
Myriel RAouine added a discussion to the group Evenstar Creations...Soluntra King

The Wave of LOVE and Cosmic Events for October

Dear Radiant One, may you be blessed with the connection to the Source within you, to your peace, love and joy as you shine your light so bright. Below I have the some great things that have been and are happening for us, as well as latest Cosmic Events for October.Some dear friends of mine in Kashmir have been experiencing the most devastating floods, they are alright but are helping their community and have asked if I too can help as the situation is so desperate for so many. Like so many others I have been saying countless prayers since the disaster started in early September and on 3d sending money to help practically. I have some ways that you can help not only them but all humans who are suffering so much right now. As the higher energies come in, it is bringing up much to be sorted that is holding onto the old paradigm.Thank you for all your love and Being.May you enjoy all the grace and blessings.  In the Love of the One Heart, SoluntraSoluntra Kingwww.evenstarcreations.comWHATS HAPPENINGFor some of us things just keep getting better and more beautiful, and for others the struggle gets worse, the polarising effect of the higher light octaves blasting us. The Solar Flares and so many other cosmic events and divine energies are sorting us out.    Of course your body might be having fun with it, I know mine appears to be 10 months pregnant at times, birthing universes still affects 3d, and the need for more rest and sleep.     Then we have No Time, I am sure you have fun with, I do and just prioritise and laugh at this whole 3d dance.     I am sure you might be finding 3d more tedious at times and dream of being in the higher realms and new earth, ascending. But the name of the game is to descend, love, accept and allow, now, love yourself here in your body, one with the Earth, she is a Star and so are you.     We are being forced to be in the now, go into the stillness within and have compassion for all that occurs; victim or victimiser, it’s all one. Time to move beyond the dramas, that are so transparent now as the 3d dance of setting up more warring on this planet continues, that feeds those who think they pull the strings and run everything. But if you don’t have fear and don’t buy into it then they will have nothing to feed on and it will all be over in no time, thanks to you coming from your heart and inner wisdom, allowing and Being.       As you will see below with the recent floods in Kashmir (I know only one of the many devastating experiences happening on Earth right now), where I was in July with the Stargate group, Mother Earth is showing us our own reflection of chaos and destruction. This is happening on the third dimension as the old paradigm needs to go, unfortunately it is mostly a painful process, with much suffering and hardship.     This too is an old programme and negative belief that is ingrained in many. If you were blessed to be born in a place or space that does not carry such pain then you are freer to assist those who still make it a big part of their day.      The biggest way to assist is that we have the freedom and time to love our own pain within, it’s separation from the Source within our self. So keep reinforcing who you truly are and stay connected, and know the radiant Sun of your true self shines through all the cells of your body, etheric body, emotional bodies, mental bodies, one Body of Light.     If you feel powerless to help and can’t give of your time or money, your prayers are so helpful and the most important thing of all is too not buy into the fear, but to see each soul as they truly are, whole and healed and radiant, see whole countries and whole and healed, the governments and behind the scenes scheming ones as divine and radiant as well. There is no separation, if we buy into the fear we create more and keep everyone locked in.      Of course on a physical level if we can help in any way from compassion and giving they are beautiful ways of expressing love.      If you judge the politicians, bankers, secret govt, etc and blame them then you need to realise it is part of you not loved yet and go in and love and accept your own greedy, psychotic control freak. If we all loved those aspects within, then there would be no outer manifestation.WAVE OF LOVE AND THE HEART OF THE EARTH     In the realms of the bigger picture all is unfolding beautifully, the Star Alignment of Sirrah in Andromeda September 15th was so profound and a beautiful anchoring to assist us to be more fully in our Light Body.       At the Equinox, 23rd September the loving heart energy flowed around the planet at everyone’s sunrise and sunset link ups.I was guided to be at Lake Taupo NZ where myself and so many others have worked, connected, transformed and transcended much of the old paradigm. The lake is an enormous crater of a super volcano that blew 26.000 years ago. The ancient ones there and the vortex connection through the light ships, mothership, star beings, ancient ones, golden solar disc, great Arcturian crystal, multi-d Diamond and Stargate in February 2014 and the Thirteenth Gate in November 2009 was beautiful as always.     