
The LITFL Review is your regular and reliable source for the highest highlights, sneakiest sneak peaks and loudest shout-outs from the webbed world of emergency medicine and critical care. Each week the LITFL team casts the spotlight on the best and brightest from the blogosphere, the podcast video/audiosphere and the rest of the Web 2.0 social media jungle to find the most fantastic EM/CC FOAM (Free Open Access Meducation) around.

Welcome to the 133rd edition, brought to you by:

Kane Guthrie [KG] from LITFL

Tessa Davis [TRD] from LITFL and Don’t Forget The Bubbles

Brent Thoma [BT] from BoringEM, and ALiEM

Chris Nickson [CN] from LITFL, iTeachEM, RAGE and SMACC

Joe Rotella [JAR] from LITFL

Mat Goebel [MG] from LITFL

The Most Fair Dinkum Ripper Beaut of the Week

Tim Leewenburg (KI Docs) doesn’t hold back on his views on homeopathy  I won’t spoil the punchline but it’s fair to say he’s not a fan. [TRD]

That’s how I (was) roll(ed) is a personal account of being a trauma patient with a pelvic and being log rolled. Not nice. [CN]

The Best of #FOAMed Emergency Medicine

I love EMin5’s their concept of quick, fast-paced vodcasts. The videos are good quality and particularly useful for teaching. This week they put together a stellar ‘intro to laryngoscopy’ that I am going to be using next time I teach medical students to intubate. Last week they covered dental fractures. [BT, CN]

Tamara Hills writes for The Nurse Path about her journey to becoming a nurse. [TRD]

A bit late for flu season in the US, EM Trends,EM Literature of Note, and Academic Life in Emergency Medicine offer some commentary on a new Cochrane review that shows the risk outweigh the benefits for Tamiflu. Also Bad Science expert Ben Goldacre has a great article in the Guardian explaining What the Tamiflu saga tells us about drug trials and big pharma  [MG, CN]

This week The Blunt Dissection features two cases of undifferentiated shock that integrate your ability to read x-ray, echo, and EKG! [MG]

Can Wellen’s waves occur anywhere, or just the anterior wall? Find out in another great case from Dr Stephen Smith. [MG]

ScanCrit features dogmalysis of the log roll and digital rectal exam this week in log roll and finger up the bum – then you’re done. [MG]

SoBro EM gives a great, practical overview of measuring for compartment syndrome. [TRD]

Have you heard of tomahawk intubation? Learn this week from Taming the SRU. [MG]

Yosef Leibman surveys recent emergency medicine literature with typical iconclasticism in EMU Monthly – April 2014. [CN]

The Trauma Professional Michael McGonigal posted a great review of facial lacerations in the form of an interview with a plastic surgeon.

It’s challenging enough to keep up with all of the latest research. Getting through the backlog of groundbreaking trials is even harder, but necessary to interpret the latest. I have very much enjoyed the SGEM’s throwback podcast for this very reason. This week the SGEM features a man who rivals MInh Le Cong for social media promiscuity, Anand ‘The Swami’ Swaminathan in SGEM#70: The Secret of NINDS (Thrombolysis for Acute Stroke). [CN,BT]

The Best of #FOAMcc Critical Care

A number of blogs considered the implications of the recently published PEITHO trial (which was discussed pre-publication in RAGE Session Two) for the management of submassive PEs. They include: An Update on Pulmonary Embolism: NEJM’s PIETHO Study…what’s the verdict? #FOAMed, #FOAMcc on The Thinking Critical Care blog, and ALIEM had PEITHO Trial: Fibrinolysis for Intermediate-Risk Pulmonary Embolism. [CN]

The Maryland CC Project served up more diverse and educational content in Burton Lee – Numeracy II: The tale of sample sizes, the superstitious student, & superb studies, Principles of antibiotic therapy in the critically ill, and LVAD Troubleshooting – Low flow & power drops [CN]

Casey Parker started up a discussion of BP targets in sepsis on the FOAMcc G+ Community. [CN]

Emergency Medicine PharmD took a closer look at the dangers of sodium nitroprusside. [CN]

ICN has gone to town on the liver recently: Janin: 4 Newer Agents for Hepatitis C, Gatward on Liver Tranplantation: When it can go wrong, Clive Woolfe on Chronic Liver Disease and David Anderson on Acute Liver Failure [CN]

PulmCCM lament a lack of answers in Albumin for severe sepsis and septic shock: More confusing findings (ALBIOS Trial). [CN]

The Best of #FOAMPed Paediatrics

ALiEM summarises a systematic review on the right choice of fluids for IV maintenance in children. [TRD]

Andrew Tagg warns about the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning in kids at Don’t Forget The Bubbles. [TRD]

Richard Body at St Emlyn’s reviews a recent paper on paediatric triage tools in major trauma. [TRD].

