
Sonja Myriel added a discussion to the group Evenstar Creations...Soluntra King

COSMIC EVENTS for June, July, August

Dear radiant one, may you be blessed with the connection to the source within you, to your peace, love and joy as you shine your light so bright. Below I have the Cosmic Events for the next three months as I am off to the Himalayas for the next Stargate Opening and other missions. I will be home the end of July and still be able to check emails if you wish to get essences or books etc, but it may just take a little while longer to reply at times. I am sure you are still finding the energies intense, and that a lot more old out of balance holograms, programme, patterns and issues have been coming up to be embraced in love and acceptance by you. It’s been quite a healing time, but since the New Moon in Gemini on Thursday morning or Wednesday depending where you live, a beautiful cleanse is taking place with rejuvenating revitalising energy.Wishing you a wonderful Solstice and if you wish to connect in with us at Lake Tsmororiri, Himalayas in Ladakh for the Solstice and Stargate opening then it will be wonderful to work with you on the inner planes. May you enjoy all the grace and blessings. If you are feeling a bit stuck with it all, than see under Unity on the menu bar on my website for links to help. In the Love of the One Heart, Soluntra Soluntra King www.evenstarcreations.comLATEST WORKSHOPS AND EVENTS BENGALURU INDIA DIAMOND LIGHT, NEW SUN AND STAR BODY REALITY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 19th AND 20th JULY TWO DAYS OF TRANSFORMATION, IN UNION WITH YOUR HIGHER DIMENSIONAL SELF Through the Great Shift we are experiencing our physical body and cells aligning through all the Suns of Creation, through the Galactic Heart and stillness as we become the Earth Star Walkers. Being in our fifth dimensional body on Earth right now, there is no separation. We create the New Earth of harmony, love and peace through our open heart. The New Solar System and stars are illuminating us through the heart of the galaxy and creating within us a whole new Light Body, awakening us to unlimited possibilities. FOR MORE INFORMATIONSINGAPORE DNA ACTIVATION AWAKENING THE LIGHT CODES OF YOUR DIVINE SELF AT TAMPINES SINGAPORE THURSDAY EVENING JULY 24th with Soluntra KingAs we open up more to the fact we are Light we activate the light codes held within us. At the level of our self as a Creator Goddess God creating Heaven on Earth we have simply awakened our remembrance of who we truly are. This can be assisted by activating the light codes that have lain dormant until now in this age of light we are ready to awaken and own our divine connection within to the source and creator of all that is. In this evening we will be working with light and sound in the form of mandalas of DNA activations and their sound codes. As well as deep inner meditations and connections to your soul self to connect more fully to the divine aspects of self and all life in oneness and divine love. With new DNA and RNA activations as well as from Soluntra’s; the ‘Light Code Activation’, ‘Diamond Light’ and ‘Living Light’ book. FOR MORE INFORMATION please see under workshops on www.evenstarcreations.com AUSTRALIA THE LAST STARGATE OPENINGJOURNEY THE INNER AND OUTER PLANES AT BUNYA MOUNTAINS, SOUTH EAST QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA SATURDAY NOVEMBER 1st to MONDAY NOVEMBER 3rd with Soluntra KingThis is the last of five Stargates and where I was downloaded with the mission in August last year. Bunya Mountains has a Starmap in the landscape and Light City from the Second Cycle that we will be working with and is a doorway for the Light ships to come through easily. For us to have higher dimensional experiences and enhance our work in the bigger picture. A place where the Heavens meet the Earth and perfect for the last Stargate opening. With the union of the un-manifest universe with the manifest, through the Void and stillness within, the Stargate opens it up for the New Earth, higher dimensional Earth and ourselves to exist and integrate fully now with the third dimensional realm. We are the Stargate and it is through our love, inner peace and stillness that we move through. We are the Beam Holders, the calm in the centre of the storm that still swirls around at present, as we move through this transition time and we open to our Higher Heart and Divine Blueprint. FOR MORE INFORMATION please see under workshops on www.evenstarcreations.comLINKS TO ARTICLES ON STARGATES Stargates, Teleporting with Stargates, We are the Stargate and the first Stargate Opening in Scotland. The Second Stargate Opening at Lake Taupo New Zealand The Third Stargate opening at East Gippsland Australia The Five Stargates, overview and participants experiences. COSMIC EVENTS FOR JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST JUNEJUNE 7 CONJUNCTION OF THE MOON AND MARS. The Moon will pass within two degrees of the planet Mars in the evening sky. The gibbous moon will be at magnitude -12.2 and Mars will be at magnitude -0.8. Look for both objects in the western sky just after sunset. The pair will be visible in the evening sky for about 6 hours after sunset.JUNE 13 SAGITTARIUS FULL MOON 22.05 DEGREES FIRST LIGHT