The Dalai Lama who myself and many work with on the inner planes told me this is the heart of the Mother. You can argue about this if you like, some have ideas of where the chakras are on the planet, but to me it’s not as defined as that as everything is in oneness and change, and like everything we get to a point of No Chakras, just like No Mind, No Time, No Space. Better to not get into one’s head or compete, as to be multi-d we go beyond all these smaller picture duality issues.At this great heart place Shambala was anchored into the 7th dimension.     Some of you may not have heard of Shambala, it is a realm in the higher dimensions, the 13th dimension to be exact that in the old paradigm existed in the ethereal planes of the Gobi Desert in real Tibet. The beings there oversee the shifts in cycle and assist in the awakening of consciousness. You may have heard of Maitreya who is the Buddha to come, who exists there, as do Lord Vishnu the sustaining energies, Tara the divine goddess oversees the work. The beings in Shambala are also aspects of our multi-d selves if you are here in service to humanity and for the great shift.    For many years now one of my many missions has been in anchoring the Shambala field into the lower planes of existence here. In the old paradigm many wanted to go to Shambala and if in the physical had years of great tests and challenges to get there. Or metaphysically had to be pure of heart and also be part of the world servers of divine light.     Now with the paradigm shift the higher dimensional realms are anchoring more fully onto the earth plane as our Earth is a Sun and so are we the Star of our true self. As this awakening of ones divine presence escalates and encompasses more souls here, then we open to the loving vibrations Shambala holds and create the New Earth.On the Equinox Shambala anchored from the thirteeth dimension to the seventh dimension to assist in that field being more accessible for humanity. It happened through the heart vortex of Lake Taupo on the Equinox.      With the Dalai Lama and many other beautiful beings from Shambala I saw the heart of the Earth, the Inner Earth Sun that is so beautiful, a Golden Solar Disc glowing in the rays of light. It glowed through the ancient crater at Lake Taupo and out through the Earth and ethers, the heart energy can be released more freely now. (The Earth loves her occupants on all levels and has compassion for the humans who are so lost and so self-destructive, she supports nourishes and loves us back to wholeness if we take time to connect to her).   The Earth started to pulsate even more fully, and when the mountain that was Lake Taupo exploded, 26,000 years ago it set off a great cloud of gas that not only blocked the Sun but opened the Inner Earth Sun that replaced the outer Sun in its stabilising effect on life. Much life left but new life came forth.This is happening again, but now from the crater it is not a gas of destruction but a wave of love. The fact that Shambala could anchor into the 7th dimension means that so many souls can access it now, it doesn’t mean they will live in Shambala they will live on Earth, but Earth will become one big Shambala,this is to come.     The following day was the New Moon in Libra and I went to Mead Wall a hyper dimensional doorway on the side of Mt Ruapheu for a Council of Light meeting. There are beautiful energies illuminating us, releasing us from the web of illusion and old programming, the support is there for all of humanity if they chose to move beyond the reptilian and dark forces duality dramas and embrace all of it in love and acceptance and move out of the game. You live in the world but not of it, and the more of us that do this the easier it gets for the masses to do it. The Star Alignment of Aphard in Hydrae a couple of days later on 26th September was again about the heart, the Star heart of the snake in the heavens, as the kundalini rises and then settles through the heart. The Star shines bright as we see the Star of our own heart spark and ignite in all its glory.     