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{{Infobox location|image = Zeitgeist Gallery1.png|location = San Francisco|appears = [[Episode 5: Polarized]]}}
{{Infobox location|image = Zeitgeist Gallery1.png|location = San Francisco|appears = [[Episode 5: Polarized]]}}
The '''Zeitgeist Gallery''' is an explorable location that appears in "[[Episode 5: Polarized|Polarized]]".{{Stub}}
The '''Zeitgeist Gallery''' is an explorable location that appears in "[[Episode 5: Polarized|Polarized]]".<span style="font-weight:normal;">It appears in the </span>[[Alternative Timeline|alternate timeline]]<span style="font-weight:normal;"> in which </span>[[Jefferson]]<span style="font-weight:normal;"> is caught and incarcerated and </span>[[Max]]<span style="font-weight:normal;"> wins the </span>[[Everyday Heroes Contest]]<span style="font-weight:normal;">. It has several sections and interactive objects and patrons.</span>{{Stub}}
==In the Gallery==
The gallery is divided into a lobby, a bathroom, a staff-only room, a ground-floor exhibit room, a lower-floor exhibit room, and an upper-floor exhibit room. The Zeitgeist Gallery is located on a busy street corner of [ San Francisco, California]. Next to every exhibit on the right side a small card or paper is on the wall giving information about the piece. This information is not viewable by the player and is purely for aesthetic.
The lobby has a staff-only room and a bathroom on either side of the entrance. There is a reception desk to the right of the door upon entrance, where the player can view several art books, donate to the gallery, and speak to the receptionist. On the other side of the room there are two chairs and a table with leaflets, fliers, and a newspaper placed nondescriptly. The player can interact with all of them save the leaflet underneath one of the chairs.
<gallery widths="100" position="center" columns="6" spacing="small">
Golden Gate Reporter Zeitgeist Gallery.png|The Golden Gate Newspaper.
The Real Hunt Leaflet Cover Zeitgeist Gallery.png|The Hunt For The Real October! Leaflet
FUCK Leaflet Cover Zeitgeist Gallery.png|Stop the Startups Leaflet
History of Dystopian Cinema Leaflet Zeitgeist Gallery.png|History of Dystopian Cinema Leaflet
Skulls and Bones Party Flier Zeitgeist Gallery.png|Skull & Bones Halloween Party Flier
Nigel's Samhain Druid Festival Flier Zeitgeist Gallery.png|Nigel's Samhain Druid Festival Flier
Learn the Craft and History of Shambhala Leaflet Zeitgeist Gallery.png|Learn the Craft and History of the Shambhala Leaflet
Caltiki Tours Leaflet Zeitgeist Gallery.png|Calitiki Tours Leaflet (Feat. Tobanga!)
Mission Murals Zeitgeist Gallery.png|Mission Murals Art Book
The Zeitgeist Pictorial History Zeitgeist Gallery.png|In the Zeitgeist: A Pictorial History Art Book
Lobby Zeitgeist Gallery.png|The reception desk.
Donation Box Card Zeitgeist Gallery.png|Zeitgeist Gallery donation box card.
===Ground-Floor Exhibit Room===
On the left wall of the gound-floor exhibit room, the winners of the Everyday Heroes Photo Contest are listed. Max's name is listed fifth on the first row. Next to this, is a blurb talking about the gallery's involvment in the contest and giving information to the player and patrons of the gallery. The header of this wall reads "EVERYDAY HEROES".<span style="font-weight:normal;"> </span><span style="font-weight:normal;">On the other side of this wall, there are several photos on display that are part of the Everyday Heroes exhibit. Four photos are on display, including one of [[Hawt Dog Man]]. </span>Neon art resembling a [ Jackalope] is on the wall visible after making a turn past the chairs in the lobby, stretching to the ceiling. The lights are white and connected by black wires. The ground-floor exhibit room is connected to the lower-floor exhibit room by a doorway with few stairs leading to it, and connected to the upper-floor exhibit room by a small flight of stairs. The guestbook is located next to the entrance to the lower-floor exhibit room.
<gallery columns="6" position="center" widths="100" spacing="small">
Max's Name on the List Zeitgeist Gallery.png|Max Caulfield's name on the list of winners.
Neon Art Zeitgeist Gallery.png|Neon art.
Two pictures Near Entrance Zeitgeist Gallery.png|Photos near the entrance, one of young and old people and the other of competition athletic runners.
Burnt Firefighter Zeitgeist Gallery.png|Photo of a firefighter covered in soot.