TIME 4.12PM   AUST EST  2.12PM   GMT/UTC 4.12AM http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html This is the third powerful Full Moon in the year after the Wesak Full Moon, this is the Full Moon of Goodwill for all humanity. The Full Moon is a time of completion and celebration, and when the Sun and the Moon are opposite. The Full Moon in Sagittarius is a time of focusing on the spiritual aspects and higher learning and wisdom, coupled with the fact of it being the Goodwill Full Moon we can focus on seeing/knowing all humanity in a state of peace, divinity and wisdom within themselves and all beings. The Sagittarius/Gemini polarity is also a very out there type of energy so a good time to be with others and have fun. Something we are learning now is that to be spiritual does not mean to be serious, but rather to express our joy; the energies of the full moon can enhance this. So rather than getting caught up in what's wrong and thinking it needs to be fixed, which is an illusion, as all is already whole and divine, rather see the joy and love in all beings and start to play more. With the Sun in Gemini we have the twin aspects celebrating co-operation in unison, the individual parts remain unique but are now able to align in the polarization of the Sagittarius Full Moon as it shoots straight to the heart. Time to celebrate our diversity in oneness, it is a great time for a party or to be the radiant Light that you are. Gratitude for the blessings of our life and the abundance we are and share in joy and love. This full moon is always a powerful one and assists us to connect deep into the inner realms of Light and unity.JUNE 15 STAR ALIGNMENT OF ACHERNAR BRIGHTEST STAR IN ERIDANI A star alignment is when the star or star constellation in question is aligned back into the earth plane in harmony with us. The Ancients knew the importance of the Star Alignments; as above, so below, and star-mapped the Earth by building conduits to anchor the energy with pyramids, standing stones, stone circles, temples and oblique’s that held and aligned the particular stellar energies with the Central Sun in the core of the Earth, the Earth, and Heavens as harmony and abundance reigned. When we choose to go deeper into density and with the end of the last Golden Age and the Earth shifted then the star alignments also went out of synch. The stars have also moved since that time and so now with the return of the Golden Age, the star alignments are now happening again, anchoring that energy onto the earth plane and core of the Earth. Eridanus is the longest constellation in the sky and has a multitude of stars, it possesses only one bright one, Achernar, whose name means 'Mouth of the River'. The star essence I made from it is: ACHERNAR - ERIDANUS  “I am the attunement to your Divine Self. I am the music of your soul that flows eternal”.  The energy and blessings of this star aligning now with the denser realms, and through us into the earth plane is a another symbol of how we, as a collective, are now ready to open up to our I am, Divine Self fully. The doorway is open for humanity to choose to flow with the cosmic forces in love and openness, allowing, surrendering and being in divine will. Trusting the process and the inner connection to Source, at peace within. We are being blessed with this beautiful starlight to strengthen our inner connection and be ready for the Stargate Opening at the Solstice. JUNE 17 STAR ALIGNMENT OF WEGA BRIGHTEST STAR IN LYRA A star alignment is when the star or star constellation in question is aligned back into the earth plane in harmony with us. The Ancients knew the importance of the Star Alignments; as above, so below, and star-mapped the Earth by building conduits to anchor the energy with pyramids, standing stones, stone circles, temples and oblique’s that held and aligned the particular stellar energies with the Central Sun in the core of the Earth, the Earth, and Heavens as harmony and abundance reigned. When we choose to go deeper into density and with the end of the last Golden Age and the Earth shifted then the star alignments also went out of synch. The stars have also moved since that time and so now with the return of the Golden Age, the star alignments are now happening again, anchoring that energy onto the earth plane and core of the Earth. Wega is the brightest star in the constellation of Lyra and is the prism that we came through, from the Source and unified matrix and into in this Galaxy. It was the very first star essence I made and just told me “I am Light” I never used brandy or anything to keep the water from going stagnate it just stayed clear. I made a second essence of it in 2011; WEGA, NEW PARADIGM ESSENCE Light way of the soul; for the new light codes and light that is with us now. The Wega light essence streams through the cells and bodies to create a diamond window of unlimited facets that can be accessed when the soul is ready. This is a lot higher frequency than the WEGA, “I am Light” essence made in 1990 that is still totally valid to assist one to be ready for the heightening light energies. Having also worked a lot with the Wegan Living Library of Light that is anchored at Magnetic Island Queensland Australia on the physical plane. Wega is