
1. I learned a new song by Patty Griffin. I’m a confessed Patty fan and somewhat ashamed of myself for just now learning the genius of the song, Mary, from her album Flaming Red It so inspired me in my mothering journey that I wrote about it.

2. I learned that decorating a room, together with a 13 year old, is pretty awesome.  I also learned the best and easiest way to make oversized photo prints.  I’ll be making lots more of these!

3. I rekindled my love with all things FALL and learned that there is no such thing as too much pumpkin.  I’m in love with pumpkins.  This week I made pumpkin chocolate chip muffins and chipotle pumpkin soup. Both to.die.for.

4. I was forced to remember that stress doesn’t agree with me.  I’ve been a busy girl since I gave up homeschooling—working on my 31 Days series coming next week, doing lots of projects for this blog and my Creative Christmas class, preparing my talk for Allume, working on my regular writing commitments, and keeping up with the normal stuff that goes with keeping a house running.  I now have a constant, horrendous headache from the blooming ragweed and 3 mouth sores.  MISerable, is what I am.  I need sleep and rest and dead ragweed.

5.  I learned that my friend, Emily, who is hosting this ‘What I Learned’ series, is even more amazing than I thought she was. (And I thought she was pretty amazing!)  She is such a gifted thinker and writer.  I adore her and her new book, Million Little Ways, A: Uncover the Art You Were Made to Live on uncovering the art you were made to live.  You need to preorder this book today.  It’s a gem and will change the way you look at how you live your life.  I read half of it in one sitting the other night and can’t wait to finish it this weekend.  Thank you, Emily.  You are a treasure.

6.    I got my first Stitch Fix this month.  Have you heard of it?  It’s a personal styling service, where you sign up to receive five items in one shipment, based on your style, size  and budget preferences.  If you choose to keep any of the items, you pay for them, with no service or shipping fees.  If you don’t keep any of the items, you pay a $20 styling fee.  You can schedule one ‘fix’ per month or just randomly, as you need a few new pieces.  I have to say that as someone who loves style and clothing, but lives in a small town with very limited shopping options, I LOVE the idea of this.

I received my first shipment this month and it was like Christmas morning!  I only kept on piece, but I love it and I’m so excited for next month’s shipment.   To sign up, you can use my referral code (oh, please do!) or just sign up on their website.  With your shipment, they send these fashion cards, which give you ideas for how to wear and style your clothing.  The brands they work with are fabulous and I would definitely recommend trying it.  It’s as easy as answering a questionnaire on your style and sizing (the more specific you are, the better they can style for you) and then waiting for your first fix.  When the box arrives, you have three days to try the clothing.  Keep what you want and send the rest back in a prepaid package. For more info, visit their FAQ page.  Click here to sign up!

Here’s what I got in my first fix:  3 blouses and 2 necklaces

I only kept one blouse and I decided to go in and change my settings so that I don’t receive jewelry.  I’d rather have more clothing to choose from and I didn’t love either of the necklaces.  Overall, the process was so much fun and I can’t wait for my next shipment, coming this week.  The blouse I kept was $40 and is high quality material and very stylish.

I loved the pattern of the zig zag blouse (number 1), but it was a high/low shirt (low in the back, higher in the front—like a shirt with a mullet) and I don’t love that cut on me, hair or shirt.  The red knit top was just okay, but not something I would normally buy.  The style card, in the right bottom of the collage,  comes with each piece you receive.  I’m a fan.  I think you’d love it, too!

So, how was your September?  What did you learn and are you so excited for fall?!


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