
The LITFL Review is your regular and reliable source for the highest highlights, sneakiest sneak peaks and loudest shout-outs from the webbed world of emergency medicine and critical care. Each week the LITFL team casts the spotlight on the best and brightest from the blogosphere, the podcast video/audiosphere and the rest of the Web 2.0 social media jungle to find the most fantastic EM/CC FOAM (Free Open Access Meducation) around.

Welcome to the 135th edition, brought to you by:

Kane Guthrie [KG] from LITFL

Tessa Davis [TRD] from LITFL and Don’t Forget The Bubbles

Brent Thoma [BT] from BoringEM, and ALiEM

Chris Nickson [CN] from LITFL, iTeachEM, RAGE and SMACC

Joe Rotella [JAR] from LITFL

Mat Goebel [MG] from LITFL

The Most Fair Dinkum Ripper Beaut of the Week

Have you ever wished for a decision aid to rule out ACS that was specifically derived and validated for ED populations? Introducing: the Manchester Acute Coronary Syndromes decision rule. Check out the post on St Emlyn’s by the first author for more details, and the free full-text here. [MG]

Couldn’t make it to The Teaching Course in real life? Rob Rogers of iTeachEM has made the entirety of his excellent course available online. Check it out for lectures by Salim Rezaie, Amal Mattu, Matt Dawson, Bryan Hayes, Haney Mallemat, and more! [BT]

The Best of #FOAMed Emergency Medicine

This week on ER Cast, Rob interviews Rich Levitan on the psychology of the difficult airway. [MG]

This week on an EMCrit Wee, Scott interviews Rob Bryant about his first experience with an emergency surgical airway. [MG]

The Trauma Professional’s blog summarises how blood from an IO can be used for labs. [MG]

Well’s score plus d-dimer is better than well’s score alone. Academic Life in Emergency Medicine lays out the method based on the literature. [MG]

Is there finally a study that shows better outcomes by treating earlier with TPA? Andy Neil explains why not over at Emergency Medicine Ireland. [MG]

How we cope with patients with an unexpected outcome? ALiEM’s experts looks at this MEdIC case. [TRD]

EMin5 put together a great little short on Thyroid Storm. Anna Bargren and her crew have a great stockpile of these videos for teaching and review purposes. [BT]

Should we aggressively lower blood pressure in stroke? With what drug? Ken Milne invites Pik Mukherji to get into some of these questions and a bit of EBM while discussing the INTERACT-2 trial. [BT]

How do you differentiate between acute STEMI and left ventricular aneurysm on EKG? Dr Smith has the answer. [MG]

Another great wide complex tachycardia case was featured on The Blunt Dissection. [MG]

The Best of #FOAMcc Critical Care

Hemicraniectomy may save lives, but at what cost? ScanCrit discusses the literature. [MG]

Transcutaneous pacing is a highly touted treatment for bradycardia, but are you familiar with the various presentations of false capture while engaging in the procedure? Check out this detailed post from the EMS 12-Lead Blog. [MG]

Improve your GlideScope technique in less than 60 seconds with Jason Cook of the Difficult Airway Course. [MG]

The Best of #FOAMPed Paediatrics

Pediatric EM Morsels takes on button battery ingestion – they can start to cause damage within 2 hours of ingestion, so we need to be vigilant. [TRD]

EM Res’s blog has a paediatric forearm fracture case and an overview of how to describe fracture to the ortho team. [TRD]

St Emlyn’s Simon Carely delivers a fabulous talk on the first hour of paediatric sepsis. [TRD]

Brad Sobolewski of PEM Cincinnati reviews the evidence for absorbable v nonabsorbable sutures. [TRD]

#FOAMTox Toxicology

Ever heard of phenibut? Leon Gussow, from the Poison Review, talks about a recent phenibut case report in the US and then looks into the available information and discusses the most complete paper here. Two great #FOAMTox pieces in one [JAR]