aligning again in yet another upgrade of higher octave light codes and in preparation for the Stargate Opening.JUNE 20th POLARIS CONJUNCT THE SUN 28 degrees Gemini in Alpha Ursae Minor opposite the Galactic Centre. Polaris is marking the North Celestial Pole and will be closest to it in 2100AD, then it will start to move away. It is sighted on this day before the Sun and is opposite the Galactic Centre so good opportunity to go within, to the Source within you. Into the stillness and silence and to be open to inner guidance. For those who are conscious of moving through dimensional worlds a doorway is open to move through the Source point of the prism and into what you are Co-creating.THE SOLSTICE The North Pole of the earth will be tilted toward the Sun, which will have reached its northernmost position in the sky and will be directly over the Tropic of Cancer at 23.44 degrees north latitude. This is the first day of summer (summer solstice) in the northern hemisphere and the first day of winter (winter solstice) in the southern hemisphere. WINTER SOLSTICE - SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE  SUN INTO CANCER JUNE 21st 10.50pm NZ AUST EST 8.50pm       The Winter Solstice is when the Sun again turns Northward in the Southern Hemisphere, after having reached its furthermost southern declination. At the Winter Solstice the Divine Light reaches the inner most centre of the globe, there it remains for four days, impregnating the Earth with its Life. It is the birth of the Sun, and creates a new growth cycle, the Earth and all beings are made ready for a fresh beginning. It is a time when a great amount of Cosmic energy is given to us to heighten our vibrations and expand our awareness, through the new Sun. Each year the energy is increased as we awaken and attain our fulfilment. The Sun is within our heart and so our Solar Self is Divine Love. At the Summer Solstice we started our inner journey and purification, now we are completing and ready to step into the new and heightened frequencies through the Sun, Central Sun, and Greater Central Sun as all the cycles are now merging in alignment of the Suns. As we step into the Golden Cycle by being our Solar Self.  SUMMER SOLSTICE - NORTHERN HEMISPHERE  SUN INTO CANCER    JUNE 21st 10.50am GMT/UTC http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html      The Summer Solstice is when the life force and creativity of nature climax. What budded in youth has now blossomed into maturity, nature attains its peak of perfection, the transformation has been accomplished. The Solar Rays are at their peak, the Light that permeated the core of the Earth at the Winter Solstice is now radiating fully through the Earth and through all of nature. The Summer Solstice is a time when the Light has been brought back from the core of the Earth and all is illuminated, a celebration of life and the bounty, grace and abundance that is given to us from the Sun. Be open to the joy of the Solar Rays illuminating from the New Sun as the doorway was opened at the June Solstice in 2001 and now it is time to move fully into the level of your divinity at the level of the Sun, your unified aspects in the heightened love of yourself as a Co-Creator. At the Solstice the RA Light coming through from the Suns and Source is illuminating your Sun within and physical immortality, body of LIGHT with lots of light codes being awakened in us at this Solstice. On this day of the Sun polarizing with Earth either the furthest or the closet to Earth depending on what hemisphere you live, it is also opening a doorway through the dimensional worlds. On the March Equinox 2010 the dimensional worlds merged with our third dimensional Earth and our third dimensional selves. This was a huge event and has created a new light body, the Iridescent Light Body at 33,000 strands of DNA. Now at this Solstice when the Councils of Light through the Greater Central Sun sit and utilize the doorway opening this brings, we are given the opportunity to embrace and awaken more fully our dimensional selves and unify with them. You may be aware of some of your dimensional aspects right now and of course in the Bigger Picture and Lore of One we are all of them. On our journey to wholeness we are remembering the light codes we have always carried and that have lain dormant as they awaken at our own pace and soul journey with our RNA and DNA strands. With this Solstice an exhilaration of consciousness is happening; and you are able to access and awaken the light codes of very useful multi-dimensional aspects of self, that will assist you in not only your own ascension process of Being your divine self but all humanity and creation. At this Solstice give yourself the gift of a day somewhere special to you and where you can commune within easily, whether it’s in nature, at a major vortex, in a temple or at home in your sanctuary. You can awaken your remembrance of the Creator Goddess God you are in the bigger picture and beyond. Because of your dedication to your soul growth and awakened light body you assist all creation and have always been connected to your higher dimensional aspects and they have guided your progress. Now you can activate the light codes still dormant that have just given you glimpses until