#FOAMTox Toxicology

Highly recommended article on the effects of marijuana on driving as reviewed by Dr Leon Gussow of the Poison Review [JAR]

#MedEd Education and Social Media (including #smaccGOLD)

The RAGE Team got together with Scott Weingart, Rich Levitan, Oli FLower and John Hinds to talk some smacc in the wake of smaccGOLD: RAGE smaccGOLD Edition . [CN]

ALIEM’s Javier Benitez tackles Behaviorism: Is punishment or reward more effective in education?. [CN]

Needless to say that the authors of Dispatches from the Free Open Access Meducation frontier  are just as surprised as you find this published in a medical journal! [CN]

Rick Body weighs in with more reflections in SMACC Gold: All Social Media, No Science?. [CN]

News from the Fast Lane

 Another bumper issue of EMA April 2014 is out for your viewing pleasure. [KG]

LITFL Review EM/CC Educational Social Media Round Up

Show Reference list

Emergency Medicine and Critical Care Blogroll — Emergency Medicine and Critical Care Podcasts — 123Sonography.com — Academic Life in Emergency Medicine — A Life at Risk — Bedside Ultrasound - Boring EM — Broome Docs — CCM-L — Critical Care Perspectives in EM — Dave on Airways — Dont Forget the Bubbles — Dr Smith’s ECG Blog — ECG Academy — ECG Guru — ECG of the Week — ED ECMO — ED Exam — ED-Nurse — EDTCC — EKG Videos — EM Basic — EMCrit — EM CapeTown — EMCases — EMDocs — EMDutch — EMin5 — Emergency Medical Abstracts — EM Journey — EmergencyLondon — Emergency Medicine Cases — Emergency Medicine Education — Emergency Medicine News — Emergency Medicine Ireland — Emergency Medicine Tutorials — Emergency Medicine Updates — EM on the Edge — Emergucate  — EM Journey —  EM IM Doc — - EM Literature of Note — empem.org — EMpills — Emergency Physicians Monthly — EM Lyceum —EM nerd— EMProcedures — EMRAP — EMRAP: Educators’ Edition — EMRAP.TV — EM REMS — ER CAST — EXPENSIVECARE — Free Emergency Medicine Talks — Gmergency! — Got Resuscitation— Greater Sydney Area HEMS — HQmeded.com — Impactednurse —Injectable Orange  — Intensive Care Network — iTeachEM — IVLine — KeeWeeDoc — KI Docs— ER Mentor — MDaware — MD+ CALC — MedEDMasters — Medical Education Videos — Medical Evidence Blog — MedEmIt — Micrognome — Movin’ Meat — Paediatric Emergency Medicine — Pediatric EM Morsels — PEM ED — PEMLit — PEM Cincinnati — PHARM — Practical Evidence — Priceless Electrical Activity — Procedurettes — PulmCCM.org — Radiology Signs — Radiopaedia — REBEL EM - Resus.com.au — Resus.ME — Resus Review — RESUS Room — Resus Room Management — Richard Winters’ Physician Leadership — ruralflyingdoc — SCANCRIT — SCCM Blogs — SEMEP — SinaiEM — SinaiEM Ultrasound — SMART EM — SOCMOB — SonoSpot — StEmylns — Takeokun — thebluntdissection — The Central Line — The Ember Project —The Emergency Medicine Resident Blog — The Flipped EM Classroom — thenursepath — The NNT — The Poison Review — The Sharp End — The Short Coat — The Skeptics Guide to Emergency Medicine — The Sono Cave - The Trauma Professional’s Blog — underneathEM.com  — ToxTalk — tjdogma — Twin Cities Toxicology — Ultrarounds — UMEM Educational Pearls —Ultrasound Podcast

The post The LITFL Review 133 appeared first on LITFL.

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