The Star has set into the collective and loving vibration of peace and contentment from the stillness within. In the universal flow from the heart of the Source within our own heart and Star that we are we shine bright and our presence assists all creation. COSMIC EVENTS FOR  OCTOBERTimes are now in daylight saving time for NZ and Australia. GMT/UTC remains the same.OCTOBER 4th WORLD ANIMAL DAYOn this day every year: Celebrating our relationship with the animal kingdom.The aim of World Animal Day is to celebrate animal life in all its forms as well as humankind's relationship with the animal kingdom. October 4 was chosen because it is the Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi (a saint well known for his love of animals), however the day is not restricted to any particular religion.The Day was set up in 1931 as a way of highlighting the plight of endangered species. Since then it has grown to encompass all kinds of animal life and is widely celebrated in countries throughout the world.OCTOBER 7th URANUS AT OPPOSITION.The blue-green planet will be at its closest approach to Earth and its face will be fully illuminated by the Sun. This is the best time to view Uranus. Due to its distance, it will only appear as a tiny blue-green dot in all but the most powerful telescopes.OCTOBER 8th ARIES FULL MOON 15.05 degrees AND TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSEFIRST LIGHT TIME NZ 11.51pm  eclipse 11.55pm, AUST EST 9.51pm eclipse 9.55pm GMT/UTC   10.51am eclipse 10.55amThe Moon is directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and seen as fully illuminated from Earth. The Full Moon is a time of completion and celebration, the Aries Full Moon is always powerful, new beginnings and polarised by Libran balance and desire for unity.  It is a good time to meditate and be open to what you are creating in your new life and way of being in the new paradigm. With this Moon we are given the Cosmic blessings to transcend the parts of self still attached to the old paradigm and duality dance, and focus on what we choose to create in Love and Peace. The Aries Full Moon always seems to be a good one for creating big shifts and new ways of doing things. Read also about the Moon as the Final InitiationThe Lunar Eclipse with the Aries Full Moon is a time to celebrate the birthing we have just gone through with September Equinox and be attuned to the New Stars if you feel too. Our Starlight Body is being woven through our denser fabrics of creation and creating pathways of starlight to glow through our cells and being. Giving us greater integration in our multi-dimensional bodies and transmuting limiting destructive thought patterns that have blocked the lower astral planes.Assisting the Earth to transmute the old toxins; from fossil fuels, chemicals, radiation, heavy metals, as we utilise our power of love and see the Earth and everyone as whole and healed.A Lunar Eclipse is when the Sun and Moon are opposite with the Earth in between. A total lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes completely through the Earth's dark shadow, or umbra. During this type of eclipse, the Moon will gradually get darker and then take on a rusty or blood red colour. The eclipse will be visible throughout NZ, the Pacific, Australia, most of North America, South America and eastern Asia. See at http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/OH/OH2014.html Lunar Eclipses are working more on the emotions, inner and hidden aspects, you will be able to go deep not only into your own psyche and centre, but work with the Councils of Light in holding the Divine Source/Light portals worldwide in oneness and unity, anchoring into the denser realms and third dimension the higher frequencies and multi-dimensional worlds, the beam you hold the higher frequencies as we move beyond the illusion.This eclipse is illuminating us from within and bringing clarity to see and be our higher self/inner self and work in the Bigger Picture. If you feel stuck look at your life from yourself as a Light Being and laugh and lighten up. Also be aware that everyone in your life is there in a bigger picture sense as well. Ask permission on the inner planes if you are allowed to be shown who they really are, and your mission together from the bigger picture and Greater Reality. This will help to shift a lot of the old patterns and dramas that are no longer appropriate and be in a peaceful loving space with everyone.In the Bigger Picture you may feel guided to be at a vortex point or sacred site as there is much occurring now with the grids and the anchor points of the old and new paradigms. A shift is taking place and many portals and vortexes that held the beam in the old paradigm when duality was our lesson are now changing position as we unify and awaken our hearts to the love that we are. Some are still working and are being recalibrated. There is a lot of Light coming in with this eclipse as the Moon assists us to move through the initiations of the heart. The Councils of Light are utilising the special energies of this Full Moon eclipse to illuminate us so we can easily connect into the unified matrix of Light, the Diamond Light Matrix. Take the opportunity at this time to link up on the inner with all others known and unknown and be open to each other’s divine blueprint as we honour each other and our self.Aware of the Light Grid connecting us as it illuminates through the new Diamond Crystalline Grid in the Earth and ethers. As we see with eyes of love the true being of all humanity and all