now and bringing you into the hyper-dimensional realms of no time and space, where you are beyond all limitations that have been placed on you by yourself and the old paradigm Earth dramas. As you take your place in the Councils of Light and realms of Creation that see the Big Picture and allow you to hold the light codes through all worlds and dimensions and into the realms of matter for the union that is taking place. Connect to the Suns at the time of the Solstice as well as sunrise, noon, sunset and midnight on the 21st. Be open to what is occurring with the cyclic shift as you go deeper into the peace within and allow yourself to be the beam holding the energies within you. Be open to yourself as a golden being in the Council of Light and as an anchor and vessel for the union of Heaven and Earth. One with the Inner Earth Sun, Sun, Central and Second Suns, Greater Central Sun. JUNE 23 STARGATE OPENING AT LAKE TSMORORIRI, LADAKH, INDIAN HIMALAYAS Since the Big Shift, December 2012 when we moved through the Galactic Plane as a solar system and within our hearts, we are now able to access the stillness within and the void much easier, as we unify the dimensions through us and form and non-form, the manifest and un-manifest. As we become one with the all that is, still in a physical body as it transmutes into higher frequencies at a sub atomic level. We transcend the limitations of the illusion and move beyond the duality dramas and worlds. We are now the Beam Holder that is the calm in any storm and shines so much light as the Sun that we are creating heaven on earth, the New Earth now. Read more about Stargates here, you might wish to connect with us at Lake Tsmoroiri on the inner planes.JUNE 27   CANCER NEW MOON 5.37 degrees NZ FIRST LIGHT TIME 8.09pm AUST EST 6.09pm  GMT/UTC  8.09am http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. The New Moon is always the time to go within, to the inner planes and parts of us that are hidden, it is also the seed of the new beginning. The Moon and Sun are one at a New Moon so it is a powerful time of union on all levels and with the inner male and female also. In Cancer there is awareness of nurturing and holding dear to your heart yourself in all ways and so all others. Spend time on looking at ways to nurture yourself and your environment kindly and lovingly. Utilising your compassion and kindness for all in your life especially children, those less fortunate and animals, insects, birds, plants, all creation. Give yourself time to nurture you also and spend time going within in this New Moon to rest and revitalise, regroup and relax. The Cancer energies are asking of us to be open to the joy of the unconditional love that nurtures and connects us all. With the new energies to go within and focus on what you are creating and wish to create in the higher dimensional Earth, that is formed through your love and focus, and grounded now as this doorway from the higher realms illuminates your heart.  No longer able to hold onto the attachments we have used to make us feel secure, there is now so much Liquid Light Plasma moving through our energy systems that we can let go on a physical, emotional, mental, spiritual level the old attachments and hooks that have kept us trapped in the webs of our own fears and control. Read also about the Moon as the Final InitiationJULYJULY 2 THE ELEMENTALS ARE CALLING FOR A HEALING OF THE LAND AND NATURE Too long has most of humanity ignored these beings that without them we could not live here as they support our integrated wholeness with all and our ability to survive in the physical realm. In more recent times especially in the materially developed world we have bulldozed, detonated, fracked, and dumped toxins in their space, displaced them and created much dis-ease in our own body’s and disharmonious living. They know there are many more conscious people now and so ask to be aware on of them on this day.      Elementals are present in places and objects, as well as our body for good and negative reasons. If there are Elementals causing mischief in a person or a place it is because they need help and are trapped and traumatised. By simply asking them what they need to help them go to where they belong, and then giving it to them visually or with your intention, which is just as real to them as if you were giving someone a physical object, they will be free to go back to their own dimension. Some times they are not traumatised, but are actually with you to help you understand other energies, as well as nature, your journey and other spaces. So be open to what they say to you. Go within and get a sense if it feels there are any in you or at your place. If so do they feel trapped and traumatised or are they on a mission and want your attention? Can they assist you with a health problem or im-balance in your mind or life that you are experiencing? Hopefully by taking time to be with them on this day, you will have more awareness of other beings that co-exist with us form now on and be able to work with them not against them.The Elementals also run the weather and so honouring them and working in divine will means they will always support you with the perfect weather for whatever it is you do. I always experience this, especially