentations, lipos and cosmetic interventions meant to improve or highlight various facial features (nose jobs, facelifts etc.)

However, it’s well worth mentioning that the number of persons who have had breast implants in 2015 has actually decreased by around 2% since 2014, totaling 279,143 in 2015, which still marks a 31% rise since 2000.

Meanwhile, demand for less traditional cosmetic surgeries has soared recently, partly because there’s a wider variety of procedures that people can choose from, and partly because patients are growing more aware of what they wish to correct or alter about their faces and their bodies.

For instance, the number of individuals resorting to buttock augmentations has skyrocketed from 1,356 in 2000, to 4,767 in 2015, increasing by a margin of 252%.

In fact, surgeries aimed at improving the size, shape or perkiness of the patient’s rear have had the most significant upswing among all the cosmetic procedures across the United States, with 14,705 people getting fat transfers in order to augment their bottoms, 4,767 choosing a butt lift, and 2,540 deciding on buttock implants.

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons has actually nicknamed 2015 “the year of the rear”, not just because buttock implants or lifts have been performed at record-breaking rates, but also because so much emphasis has been placed lately on celebrities with disproportionately large and perfectly round bottoms.

Another interesting trend is the fact that reduction mammaplasties (breast reduction surgeries) have become much more widespread among men, their number growing by about 5% since 2014, and by 35% since 2000.

In fact, male patients have accounted for over 40% of the 68,106 individuals wishing to get rid of excess breast tissue, skin and fat, as gynecomastia triggered by hormonal imbalance has gained greater visibility lately, under much more pejorative terms (such as “man boobs” or “moobs”).

Breast reductions have been preferred especially by younger male patients, in an effort to boost their physical attractiveness, alongside their self-esteem and quality of life.

By and large, the number of cosmetic procedures among men has increased dramatically, probably because the stigma surrounding such surgeries has been dwindling, being replaced by acceptance and even benevolence.

Meanwhile, the number of breast cancer patients who have required breast reconstruction following lumpectomy or mastectomy has reached 106,000 in 2015, therefore climbing by around 4% since 2014, and by 35% since 2000.

Image Source: Flickr

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