
June 2014

By Punya Srivatsava

Dr BK Chandra Shekhar, who electrified the participants at the Delhi Expo with his unique and authentic revelations and insights, opens up about his life in an interview with Punya Srivastava


Dr BK Chandra Shekhar is energy and alertness personified. A ready smile on his face, brimming over with vitality and life force, holding himself with a military bearing, it is not hard to believe that the Divine is indeed flowing through him, as his extraordinary story will testify. There is no pretence or artifice, what you see is what you get. His earnest desire to help is evident in his interaction with a student, looking for advice and blessings for an impending exam. What followed was 60 seconds of crisp motivational advice, straight from his own experience. This reliance on his own inner knowing is at the crux of his approach. He has had the deep privilege of being afforded  many answers from the Divine, which not only inform his approach to life but have shaped the therapies and techniques that he offers the world. The knowledge he offers, therefore, has a rare freshness and power. Many have healed through his intervention of even grievous ailments like cancer.

Prior to his life as a healer, he worked for the Air Force. It was at that time that cancer engulfed him, followed by Hepatitis C. And it was in the wake of recovering from them that he had his mystical experience that transformed his life forever.  Thereafter, he founded SIGFA Solutions, propagating the power of a focussed mind. A member of the Brahma Kumaris and an avid practitioner of Raj Yoga as well as a Guinness World Record holder in speech category, Dr Chandra Shekhar is the Programme Director of Memory Development & Psycho-Neurobics in the Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University; Chennai, and Founder Director of Invisible Doctors Solutions. He has authored more than 15 books on mind, memory and healing power. He claims to have rediscovered the missing dimension of healing in medical science and psychology, which he calls Psycho Neurobics. In sum, this is a form of healing that combines mudras, colour therapy and sound. Above all, it focusses on healing the mind for he believes that without the healing of the mind, the body cannot heal. He introduced it as a healing science globally, as a tool best practiced with Raj Yoga meditation for complete healing from incurable diseases.

Following is an excerpt from the interview:

How would you sum up your philosophy of life?

My philosophy of life is very simple. It is based on giving as well as forgiving others. When we learn this art, life becomes an adventure for all of us.

Please tell us how you entered the path of spirituality.

Every spiritual path is connected to a need that someone is seeking to fulfil. During the toughest days of my life, when I was undergoing treatment for cancer, my mind was wandering around several seemingly unanswerable questions. Finding the answers to those questions was the emergence of spirituality in my life.

What were these questions and what were the answers?

The first question I asked Him was ‘Why me, God? Why did cancer happen to me?’ And He said, ‘Because you didn’t come to me; you didn’t take the healing current from me.’ He told me about the spiritual current that comes from spiritual energy. It comes directly from the Source. The healing current directly comes to our soul, where it is distributed to the mind and body for mental and physical work. I asked him why people fall ill and he said that the main reason of diseases in the body is the disconnection of mind and soul from the Source both while awake and asleep. During sleep, because of dreams, and in the waking state, bacause of wasteful and negative thoughts. As a result, energy is at a low voltage causing disease.

The difference between a living body and a dead body is only the presence or absence of that spiritual energy.

Was spirituality a defining factor in curing your cancer?

I would say that I stepped onto the path while fighting cancer. I was in the hospital, undergoing treatment when I had those flashes of a guiding light which were actually transmissions from God. They completely changed my life. All my fears vanished. I transitioned from a fearful being to a strong being.

How has spirituality influenced the way you live your life?

My life is completely influenced by spirituality. I consider my ‘SELF’ to be Spiritual Energy in Light Form. Unlike before, I have started to think that any disease that happens is happening to my body and not me per se. Also, my motto now is to increase the level of spiritual energy in every aspect of my life.

How did SIGFA Solutions come into being?

SIGFA means Spiritual Incorporeal God Father Almighty. According to me, God is formless and is the source of spiritual energy. SIGFA came into existence to do the divine work by spreading the message of God in true sense.

