
by Amelia Leigh & Steve Hays

“I know now that moment—that aha experience—shifted the energy into the higher structures of the brain. The prefrontal cortex was activated. I shifted out of the lower brain and into the higher brain.”

Dr. Michael Cotton, is a leading Evolutionary Theorist and the Founder of Higher Brain Living® (HBL). He has a Doctoral degree in Chiropractic, and has facilitated more than 75,000 healing or personal growth sessions. He created and developed the Higher Brain Living® system for personal and cultural transformation.

With HBL you can, he says, “Take your life and install a new operating system. Get into that empowered state, create clarity, and then take an inventory of these areas of your life.” From there we can create a strategy for change that allows our authentic self to emerge.

His unique HBL technique helps shift a surge of energy into the prefrontal cortex, awakening human potential, helping to create lasting joy, purpose and potential. Dr. Cotton has operated six Awaken Higher Brain Living™ centers and over 30 more centers are slated to be opened by new HBL facilitators this year.

Dr. Cotton will be hosting an event March 23 in San Diego from 7-9pm at www.higherbrainlivingevents.com/san-diego. The event is free if you RSVP online in advance, or $97 at the door.

How did you become interested in this field and develop Higher Brain Living?

I tried college and dropped out after the first semester with a .59 GPA. I did not think much of it, so I got a job. During work one day, I had a huge transformation. It just hit me out of nowhere. It was a spontaneous awakening. I left work and tried to figure out what had just happened. Then, I began researching the answers. I knew I had to go back to school and learn more.

I was taking 32 credits a year and acing all of my classes. I went through the doctoral program at an accelerated rate. That was not my prior academic history. I had profoundly changed. Now there were stepping-stones and tools guiding me. I began to put it all together. This sent me on a path of knowing that my life’s work was to build the human potential movement. I started experimenting with ancient techniques and old world teachings.

I then realized the missing piece for the whole field of soul development, personal transformation and human potential was in the brain physiology and our ability to change the brain. I looked at ancient healing arts and different meditation practices and wanted to see what would create a profound change in the physical brain—something to help create sustainable life changes. I broke down the brain physiology to see what was going on within a species. Was there something developmental or evolutionary happening?

What do you think created the power surge that you experienced in the factory?

It was a spontaneous awakening that sparked a passion to search for a deeper meaning to life. An epiphany came and I felt a jolt of energy: all of a sudden things were more clear. I then became more confident. It was like I was viewing myself from 50,000 feet. I was able to see the whole trajectory and had not before. I was “in it” instead of just seeing it. This all helped to create my intuitive guidance into this field. Higher Brain Living will help you make decisions based on your intuition.

Describe the process you found to be most effective at creating a transformative experience?

After researching this field and exploring the different modalities, I think this is the missing link to create a change in the brain. We are able to crack the code from ancient wisdom, and tap into energy that has been around for centuries. I have developed a specific protocol, a 22-step system that uses subtle touch. The series is comprised of 45-minute sessions. After the first treatment, people will notice a significant difference. There is a sense of purpose, passion, joy and motivation.

We cue pathways with a gentle touch. The key is in the sequencing.  It triggers a specific energy that creates a piezoelectric effect. The energy is then transferred up from your into the prefrontal cortex in brain. Inside your brain are microtubules that once ignited will swell. This releases energy and your body starts breathing through a salutogenic breath—the whole body starts to breathe. You are not taught a new way to breathe. It just flows from the inside out. Your being is being breathed.

What makes this technique different than other forms of energy healing such as Reiki, Acupuncture or EFT?

There are different models that say the same thing, Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture. The answer is that we are all looking at the same thing. We can take a western science perspective and it will show that the brain is full of microtubules. Making them piezoelectric means it has an electric charge. The microtubules are stretched in a way that creates an electric charge.   I tapped into the code that creates an effect that nudges the prefrontal cortex. It changes what has been keeping us in the lower brain.

How does the brain change into a higher state?

By moving energy from lower brain dominance to the higher part of the brain, known as the prefrontal cortex, which controls our higher reasoning abilities and enables us to unlock our potential to find meaning in our lives.

We at HBL are helping to make a change by being able to actualize the untapped energy from the primitive lower brain to the higher part of the brain. The lower part of the human brain was so dominant it was actually hijacking our higher advanced brain’s functioning.

