We are all naturally passionate at some point in our lives. We all start out that way at least. Most children contain the energy and love of life that sums up the spirited. Unfortunately, as life takes its toll, some of us lose our passion. Here are 10 habits to help infuse your life with intensity again.
1. Passionate people are doers.
“Passion is the genesis of genius.” – Tony Robbins
While passionate people often enjoy talking a mile a minute about what excites them, they back up their claims with action. Bring on the blood, sweat, and tears! The devoted will do whatever it takes to accomplish their dreams.
2. Passionate people are excited.
“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” – Oprah Winfrey
Passion is contagious! It’s hard to be around a fiery person and not get swept away in their excitement, even if it’s about something that you never thought could interest you. Passionate people live every day with the anticipation of great things.
3. Passionate people are courageous.
“Chase your passion, not your pension.” – Denis Waitley
Passionate people are willing to do anything to get the job done. They face their fears head-on because they are committed to eliminate anything that holds them back from what they most desire.
4. Passionate people are positive.
“Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion.” – Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Passionate people often don’t hang out with negative people. They come to value positivity in themselves and others, and don’t have time to entertain failure long. They have the ability to bounce back from setbacks quickly without losing enthusiasm. After all, they didn’t really fail, they just learned one more way not attempt their mission. They still have thousands of attempts still untested.
5. Passionate people strive to be their best.
“Passion rebuilds the world for the youth. It makes all things alive and significant.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
People with passion always want to offer their best to the world. They can be slightly perfectionist in their thinking, but it’s only because they see their output as a direct reflection of them. If they place their personal stamp upon it, it will be infiltrated with their essence.
6. Passionate people are motivating.
“Man is only great when he acts from passion.” – Benjamin Disraeli
Need help getting started with a new project? Find a passionate person to get you off the couch! Passionate people are great coaches and motivators. They often care deeply for others and do everything they can to help them succeed.
7. Passionate people are happy.
“Live with passion!” – Tony Robbins
Most passionate people who follow their life longings are happy and fulfilled individuals. They focus on their blessings and give back to others. They are glass-half-full people. They choose to enjoy making lemonade with their life lemons.
8. Passionate people are accountable.
“If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins.” – Benjamin Franklin
One of the best bits of advice I’ve ever received was that passion was a powerful driving force that must be channeled. If left unchecked, it could cause an explosion causing great destruction. However, if properly utilized, the same fire that once ruined could also be captured to power a steam engine for positive change. Passionate people learn to have others hold them accountable to channel their energy in the best possible way.
9. Passionate people are focused.
“Skill is the unified force of experience, intellect, and passion in their operation.” – John Ruskin
Passionate people know they have a job to do, and they do it with gusto. They run in the rain. They smile through the most menial tasks. No matter what distractions life throws their way, they remain laser-focused on their final objective. They don’t take easy detours, but plow in at full speed. The driving force within them won’t let them lose sight of the end goal.
10. Passionate people love to grow.
“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.” Anthony J. D’Angelo
Passionate people never stagnate in the pool of despair, feeling they are finished. They always look for ways to improve upon themselves and their surroundings. Passionate people keep their childlike wonder about life. They are always learning, always growing, always experiencing new things. They squeeze every last drop out of life that they possibly can!
There is no clear formula for finding your passion. 7 Reasons You Haven’t Found Your Passion Yet
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