
Together with my colleagues at The Alfred ICU in Melbourne I’ve been involved in the launch of a new FOAM project called INTENSIVE.

INTENSIVE is an educational website for doctors and other health professionals training in and practicing intensive care medicine.

It includes resources such as:

‘Labs and Lytes‘: case-based problems for developing knowledge and problem-solving skills

support materials for educational courses run by The Alfred ICU

online resources related to teaching sessions from The Alfred ICU teaching program

critical appraisals and discussions from The Alfred ICU Journal Club

research and educational activities of the The Alfred ICU and its staff, and other critical care news and updates from The Alfred ICU and beyond

I’m pretty excited by the possibilities with this project, largely because I am fortunate to work with so many brilliant people. Seeing them embrace the FOAM concept means that everyone will be able to benefit from a valuable intensive care education and knowledge translation resource.

For updates follow @INTENSIVEblog on Twitter.

Vive la FOAM!



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