Do you call this the subconscious?

No. I am talking more about the brain structure rather than visions or meditations. My study was to gain an understanding of anatomy. It’s consciousness versus the physical brain, and consciousness does not have to be tied to the lower part of the brain. Thinking, reacting, protecting, stress-inducing physiology was the dominant way we respond to our environment for thousands of years. Humankind processes the world from a fight or flight perspective.

The challenge is not just changing your thoughts, law of attraction techniques or meditation. I support all of them. But the truth is, the brain has to change in a way that it can receive all of these techniques and resonate on a higher level.

What prompted the “aha moment”?

That is the exact question that has led me to where I am now. I know now that moment—that aha experience—shifted the energy into the higher structures of the brain. The prefrontal cortex was activated. I shifted out of the lower brain and into the higher brain. I started looking at history, all the ancient healing systems, old world practices, and they all involved the enlightened state. Very few people were achieving these profound breakthroughs and ideas. Being able to create a new life and then sustain that new life was not happening very often. So, the old techniques do not contain the ability to the change what will happen. We already know that people have advanced states of consciousness, Samadhi or other enlightenment states, of pureness and sense of meaning. We now know that once the pre-frontal cortex has been activated, we function at a higher level.

What is great about Higher Brain Living is we can go straight to creating a change in the higher brain. The higher brain anatomy is activated by changing the brain’s morphic field. Change the brain state, and our perspective and ability to look at the world differently changes.

How do you distinguish between neurofeedback and energy activation?

Neurofeedback is a great practice and a lot of our practitioners have biofeedback training. That being said, it is completely different. Neurofeedback normalizes the brain and creates homeostasis. Our goal is to up train the brain.

Similar to peak performance training?

Exactly. This shift from lower-brain dominance to higher brain energy loosens the grip that the survival brain has on us—the destructive patterns that keep us mired in our stress-driven lives—and shifts the operational mode to the higher brain. But more than simply a physiological change, HBL clients receive the methodology and insight to create a lifelong map toward vertical personal growth.

Our brain, the hard drive, is being upgraded. Take your life and install a new operating system. Get into that empowered state, create clarity, and then take an inventory of these areas of your life.   Create a strategy to use that higher brain to make a change in all of these areas. When that happens, your authentic self starts to emerge and you can live from that place.

Have you done research on EEG baseline and then tested the after-affects?

Yes, there has been some. Several different people have done studies on higher brain living recipients and followed their progress. You wouldn’t believe the change.

There are correlates at early stages of the EEG signatures that we can associate with the higher brain changes. Research has linked brain-imaging findings to higher states of consciousness. A master’s degree level thesis in the social work department at University of Iowa has been underway for several months now to quantify how HBL influences health, wellness and the changes in mental/emotional states of being.

What exactly is changing?

There is a constant battle going on between our dominant lower brain (whose job is to keep us from being eaten by a tiger) and our dormant, higher advanced part of the brain.

The tri-brain model shows that our brains have evolved over time. We have grown from the archaic Mammalian brain, which is surrounded by the cortex. Angel Lobes, [or as I have heard it, the God parts of the brain] are activated when we have peaks or elevated states of consciousness. The potential is in there, it just needs the energy flow to light up. That high level of alpha waves coming into the pre-frontal cortex gives you feelings of empowerment, peace, serenity and ease. We also see an overlay of very fast beta waves at the same time. This is actually a very unique signature. Research has correlated EEG findings, and brain imaging findings, with higher, advanced states of consciousness.

DO you think this prefrontal cortex correlates with the chakra area?

I am not really clear. I don’t find any problem saying that the prefrontal cortex can correlate with the chakra area. We create shifts into the higher brain by applying a gentle touch to a series of precise areas. Through a certain protocol, a specific energy is created that ignites the brain and elicits a change in the brain state. The brain is creating it’s own feedback loop and recycling it’s own energy. Self-generated energy.

It brings life-sustaining oxygen and increased metabolism into the Higher Brain. This creates change for an empowering gateway to a healthier, more sustainable and happier lifestyle that allows us to fulfill our highest abilities and purpose.

For more information visit the HBL website. The event will be held at the Hilton-San Diego, Del Mar CA on Monday, March 23 from 6:30-8:30pm. (Free, if preregistered, or $97 at the door). Go to www.higherbrainlivingevents.com/san-diego to register.

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