Hawt Dog Man and Young Girl Zeitgeist Gallery.png|Photo of a Hawt Dog Man statue and a child.
Guestbook Zeitgeist Gallery.png|Guestbook signed by visitors of the gallery.
===Lower-Floor Exhibit Room===
Once the player walks down the short amount of stairs they have reached the lower-floor exhibit room. This room is significantly smaller than the rest of the parts of the gallery. In the exhibit room three sections of the room are designated. One section, the largest section, has a display stand with three black metalic humanoid statues in ethereal poses. Their faces and torso are detailed while the limbs are more minimalistic. Each is mounted on an irregularly shaped rectangle of the same material with green spots on it. This section also has three grid-like windows on the ceiling with etched glass. The other two sections display photographs. They both have low cushioned seats that take up the majority of the floor space of said sections. The photo on the left section is a couple with canes walking through a winter forest. There are six photos on display in the right section, three columns with two photos each. The first column has an elderly person playing a guitar on a street corner and a street artist drawing on pavement with people crowding around them. The second column has a hunter and their dog out in winter and the other photo is of two police officers. The third column has an adult comforting a child and a couple embracing with one of them in an armed forces uniform, presumably coming home from battle. All of the photos in this section are square.
<gallery widths="100" columns="6" spacing="small" position="center">
All Three Statues Zeitgeist Gallery.png|All three statues on their display.
Left Statue Look Zeitgeist Gallery.png|Left-most statue.
Middle Statue Look Zeitgeist Gallery.png|Middle statue.
Right Statue Look Zeitgeist Gallery.png|Right-most statue.
Couple with Canes Walking in Snow Zeitgeist Gallery.png|Photo in left section.
Person Playing Guitar, Person Sleeping, Person with Cane and Dog, Two Police Officers, Teenager and Cat, Couple Embracing Zeitgeist Gallery.png|Photos in right section.
===Upper-Floor Exhibit Room===
The upper-floor exhibit room is accessed by walking up the small flights of stairs on both sides of the ground floor. Other entries of the Everyday Heroes Contest are displayed here. Clusters of smaller photos are all square with two per column and three columns at most. This section of the gallery overlooks the ground floor. The buffet tables are on this floor on either side, and [[Principal Wells]] gladly takes part in eating the caviar so Max doesn't have to. The windows from the lower floor exhibit room ceiling peek into this room.
*The first cluster of photos near the left staircase include a dog and baby cuddling as a large portrait-style image, and the cluster of smaller photos have two columns. They are a child and parent walking on a beach, a teacher with a book presumably reading to a class, two lab workers doing bloodwork, and a bald hospital patient.
*The second cluster of photos if the player continues to go straight on the same wall is two landscape-style photos with one of a well-dressed person offering a helping hand or perhaps money to someone sitting condensed on the ground. The second one is of a nurse practitioner in a hospital room with a stethoscope around their neck.
*The third cluster of photos is three columns of small square photos. The first column has a firefighter in a mask holding a cat and a pug that has no hind legs sleeping. The second column is a black astronaut and below it is a service dog with a person in a wheelchair. The third column has a colorful [ pride parade] or gathering and a police officer and dog. This is the last cluster of photos on this wall.
*The first cluster of photos on the right-hand side are both landscape and are of a hiker pictured on the very top of a mountain and a monochromatic photo of a person holding a camera to their eye.
*The next cluster of photos is only one photo. It is a square monochromatic picture of two [ WLW] kissing. This is the last photo on the wall before another wall sticks out, but the wall does continue.
*On the other side of the wall facing the previous image, a landscape picture of a waitstaff member is carrying a very large tray of food and drinks. Judging by what is on the tray, they may work at a café or somewhere of the likes that serves many pastries and hot drinks. They are in a formal uniform with one of their sleeves rolled up and a cute little hat.
*The continuation of the wall the previous one sticks out from has one portrait photo and two columns of small photos. The landscape photo is of a police officer with a riot shield and face shield. The first column of small photos has a child and a dog running on a hill away from the direction of the forest and a person in red walking on a beach. The second column of small photos has two servicepeople walking away from the camera in turtleshell helmets and the second one is of a well-dressed person offering another person that is bundled up something that looks somewhat like food, but the photo is so low-res it's hard to tell. This is the last photo on this wall and is in a corner with another cluster of photos.
*The next cluster of photos that shares a corner with the previous one has two portrait-style photos of people in uniform. The first is of two in marine uniforms holding a gun to their chests and the second is of three people in a line in cadet uniforms.
