
Exciting thought: this will probably be my last bump update! I’m sure hoping so. If I post a 40 week update, it means a VBAC is not in the cards for me and we’ll be doing a scheduled c-section the next day. So some labor inducing thoughts and prayers sent my way would be much appreciated. I really want this VBAC thing to work out.

I know several women report having mixed feelings about their pregnancy drawing to a close, but I am not feeling any sort of mixed feelings. Nope. My one and only feeling is HALLELUJAH I’M ALMOST DONE!! I will not miss this belly. No ma’am.

Baby’s Size: 19.75 inches–about the size of a leek

At my appointment on Monday, my doctor did some feeling around on my stomach to get a rough idea of our little girl’s size. Pointing to Joshua he said, “I really don’t think she’s going to be as big as he was–she feels like she’s around 6.5 pounds right now. I think you have a really, really good chance of having a successful VBAC.”

Music. To. My. Ears. :)

Symptoms: Baby Girl has dropped–quite a lot actually. My doctor was surprised how far down he could be her head–which is another awesome sign. Joshua was too big to drop into the birth canal all the way, which is why his birth story ended with a c-section. While I love that her dropping means things are probably looking really favorable for a vastly different birth than I had with Joshua, having her so low means a slough of really unpleasant things:

The bathroom trips I thought were so frequent before have now increased a bunch.

I can’t even walk. No, no. I am full on waddling. Penguin style.

My hips hurt like you would not believe.


Cravings: All the food. Just everything. Feed me now!! I need to stay off of Pinterest because it makes me want to devour everything. I go from seriously craving Chocolate Chip Cheesecake Cookie Bars to majorly jonesing for grilled shrimp kebabs with the slightest swipe of my thumb.

Wearing: Like I said on Tuesday, I’m seriously wearing the same 10 outfits again and again. My warm weather maternity wardrobe is pretty small–thank goodness I have a few ultra cute pieces from Pink Blush Maternity! It’s making it possible to hold out for the next 17 days and not go completely crazy over wearing the same stuff over and over again.

Joshua: Has been really clingy towards Dustin and me for the past week or so. I think he’s beginning to sense the impending demis of his only child status. He’s been more emotional and sensitive lately. He asks me to hold him and after snuggling for a bit, he’ll lean back, look into my eyes and say, “I need extra love, mommy.” You got it kiddo! Let’s just sit on the couch and hold each other while we eat popcorn and watch TV….:)

Progress: With Joshua I didn’t have contractions or cramping up until the moment they gave me pitocin in the hospital. This time, I’ve had mild contractions fairly consistently, so I was hoping for a little bit of progress when my doctor checked me at my appointment on Monday. Nope! He said I’m maybe 1cm dilated. Oh well. All of the other news at my appointment was good, so I can’t be too bummed. I’ll just accept the idea that I’ve got another two weeks to go.

Top & Jeans: c/o Pink Blush Maternity
Sandals: Aldo
Necklace: Rocksbox

The post Growing Baby Number 2 | 38 Weeks appeared first on Life Could Be a Dream.

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