when I take groups on journeys and its too difficult for people to have to deal with extreme elements and hold the energy as we work outside, so they open a window even if it has been rough. I used to ask the rain to come or go once as where I lived was very dry at times and the trees would almost be dead, I was the guardian of that land so had the right to ask. It would take only about 15 minutes and suddenly clouds would appear and it would be a decent rain. Once it kept raining and I realised I could ask it to stop and it did. But that was a long time ago and now I just trust completely and allow, knowing that it is all perfect, and at that time too I knew not to interfer in the drought that was on in Queensland. It was a purification and so none of my business, there are always bigger reasons for things. The Elementals also assist us to travel the waves and waters, I have experience that two across lakes travelling in record time. They are our friends and we co-create the New Earth together with them and all the other beautiful beings and creatures we live within in all dimensions. The elementals are able to connect with us very easily as we have the elements within us and are one with nature. The Devas of plants and trees are considered elementals as well. They are the guardains as it were of a particular tree type or plant and we can hug and send love to a tree and it will go though and connect with all the other trees. Enjoy this special day and may you always have awareness of the elementals and other beings and live in peace together.7th JULY SIRIUS DAY, ANCIENT EGYPTIAN NEW YEAR This is the day that Sirius is sighted rising before the Sun. In ancient Egypt it was 23rd July (fixed stars move also) and heralded the yearly induration of water from the Nile to fertilise and water the crops and it was the start of the New Year. The Sirian dolphins also return to their home on this day. The star essence I made of SIRIUS 'Magic Awakening of our Origins. Clarity of Understanding, and to release the resistance'.8th JULY  CANOPUS CONJUNCT THE SUN  14 degrees Cancer This means Canopus is sighted before the Sun on this day. Canopus is the brightest star in the constellation of Carina, the second brightest star in the sky and used for navigation of spacecraft. The star essence I made of it is;  “I AM LIFE - the embodiment of spirit into matter”.JULY 12  CAPRICORN FULL MOON 20.03 degrees NZ FIRST LIGHT TIME 11.25pm  AUST EST 9.25pm GMT/UTC  11:25am http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html The Moon is directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and seen as fully illuminated from Earth. The Full Moon is a time of completion and celebration. The Moon in Capricorn with Sun in Cancer is all about the structures, work and goals you make in regards your life, security and home. Are you focused on merely your insecurities about how you live or are you ready to break through your limitations and adapt to the every changing world. Are your goals merely for the little you or are they for the initiate you, the co-creator who is here creating Heaven on Earth? You have the cosmic energies with you to start moving into the bigger picture of your purpose on Earth and what you are here to achieve from the level of yourself as a Co-creator., from the personal family, home and life to the greater family of humanity and your home the planet Earth. This Full Moon is one of divine love and unity consciousness with the serpent life force energy very prevalent in this energy. We will be given another download of light codes that will be assisting us to flow with our life force more freely as your kundalini and chakras, DNA and all the cells nuclei are illuminated with the cosmic rays coming at this time from our higher aspects in the higher octaves of Light. Before bed put out your intention to be open to the light codes that are already within you, that are being activated at this time. That you are able to ground, integrate and utilize these light codes for your highest potential in your own life and selfless service to the whole in ease, flow, grace and peace. Read also about the Moon as the Final Initiation13th JULY   CASTOR CONJUNCT THE SUN  20 degrees Cancer  This means Castor is sighted before the Sun on this day. Castor is the brightest star in Gemini and the twin of Pollux. Castor was the mortal twin, Pollux immortal, Castor was killed and Pollux asked to be killed with him, Zeus put them in the heavens. Castor is now the doorway to immortality. The star essence I made of it is; “I am JOY, The spontaneity and life of Joy, in ever increasing waves. Alive and fully in Life. Youthful and Radiant each moment, each molecule, each world you exist with, are, is joy, alive, radiant, transformed and accepted in its Divine expression, everlasting life, wonderment and freedom, dancing with life – enjoy”.16th JULY   STAR ALIGNMENT OF ALTAIR A star alignment is when the star or star constellation in question is aligned back into the earth plane in harmony with us. The Ancients knew the importance of the Star Alignments; as above, so below, and star-mapped the Earth by building conduits to anchor the energy with pyramids, standing stones, stone circles, temples and oblique’s that held and aligned