
Written by Paul Angone

If your twenties have gone nothing like you planned – you’re not alone.

Career doubts. Crushed dreams. Relationship debacles. Faith struggles. And flat out groan up awkwardness. In my twenties I experienced them all and felt like such a failure.

After college I was working a comfortable job, yet I couldn’t shake this gnawing discontent and question of  “what am I doing with my life?”

For a while I thought I was the only one struggling. But as I started opening up to friends about the big doubts and questions I was experiencing–about wanting my life to mean something more, a relieving thing began to happen.

Those same friends who I thought had it all figured out, were asking the same questions and feeling the same frustrations. There was something bigger going on here and I knew we needed a space to really talk about it. To really figure out how to live a life of meaning and purpose when you don’t feel at home in your groan up pants.

I started writing the most honest book I could about my journey through the ambiguities of adulthood to find the answers to the big questions we’re all asking.

Now ten years later, that book All Groan Up: Searching For Self, Faith, and a Freaking Job! releases in just a few weeks, April 21st, 2015!

This book is the most vulnerable, hilariously embarrassing, and important thing I’ve ever written.

In All Groan Up I pull back the veil on the unspoken fears, doubts, lies and BIG questions you are facing and smack them in the face with truth and hope.

Your twenties are about slowly building a plan that actually has a foundation to it—built on failures, strengths, mistakes, values, wrong turns, vision, etc.

Your twenties are about building a plan based on who you are, who you’re not, and who you’re becoming.

All Groan Up: Searching For Self, Faith, and a Freaking Job! releases this April 21st, 2015, but if you pre-order the print book, you can read the entire ebook right now. Plus you will also receive over $250 worth of additional bonuses in the upcoming weeks.

Pre-order the book at Amazon

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Pre-order the book at any of these locations, and then go to the All Groan Up Book Page and enter your email to download the entire ebook and be entered to receive the extra bonuses.

Or if you want to read the first four chapters right away for free, enter your email at the All Groan Up homepage and you can read them right now.

It took me ten years to see this book happen and the only reason I was able to push through the failures, dead-ends, and do-overs is because I passionately believe in the hope, truth, and inspiration the story of All Groan Up offers.

Thank you friends for being such a huge support and encouragement to me. I hope this new book will encourage you in return that you’re not alone on this journey.

Watch the Epic, 121 Second All Groan Up Book Trailer!

About Paul

Paul Angone is the author of All Groan Up: Searching For Self, Faith, and a Freaking Job!, 101 Secrets for your Twenties and the creator of AllGroanUp.com, a place for those asking “what now?” Snag free chapters from both his books and follow him at @PaulAngone.

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