*To the left of this is a cluster of two square photos, featuring Max's entry to the contest. The one next to hers is of a parent and child holding hands and walking through a dirty-looking alleyway. Max's entry is of herself facing her wall of photos in her [[Max's Room|dorm room]] from the back of her.
*The cluster of photos next to this is the final one on the wall and it shares a corner with the third cluster of phots on the wall adjacent to the left stairwell. It features one landscape and one portrait photo. The landscape photo is of a parent giving their child a piggy-back ride. The second is of a parent nursing a newborn baby.
*In the upper left corner of the room there is a wall in the middle of the floor with photos on two sides of it. All of the photos on the wall are monochromatic. There is one on one side and three on the other, with the three being portrait and the one being square. The square is of a model with long hair sitting down posing with their elbow on their knee. The other side has one photo of a fashionable blind person walking through a street with a cane, an EMT sitting in the back of am ambulence, and a turtleshell helmet with two dog tags under it.
*The wall in the middle of the floor closest to the railing overlooking the ground floor has three photos on it that are all landscape. The first one is of a flight attendant outside of a plane. The second is of two well-dressed and happy elderly people. The third is a teen hitchhicker holding a sign that reads "ANYWHERE."
*The other side of this wall has four photos. Two landscape and two portrait with the portrait photos as bookends. The first one is of a parent blue jay feeding its babies, the second is someone with an artificial arm holding a blue tube, the third is of a person with a cane walking through a graveyard, and the fourth is a child holding an injured bird in their hands.
*A wall with photos on both sides juts out from the previous one. There is one large square photo on one side, two columns of smaller photos on the other as well as one portrait photo. The one square photo is of a firefighter fighting fire. The small square photos are of a Marine, a child and clinging to or hugging their parent while both are smiling, a person sitting on a street corner with a large dog in their lap, and a funeral of someone in the armed forces with the American flag draped over their coffin. The portrait photo is of one person in a wheelchair being pushed by their peer.
<gallery widths="100" columns="6" spacing="small" position="center" orientation="none">
Baby and Dog Cuddling, Child and Parent Walking on beach, Teacher Reading Zeitgeist Gallery.png
Scientists Doing Bloodwork, Bald Hospital Patient Zeitgeist Gallery.png
Person Offering Help to Other, Nurse Practitioner in Hospital Room Zeitgeist Gallery.png
gay wall.png
Hiker and Person with Camera Zeitgeist Gallery.png
Couple Kissing Zeitgeist Gallery.png
Waitstaff Member Holding Large Tray of Food Zeitgeist Gallery.png
Officer with Riot and Face Shield Zeitgeist Gallery.png
Child Running with Dog, Peron on Beach, Armed Forces Walking from Behind, Person Offering Another Food, Zeitgeist Gallery.png
People in Armed Forces with Guns, People in Armed Forces in Line Zeitgeist Gallery.png
Parent and Child Zeitgeist Gallery.png
Newborn and Mother Zeitgeist Gallery.png
Dramatic BW Model With Long Hair Zeitgeist Gallery.png
BW Fashionable Blind Person Walking with Cane, BW EMT in Back of Ambulence Zeitgeist Gallery.png
BW Turtleshell Helmet with Two Dogtags Zeitgeist Gallery.png
Airline Attendant Zeigeist Gallery.png
Well-Dressed Elderly Couple Zeitgeist Gallery.png
Hitchhiking Teen Holding Sign Zeitgeist Gallery.png
Adult Blue Jay Feeding Babies Zeitgeist Gallery.png
Person with Artificial Arm Holding Blue Cylinder Zeitgeist Gallery.png
Person with Cane Walking Past Graves, Child Holding Bird Zeitgeist Gallery.png
Firefighter Fighting Fire Zeitgeist Gallery.png
===Outside the Gallery===
Outside of the gallery is viewed through the glass door near the entrance. There are cars parked along the street near the gallery and cars that pass by every couple of seconds. Across the street is multiple storefronts and electric lines. Directly across the street from the gallery, there is graffiti or perhaps a sign for a store that reads "THiS iS WATER" with three fish inbetween the words this is and water. Across the street there is also a parking sign. A street corner is also viewable, suggesting that the gallery is on a corner. It is a sunny day outside with minimal clouds.
<gallery spacing="small" position="center" columns="6" widths="100">
This is Water Graffiti Zeitgeist Gallery.png|"THiS iS WATER" with three fish and bubbles.
Street Corner Zeitgeist Gallery.png|Street corner visible from the glass doors of the entrance.
== Trivia ==
== Trivia ==