the particular stellar energies with the Central Sun in the core of the Earth, the Earth, and Heavens as harmony and abundance reigned. When we choose to go deeper into density and with the end of the last Golden Age and the Earth shifted then the star alignments also went out of synch. The stars have also moved since that time and so now with the return of the Golden Age, the star alignments are now happening again, anchoring that energy onto the earth plane and core of the Earth. ALTAIR being in the constellation of AQUILA the Eagle; companion of Jupiter who often carried his thunderbolts 'I am spirit flying straight for my home'. The star essence I made is "I AM THE STILL POINT OF THE SPIRIT' Matter into spirit, spirit into matter the seventh point of the six pointed star, perfection, completion, the Heart of the Cosmos". Altair aligned October 27th 2013 with the first Stargate Opening in Scotland and now again giving us more opportunities to go deeper into the stillness, where all is manifest, taking us into the vastness of our being and at peace within and with all others and creation.16th JULY   POLLUX CONJUNCT THE SUN  23 degrees Cancer This means Pollux is sighted before the Sun on this day. Pollux is the second brightest star in Gemini and the twin of Castor.PROCYON CONJUNCT THE SUN  19th JULY   25 degrees Cancer This means Procyon is sighted before the Sun on this day. Procyon is the brightest star in Canis Minor. In Greek Procyon means ‘before the dog’ as Canis Major and Minor are the two dogs of Orion the hunter and Procyon is sighted before Sirius, the big dog constellation, Procyon being the small dog. The star essence I made is "Blessed are you, oh one of the Light for you are free to Dance in Eternal Delight.' “I AM DIVINE INTERVENTION”.JULY 26/27 LEO NEW MOON 3.51 degrees FIRST LIGHT TIME 27th 10.42am AUST EST 8.42am  GMT/UTC 26th JULY 10.42pm http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html We finish just as the New Moon comes in to show us the way of our new life and body through the heart and love that we are.  In Leo we are opening our heart and aligning with divine will, trusting and surrendering in unconditional love. Allowing ourself to be from our Source within as the Sun is also in Leo we are going into deeper depths of our love and given the opportunity to come from the radiant Sun of our true self to unify and love our pain that comes from believing in separation. We illuminate from our heart, from the radiant Sun of our true self as it illuminates our physical body and every cell opens to its divinity. As it illuminates out into our Etheric Body, our Emotional Bodies, our Mental Bodies, out through our Spiritual Bodies as we are One Body of Light from the Source within us. Read also about the Moon as the Final InitiationJULY 28/29  SOUTHERN DELTA AQUARIDS METEOR SHOWER. The Delta Aquarids can produce about 20 meteors per hour at their peak. It is produced by debris left behind by comets Marsden and Kracht. The shower runs annually from July 12 to August 23. It peaks this year on the night of July 28 and morning of July 29. This should be a great year for this shower because the thin crescent moon will set early in the evening leaving dark skies for what should a good show. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Aquarius, but can appear anywhere in the sky. From http://www.seasky.org/astronomy/astronomy-calendar-2014.htmlAUGUST2nd AUGUST THE SPRING OR AUTUMN QUARTER IN THE CELTIC CALENDAR. IN THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE IT IS THE CANDLEMAS FESTIVAL OR THE RETURNING LIGHT; IMBOLC, THE ELEMENT OF WATER. The Spring quarter and the coming of fertility and crops. The growth aspect of the Goddess, the quickening Goddess. A time for woman, birthing ceremonies and the veneration of the Holy Wells. IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE IT IS LAMMAS, FIRST FRUIT FESTIVAL; LUGNASAD, THE ELEMENT OF AIR.  The Autumn Festival when the crops are harvested, the second quarter of the year waning to midwinter and contemplation of death. A time of remembrance and the sacred union of female and male. AUGUST 5 YOU THE STARGATE There is a great vortex doorway opening in the heavens, through this galaxy and beyond, that is opening in you. As infinite as you allow, into total surrender and beyond understanding in allowing, trusting and Being. With the five Stargate Openings occurring, one left at Bunya Mountains, Queensland in November. They are opening the stargate doorway within, as above as below, the Stargate unifies Heaven and Earth through you. Your heart opens wide and you fly through the dimensions as creation unfolds more profoundly than ever, as you experience just what your heart desires. ON THIS DAY Enjoy your connection, and alignment through the centre of you the centre of the Galaxy as the Suns all align right through your cells and heavens all one. Aware of the great vortex of heavenly energies through universe, worlds and dimensions, beyond knowing and into oneness with the all that is. You go deeper through the stillness and void, the union within you.AUGUST 10/11  AQUARIUS FULL MOON 28.10 degrees FIRST LIGHT TIME 11th 5.52am AUST EST 3.52am   GMT/UTC 5.52pm 10th August http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html