life, in love and honour, gratitude and joy for the beauty that is life and the radiant Star that we are, as the Earth is a Star and we radiant unlimited facets of Diamond Light…Celebrate with a sacred fire or candles.THE ENERGIES IN BETWEEN ECLIPSES CAN BE VERY INTENSE.If possible spend time at a vortex and just be with the Earth and multi-dimensional energies in a state of allowing and peace. The energy between eclipses can be very full on, we are being drawn deep inside to love and parts of us that are still holding onto fear and illusion, a big clean out time.OCTOBER 8, 9 - DRACONIDS METEOR SHOWER.The Draconids is a minor meteor shower producing only about 10 meteors per hour. It is produced by dust grains left behind by comet 21P Giacobini-Zinner, which was first discovered in 1900. The shower runs annually from October 6-10 and peaks this year on the the night of the 8th and morning of the 9th. Unfortunately the glare from the full moon this year will block out all but the brightest meteors. If you are extremely patient, you may be able to catch a few good ones. Best viewing will be just after midnight from a dark location far away from city lights. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Draco, but can appear anywhere in the sky.OCTOBER 16 GODDESS GOD DAY AND THE NEW GRIDNow that the Crystalline Grid is harmonizing through the Diamond Light Matrix and the collective conscious is now open to physical immortality there is a new grid that is being anchored through from the 13th dimension and Shambala that awakens us to our own divine essence more fully than ever before. Once we know who we are, one with the source we have that pure connection within to the creator and divine love, so no matter what happens in our life that connection is there to assist us to bring ourselves into our centre. In the purest form we are beyond the realms of Goddesses and Gods, but in our journey into wholeness we are not able to cope with the pure light of the One instantly,it is still a process.But once we own our self as Goddess/God then we take on our responsibilities as guardian of this planet. A realisation that is needed now more than ever. So this new grid is assisting us to raise our consciousness and take on the mantle of being sovereign and that it is up to each of us to take responsibility for our own thoughts, words and actions. That our love nourishes the Earth and all life, that our self-hatred destroys it. This grid is anchoring by each of us accessing this level of our being and open heart.In order to do this we love and accept every part of us that is not at this level and surrender into Divine Will and Plan.A day to remember the divine being you are as you awaken the Goddess and God self within. The Gods and Goddesses of the inner planes, ancient civilizations and cultures are all aspects of us. They too are moving on and I have worked with many of them over the years, as they leave the worlds that religions have held them in at that level of service, as it is now up to us to come from our own Goddess God within and hold the beam, love and oneness. Take some time to go within to the inner planes within youto meet these aspects of self that are co-creators and higher dimensional aspects that are here for you to be now. You are the Goddess, the God, divine aspects co-creating Heaven on Earth. Even if you do not choose at this time to access who you are within, you may want to get acquainted with some of the Goddesses and Gods on the outer from books or myths. The inner and outer are one. As we unify we realise we are our guides, angles, guardians, they are not external beings, now we have integrated those aspects and listen to our own inner voice, heart wisdom for all guidance. We unify more to realise we are light beings and operate in the light ships and motherships, a part of us in on earth as ground crew. As we unify we realise ourself as a member of the Council of Light. There are many Councils of Light, they all hold great wisdom and clarity about the shifts in the cycles. Assisting us here on Earth at different times, especially at Solstices, Equinoxes, Eclipses and planetary alignments. We realise we are a member of the Council of Light in our more unified divine self and become conscious of the decisions that are made, or to be made and how that unfolds into the lower planes of creation.As we unify even more to the realisation that we are a Creator Goddess God overseeing whole worlds, and a whole star system can go through its birth, life and supernova in the time it takes to blink the eye as a Goddess God. We work through multi-universes and hyper-dimensional space and time. We are here on Earth in our own bodies as our energy field illuminates all life from the love in our hearts.You may like to get my books 'Gateways of Unity, Inner and Natural Healing', 'Handbook of RA' and 'Egypt and Immortality, Journey to Source' to work more with these aspects. ARCTURUS CONJUNCT THE SUN 18th