Leon also provides a link on his site to an interview regarding the problems seen in Emergency Departments following the legalisation of cannabis in Colorado [JAR]

Acute dystonia can sometimes be due to medications (e.g. metoclopramide), Richard Body and the crew at St Emlyn’s presents a nice piece on acute dystonia, recommended read! [JAR]

Leon Gussow also reviews a nice article on bath salts and to add a lot of icing to the cake, includes a number of links to related posts- highly recommend [JAR]

Also on the Poison Review, Leon discusses a recent case of salicylate toxicity with some interesting observations [JAR]

In a LITFL style Q and A, Leon shares a case from NEJM- can you work out the diagnosis? [JAR]

#MedEd Education and Social Media (including #smaccGOLD)

Don’t Forget the Bubbles reminds us that we need to understand our stats to be able to understand the results of the screening tests we order. [TRD]

News from the Fast Lane

Doug Lynch teams up with one of the most inspiring emergency nurses in Australia with a jellybean talk from SMACC Gold in - Tamara Hills .

LITFL Review EM/CC Educational Social Media Round Up

Show Reference list

Emergency Medicine and Critical Care Blogroll — Emergency Medicine and Critical Care Podcasts — 123Sonography.com — Academic Life in Emergency Medicine — A Life at Risk — Bedside Ultrasound - Boring EM — Broome Docs — CCM-L — Critical Care Perspectives in EM — Dave on Airways — Dont Forget the Bubbles — Dr Smith’s ECG Blog — ECG Academy — ECG Guru — ECG of the Week — ED ECMO — ED Exam — ED-Nurse — EDTCC — EKG Videos — EM Basic — EMCrit — EM CapeTown — EMCases — EMDocs — EMDutch — EMin5 — Emergency Medical Abstracts — EM Journey — EmergencyLondon — Emergency Medicine Cases — Emergency Medicine Education — Emergency Medicine News — Emergency Medicine Ireland — Emergency Medicine Tutorials — Emergency Medicine Updates — EM on the Edge — Emergucate  — EM Journey —  EM IM Doc — - EM Literature of Note — empem.org — EMpills — Emergency Physicians Monthly — EM Lyceum —EM nerd— EMProcedures — EMRAP — EMRAP: Educators’ Edition — EMRAP.TV — EM REMS — ER CAST — EXPENSIVECARE — Free Emergency Medicine Talks — Gmergency! — Got Resuscitation— Greater Sydney Area HEMS — HQmeded.com — Impactednurse —Injectable Orange  — Intensive Care Network — iTeachEM — IVLine — KeeWeeDoc — KI Docs— ER Mentor — MDaware — MD+ CALC — MedEDMasters — Medical Education Videos — Medical Evidence Blog — MedEmIt — Micrognome — Movin’ Meat — Paediatric Emergency Medicine — Pediatric EM Morsels — PEM ED — PEMLit — PEM Cincinnati — PHARM — Practical Evidence — Priceless Electrical Activity — Procedurettes — PulmCCM.org — Radiology Signs — Radiopaedia — REBEL EM - Resus.com.au — Resus.ME — Resus Review — RESUS Room — Resus Room Management — Richard Winters’ Physician Leadership — ruralflyingdoc — SCANCRIT — SCCM Blogs — SEMEP — SinaiEM — SinaiEM Ultrasound — SMART EM — SOCMOB — SonoSpot — StEmylns — Takeokun — thebluntdissection — The Central Line — The Ember Project —The Emergency Medicine Resident Blog — The Flipped EM Classroom — thenursepath — The NNT — The Poison Review — The Sharp End — The Short Coat — The Skeptics Guide to Emergency Medicine — The Sono Cave - The Trauma Professional’s Blog — underneathEM.com  — ToxTalk — tjdogma — Twin Cities Toxicology — Ultrarounds — UMEM Educational Pearls —Ultrasound Podcast

The post The LITFL Review 135 appeared first on LITFL.

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