The moon is directly opposite the earth from the sun and seen as fully illuminated from earth. The full moon is a time of completion and celebration, in Aquarius we can create new ways of thinking and being. We are given the opportunity to look at others and the world in love and as a sister/brotherhood, we are all one. We can use this loving energy to create new ways of being for our self, moving beyond the limitations of duality and separation. Where in our own life can we create a more unified, humanitarian approach to the way we are and what we do? As we unify our greatest service to humanity is in our being-ness as we become the example of true love and acceptance of all and are free to create exciting new ways of living, working and co-creating. We create heaven on earth through our love and unified essence of being. Take advantage of the wonderful full moon Aquarius energies to celebrate the shifts that we have made and our embracing of the new earth and golden cycle. Read also about the moon as the final initiation AUGUST 12/13  Perseids Meteor Shower. The Perseids is one of the best meteor showers to observe, producing up to 60 meteors per hour at their peak. It is produced by comet Swift-Tuttle, which was discovered in 1862. The Perseids are famous for producing a large number of bright meteors. The shower runs annually from July 17 to August 24. It peaks this year on the night of August 12 and the morning of August 13. The waning gibbous moon will block out some of the meteors this year, but the Perseids are so bright and numerous that it should still be a good show. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Perseus, but can appear anywhere in the sky. From http://www.seasky.org/astronomy/astronomy-calendar-2014.htmlAUGUST 18 CONJUNCTION OF VENUS AND JUPITER. Conjunctions are rare events where two or more objects will appear extremely close together in the night sky. The two bright planets will come unusually close to each other, only a quarter of a degree, in the early morning sky. Also, the beehive cluster in the constellation Cancer will be only 1 degree away. Look to the east just before sunrise. From http://www.seasky.org/astronomy/astronomy-calendar-2014.htmlAUGUST 22 WORLD HEALING DAY This is a day for a link up of hearts and consciousness. Please see www.worldhealing.co.uk for more details. The most powerful form of healing is to see and acknowledge the person, country, world as already healed, whole, loving and at peace. By doing this we connect through our divine Source within us to all others and move beyond duality and fear seeing the divine reality that really exists and so allowing the person, country, world to be it.AUGUST 23 REGULUS  CONJUNCT THE SUN    30 Degrees Leo This means Regulus is sighted before the Sun on this day. Regulus is the brightest star in constellation of Leo and the Sphinx was aligned to it in the Age of Leo opposite Aquarius. The star essence is; “I am the bounty and abundance of God’s glory and gifts, a heart full of Divine Love and Joy, the eternal flow from Source. The return of your strength through love, your Golden Self and the Golden Age, the light of Source illuminates and aligns you”.AUGUST 25/26  VIRGO NEW MOON 2.18 degrees FIRST LIGHT TIME 26th 2.13am   AUST EST 12.13am   GMT/UTC 2.13pm 25th August The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. The New Moon is always the time to go within, to the inner planes and parts of us that are hidden, it is also the seed of the new beginning. The Moon and Sun are one at a New Moon so it is a powerful time of union on all levels and with the inner male and female also. Read also about the Moon as the Final Intitation In Virgo we get the opportunity to go within to work on our health on all levels and it is a good time to make steps towards doing some positive things for your body and well being. Virgo is also of service and where we serve our self and others lovingly and from the purity of our heart? In the esoteric sense it is also the Christ energy so with the Sun and Moon both in Virgo you can access your divine self, the selfless being who has no agenda but pure Being.Much can be achieved on this New Moon in your journey to unity, selfless service, surrender and peace within and for all creation. Open to your Celestial home and allow yourself to be open to your Hearts hidden depths and the Source where your essence gains its sustenance. Know that you are not alone but one with all creation, allow yourself to flow freely through all your filaments of Light and for the Light of your true self to radiate through your being. This is also a time to do any deep inner healing and to love unconditionally yourself and all beings. Gaining compassion and a sense of selflessness in loving service to humanity by being the divine aspect you are from within. In order to really serve humanity and have compassion for others we need to be from our divine self and see it in all humanity, as a living Christ seeing yourself and others as already healed and divine. AWARENESS OF THE NEW EARTH With the energies of the Sun and Moon in Virgo the Earth Goddess and nurturer, time of new seeds planted or harvest depending on what hemisphere you live. The time of bounty and abundance of the gifts our mother gives, with gratitude in our hearts we open the doorway to the New Earth. There have been many light workers and light beings working to anchor the New Earth for many years now, and it is here for all of us, but the doorway is through the heart and in Love and peace. Now is the time for all humanity to awaken to the reality of the New Earth and to acknowledge that we create it right now.     