OCTOBER   24 degrees LIBRAThis means Arcturus is sighted before the Sun on this day. Arcturus is the brightest star in the constellation of Bootes, the Herdsman who herds the Bear (Ursa Major) and the Hunting Dogs (Canes Venatici) around. Arcuturus is the 'bearkeeper' in Greek and is the brightest star in the northern hemisphere sky. In cosmology Aruturus and the beings from there are Angelic and also assist humanity with healing, especially the mind and emotions.OCTOBER 22, 23 - ORIONIDS METEOR SHOWER.The Orionids is an average shower producing up to 20 meteors per hour at its peak. It is produced by dust grains left behind by comet Halley, which has been known and observed since ancient times. The shower runs annually from October 2 to November 7. It peaks this year on the night of October 21 and the morning of October 22. This will be an excellent year for the Orionids because there will be no moon to interfere with the show. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Orion, but can appear anywhere in the sky.OCTOBER 23rd, 24th SCORPIO NEW MOON 0.24 degrees PARTIAL SOLAR ECLIPSEFIRST LIGHT TIME NZ 24th 10.45am  eclipse 10.57am AUST EST 24th 8.45am eclipse 8.57am GMT/UTC 23rd    9.45pm eclipse 9.57pmThe Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth.The New Moon is always the time to go within, to the inner planes and parts of us that are hidden, it is also the seed of the new beginning. The Moon and Sun are one at a New Moon so it is a powerful time of union on all levels and with the inner male and female also. In Scorpio we can delve deep into our inner most fears, darkness and beauty, merging all through our heart in love.All parts of us that are poisoned are able to be seen and embraced in love and unity. As we do this the blessings illuminate all creation as duality is embraced, acceptance takes place and the phoenix rises from the ashes. Read also about the Moon as the Final InitiationThe New Moon and Sun in Scorpio with the Partial Solar Eclipse will certainly expose the hidden agendas even further as the New Sun codes are triggered by the Moon blocking the Sun and then coming out of the shadow to full light.Eclipses are deeply connected to the evolution of consciousness. As astronomical events their appearance has always been an essential time for initiates and for awakened humanities work with the Councils of Light, Celestial Beings and Prime Creator. Eclipses herald and initiate transformation into the Higher Light Octaves and reunite light and dark, while creating a shadow - a cone of power- that can heal as well as destroy. A Solar Eclipse of the Sun only occurs when the Moon is new, and when it is between the Earth and the Moon. This occurs because of the variations in the Moons orbit and its shadow is sometimes longer and its distance from the Earth shorter, this is when we have an eclipse. These are important openings or doorways as the Sun, Moon and Earth are aligned. The Golden Solar Beings use these times to infuse heightened Solar vibrations to the Earth. A Solar Eclipse affects the inner transformation as well as the outer manifestation, channelled either for destruction or creation, the choice is ours.A partial Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon covers only a part of the Moon, sometimes resembling a bite taken out of a cookie. A partial solar eclipse can only be safely observed with a special solar filter or by looking at the Sun's reflection. The partial eclipse will be visible throughout most of Canada and North and Central America. See at http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/OH/OH2014.htmlAt this New Moon and Solar Eclipse the light is shone on our deep hidden fears of survival and how we are operating here on Earth. Fear or Love? It’s all on now to embrace those fears in love and let go the fear of death and resistance to life. The hard word has been put on us if we have not already accepted and loved these very human fears. Also the fear of being so vulnerable on this planet; Mother Earth is showing us that our real security is not by being on this little rock spinning around in space, with mostly space within her and us as well, she shows us that it is all transparent, one with all creation and we can let go and flow. Being our multi-dimensional self means we are no longer trapped in the limitations of duality and density, and fear is what keeps us dense. Our Mother is a Sun now and so are we, so time to Be it.As we connect deep through the Scorpio Eclipse shadow energies the worlds and dimensions, the civilisations and light cities that are in other dimensions but part of our story, and where we often have unresolved experiences, and out of balance holograms are becoming easily available to us to unify. As we breathe through all the densities and dimensions with a fresh new breath. The phoenix rises through the dimensional overlays and through all the worlds of experience that we have danced in the duality game. The