But how did the idea bloom?

I was guided by God in that same flash of light to show the path of healing to the people. This was in January 1999, and since then I have been striving to fulfil His command.

Have people healed from cancer or avoided its recurrence after they practised Psycho Neurobics?

Any therapy can prevent its onset if it is accompanied by or complemented with positive emotions, faith in the healing process, and a healthy vegetarian nutritious diet. People have actually healed with the help of Psycho Neurobics. Dr Gayatri Bhat from Delhi is a success story. She suffered from multiple myeloma and bone cancer. She had undergone bone marrow transplant twice. Many specialists advised her to amputate her legs also. In 2004 she met me. She was the first one to experience the power of Psycho Neurobics. Today, she is leading a healthy life, and has healed her traumas thanks to her positive attitude and Psycho Neurobic exercises. Plus, she did not even have to get her leg amputated. Psycho Neurobics established a healing link among body, mind, soul and God. With Psycho Neurobics, an individual can heal any psycho-somatic diseases.

How has spirituality changed the way you handle relationships?

It helped to change relationships into true social bonds. It led to complete harmony without any expectation.  Earlier, unfulfilled expectations would bring frustration and create chaos and clashes in life. All that changed after I realised the futility of expecting from the world outside.

What about its impact on the way you deal with money?

My way of dealing with money is like a trustee, not as its owner. I do not want to hold or accumulate money as the flow of currency is just like the flow of an electric current. When you hold an electric current, it gives you a shock, instead of comfort. In the same way, hoarding gives a shock in the form of heart attacks and many other diseases. So it’s always better to be a trustee of God’s property.

How do you cope with health issues today?

By regular practice of Psycho Neurobics exercises. I have made a DVD of five sets of practical Psycho Neurobics, titled ‘Heal Yourself’. These exercises are a combination of hasta mudras (hand gestures), healing frequency in the form of colour visualisation, and affirmations of various emotions.

What is your diet like?

I take pure satvic food with an abundance of fruits and green vegetables. I have dropped onion, garlic and red chillies from my food.

What is your relationship with technology?

Technology has made a great impact on society. We should use modern technology in a balanced manner and yet, must include some preventive exercises in our lifestyle to minimise its harmful radiation effects. I use my ‘third eye healing album’ to counter the fatigue and stress caused by a desk job in front of a monitor.

How do you spend your leisure hours?

I write books. I want to make spirituality a requirement for the betterment of human life in the best possible way.

What is your definition of a happy day?

I am content with whatever I have, and that defines happiness for me. Also, blessing others without any expectation, also generates happiness.

What is your daily routine like?

I am an early riser and start my day at 4 am. I meditate and then practice Psycho neurobics followed by a walk in the greens. I have a light breakfast and then proceed for the day which generally revolves around counselling sessions, workshops and other work-related engagements. My evenings are for my family and friends, preceded by a half hour meditation session.

What are your priorities in life?

I want to spread the message of SIGFA (God) to all human beings, motivating them to maintain a healthy and happy life.

How do you view work?

The work I do is a responsibility given to me by God. I enjoy carrying out His command with His blessings.

What spiritual practice do you follow?

I practice Psycho Neurobics and Raj Yoga meditation on regular basis.

How about the way you make your decisions? Has that changed?

I have observed that I am able to take accurate decisions post a meditation session in Amrit Vela (at four in the morning). I have a direct communication with Him during that time and He guides me towards appropriate decisions and also helps in planning my future endeavours.

What would be your advice to others?

We all must strive to live a happy and healthy life full of divine qualities. One must not minimise the vast dimension of life by running after money and luxury. To have a true purpose in life is to have a reason for living, a clear objective, and a focal point for our efforts. The fact that we are endowed with intelligence, conscience, and the ability to reason implies that the Creator had a good purpose in putting us here.


The post The Life Divine appeared first on Life Positive.

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