See yourself there in the New Earth and how you live and function. It may seem that it’s in your future but in the stillness, in ‘No Time’ where all is manifest, it is now. You choose it with each moment; how you think, feel, act. If it’s in love and service, compassion and allowing then you are in the New Earth. If you still have trouble being in the loving essence of your true self then ask the Goddess, the Devi, the Mother to help you now to feel the love in your heart, and accept yourself in all your prisms, dimensions and worlds as you are, with unconditional love and acceptance. As you ask to feel the love in your heart and allow it to grow and shine. Please read about the New Earth At this time the energies of the Sun and Moon are utilized and infused in love vibrations from the Greater Central Sun to assist the doorway opening, this is the next step in becoming co-creators consciously creating the New Earth. How do you see the New Earth? The energies of the New Earth being higher dimensional naturally express harmony, beauty, radiance and light. Whether you are able to get to a vortex or portal for the day or in your sacred space you may wish to come on a Journey with Rainbow Dragon that assists us to awaken to the New Earth. AUGUST 29 THE DIAMOND LIGHT MATRIXFREQUENCY SHIFT The Diamond Light Matrix has been reactivated since 2009 with all the great Diamonds around the Earth, most in the oceans and lakes, some 19kms in circumference, smaller ones as well. All in the higher dimensions and placed around the Earth in the second cycle by the Sirians for this time. When we would remember our multi-dimensional self and the unlimited being we are, from the source within, the peace withinand with all creation. We are a Diamond.    The Diamond with its multi-prismed, multi-faceted, sacred geometry expresses the life force of the Universe from the Source within, the Diamond Lights of your Soul and Source. The Diamond can be utilised by us to attune us to Source within our Heart, the Diamond of the Unseen, the multi-faceted, multi-dimensional Diamond of our true essence with the filaments of Light, the Holograms of our Love that radiate rainbows of life force/light creating worlds within worlds. The Diamond allows us to experience our multi-dimensional self while still in a physical body and assists us to activate the cellular memory and DNA as we open up to our expanded awareness and purpose, our vision and clarity, inner strength and union our radiance, we are a Diamond. The Diamond which is also the shape of the octahedron allows the energy to flow from the Source through it in spiralling vortexes of life force energy/light and as it reaches the bottom apex flows back up the central channel and out the top apex surrounds the diamond/octahedron. If you do this through yourself with the centre of the diamond/octahedron at your heart chakra several times you will feel the chi/prana/life-force zinging through your body. In the bigger picture we come out of the white hole and back through the black hole and through the cross-over point into the new creation. The diamond lights are all linked in the eternal flow.Read More ON THIS DAY If you are able to; go to a place where you sense the Diamond energy, or there is a Diamond. The Diamond energy is everywhere, so where ever you are you will be in the Diamond Light Matrix. Aware of Diamonds in all of your Chakras, from Earth Star Chakra to Cosmic Gateway. Then One Chakra, then the Diamond Light through all your cells, and bodies and the ethers and earth and beyond, in your Diamond Body of Light. Aware of all the great Diamonds around the Earth and the Diamond Light Matrix that links them. You may feel guided to sing in the higher octaves, within the Diamond you are and all your facets shinning bright, and so through all the great Diamonds in the Earth and the Diamond Light Matrix… See the ‘Diamond Light illumination Workbook’ for your Diamond Light Body and much more. THE DIAMOND LIGHT SHINES BRIGHT FOR ALL TO BE AND SEE AND THE NEW SOLAR SYSTEM, STAR SYSTEMS AND STARS NOW ILLUMINATE US.AUGUST 29 NEPTUNE AT OPPOSITION. The blue giant planet will be at its closest approach to Earth and its face will be fully illuminated by the Sun. This is the best time to view and photograph Neptune. Due to its extreme distance from Earth, it will only appear as a tiny blue dot in all but the most powerful telescopes. From http://www.seasky.org/astronomy/astronomy-calendar-2014.html Permission is given to copy and redistribute these Cosmic Events on the trust that the contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author and it is freely distributed. Copyright ©  2014  Soluntra King PO Box 11 Whakatane, Bay of Plenty. 3158  New Zealand. soluntra@evenstarcreations.com  www.evenstarcreations.comSee More

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