light from our solar self and the love that radiates through from our collective hearts, and individual hearts, merges the filaments and fabric of realms, as they unify through the void, transparent and in harmony. A wonderful time to complete the duality dance in all the worlds we have played in.Have a fire at the beach or lake, river and bathe in the water to cleanse and purify you energy field.OCTOBER 27th DIAMOND DOORWAY OF MU, CLEANSING THE PACIFIC OF RADIATIONThe Pacific Ocean is now full of radiation from Fukushima. The media mention hardly anything about this but it’s a fact, this is not to generate fear but that we can transmute the radiation. Everything is divine and we are one with it all, including radiation. There is so much radiation on this planet now, not only from Fukushima but Chenyovl and other nuclear blasts on land and in the oceans so there is no point freaking out about a reality that has been with us for a long time now. The ancient Mu doorway is open and here to assist from the great Diamond.On 19th January 2004 a dimensional doorway opened on the equator at 0 degrees latitude and 161 degrees longitude and is an equaliser of the poles while the Solar Flares are activating the consciousness so the poles do not move too radically. This dimensional doorway has been open since Lemurian (MU) times but was dormant for aeons and has been reactivated in these recent years.  On 10th January 2007 the dimensional doorways opened in Antarctic and the Arctic. This brought stability to the axis and as we raise our light octaves and become the Diamond we are, we become the dimensional doorway, holding Light through all the dimensions and right into the densest levels of being in a body on Earth. There is a huge Diamond at this doorway about 150km in circumference that we are invited to connect with to assist in the transmutation of radiation in the waters.Not just the Pacific Ocean but all waters worldwide.Connect first, then connecting into the Diamond within your heart and experience the multi-prismed, multi-dimensional facets of Light you are, aware of yourself through all worlds and dimensions, One with the Diamond Light Matrix , one with all life. You are the Diamond, the vortex, the Goddess/God, Light Being and Doorway of your love and radiant divine light that creates life. Now take yourself into the great Diamond, you have been invited by the guardian there, aware of linking with all other humans who are connected in this task, as well as all the Divine Beings, Goddesses and Gods and Light Beings who are with us and here to assist us.With your intention to love the radiation, as it is one with all life and ask that it be transmuted into a form of energy that supports all life. Make whatever tones and sounds you feel guided from within to do,and also ask for yourself to be cleansed so that your atoms and molecules are clear and support your life/light in your physical body and energy bodies as well.You may wish to continue connecting through the great Diamond; with awareness that all is on,e and divine love transmuting the radiation on the land, in the humans, plants, animals etc. Always have the intention that all is done in Divine Will, so that we do not interfere in anyway with souls that need these experiences for their growth.Please see on my website under Diamond Light Workbook available in pdf as well as book form posted.OCTOBER 31st BELTANE in the Southern Hemisphere, SAMHAIN, HALLOWE'EN in the Northern Hemisphere.THE SUMMER OR WINTER QUARTER IN THE CELTIC CALENDAR - the first day of Summer in the Southern Hemisphere and the first day of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere.BELTANE IN THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHEREThe show of flowers, the summer festival of warmth and fertility, celebrated in Celtic times with a fire on the hilltops. A time of fertility of the Goddess and also the God, yang Sun energy, Fire Festival.IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE IT IS SAMHAIN, EARTH FESTIVAL AND THE WITCHING TIME, HALLOWE'EN.Sacred to the Divine child, to earth and to the death of the old and birth of the new, it is the winter quarter where vegetation dies and thanks is given to Mother Earth for the abundant gifts that will re-show in the Spring. As the longer night draws in time for rest and recuperation is honored through ceremony.The witch's New Year and the time when the veil between the two worlds is thin, we can move easily through the worlds and into the darkness of the womb. A day of dimensional shifts, divination and immortality. Permission is given to copy and redistribute these Cosmic Events on the trust that the contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author and it is freely distributed.Copyright ©  2014  Soluntra King PO Box 11 Whakatane, Bay of Plenty. 3158  New Zealand. soluntra@evenstarcreations.com www.evenstarcreations.comSee More

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