In the past few years I’ve seen more and more women getting together to lift one another up, rather than tear each other down. Ladies have been putting aside their differences, their competitiveness and their jealousy to help one another succeed, and it’s awesome.
One way to really help out your fellow ladies is to start a girl gang. A girl gang is simply a group of females (although it doesn’t always have to be just females) who get together regularly either online or in person to support one another.
Starting a girl gang is something I think every group of gal pals should do; it’s a reason to get together, have fun, build a community of women with a purpose, and much more. In fact, there are a lot of reasons to start your own girl gang.
One the most obvious reasons to start a girl gang of your own is to build a community; a group of people who are connected by at least one attribute, possibly more. Girl gangs around the world offer one another a community to make one another feel safe and comfortable.
Maybe one of the biggest reasons to start a girl gang is the support group that you will undoubtedly have. Girl gangs are typically made up of open-minded ladies who only want the best for each other. They’re willing to listen, to talk and to offer their support when needed. For a lot of people support is something that’s not always available from their family or even their friends, depending on the topic or area of life. Your girl gang will become your support group.
When you’re at a loss at to where to go or what to do in life, having a girl gang to talk to about your options is amazing. As you spend more time with another you build stronger relationships, and in those relationships you learn more about one another are able to give each other advice and guidance in difficult situations.
Almost everyone in life wants to feel accepted and appreciated. Finding true friends growing up can be difficult, but when you meet someone who accepts you for who are it can be one of the best feelings in the world. Your own girl gang should be comprised of people who are accepting of one another.
Having a best friend is awesome, but one person cannot be everything to you. Having a group of gal pals, though, offers you a variety of people with different personalities, interests and skill sets that you can each enjoy. Friendship is vital to our happiness. It has such a big impact on our well-being and overall life because it is such a special bond.
Being in a girl gang can be a lot of fun! A lot of girl gangs get together regularly for dinner, movies, concerts and parties, or whatever else they’re interested in. Sometimes just meeting in someone’s basement to chitchat and hangout can be something to look forward to and enjoy.
Chances are the members of your girl gang will share similar passions. Having someone to talk to about things you are passionate about can be so freeing and exhilarating. It’s not always easy to talk to certain friends or family members about things you enjoy, whether it’s music, writing or art, or even politics or your opinions. Your girl gang will become that group of people who you can turn to to discuss the things that are really important to you.
Forming a girl gang is exciting! There are so many things you can do as a group that you can’t do alone. You can create events, parades and marches, you can form a band, a writing group or even throw a potluck dinner. The things you can do with your girl gang are infinite!
A lot of girl gangs start their own movements. When you and your fellow girl gang members get behind the same purpose anything is possible. With one another’s support, encouragement and network, you can spread your message like wildfire and truly make a difference in the world.
Years from now some of your fondest memories might be with your girl gang. You’ll be able to reminisce about all of the fun you had, the things you were able to accomplish and the relationships you formed.
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