
Best Auto Trading Robot on the Market and Make BIG Money Within The Next 7 Days Guaranteed!


Option Bot is one of the most popular binary option robots there is available today. When we got the opportunity to offer this particular excellent binary option robot to our customers for free, we did not hesitate for a moment  to start the cooperation with them. Unlike the real robot and binary hedge fund, Option Bot 2 is not fully automated binary trading software, it is actually trading signal indicator, it does not handle the investments entirely for you, but give tips for you, on the basis of which you do the final decision whether to invest or not. This has both good and bad sides. you can not let it take care of 100% of your investments and to go for example to the beach to sunbathe. But on the other hand Option Bot is the best tool if you want to become a better investor and hone your skills in top shape.

The OptionBot is the highest performing signals service with up to %92 accuracy rate. This performance is well documented and plenty testimonials from satisfied traders have surfaced the web. Based on a traffic ranking sites, the OptionBot is ranked highest in terms of daily visitors. If you plan to trade currencies on your binary options platform, consider the Option Bot as your ‘life line’ because many traders rely on the Bot as their preferred trading software and exclusively trade via the software instead of directly on their broker accounts.

Most Important Features:

✓ 15 built in currency pairs. The software has 15 built in currency pairs on the which it uses to provide most accurate signals basis on the value changes of currencies and other indicators. After it has present all the information to you, you are able to make an easy decision whether you want to invest or not. This does not require any kind of professional expertise in investment. The signals are on simple format: Currency pair and the put/call, this differs enormously from commonly used forex trading signal indicators which are so complex that you need to have years of investment expertise to interpret them.

✓ Multiple supported trading platforms and brokers. Option Bot 2 is fully compatible with most trusted broker sites like CherryTrade and Porter Finance. You can easily make investments in more than one broker. So you are always able to choose the best and most profitable option without any difficulty. The transition from one platform to another is quick and easy, so investor is able to make several successive investments to different brokers almost without any delay. All this allows professional-like trading and effective learning.

✓ Customizable user settings. It is extremely easy to customize the application to match your own needs. I recommend you read our binary options money management article before you start using robot as an aid. This way you know better how you will need to adjust the settings so that the risk remains small enough, despite the good return expectations. Option Bot 2 gives you excellent opportunity do that, so you should use those features as fully as possible. If you want to seek for higher returns with higher risk that is also possible.

✓ Fully web based, does not require downloading. Option Bot 2 works completely through the browser and do not therefore need to use your computer processing power or electricity to operate. So this software is also ideal for users with some older computer or users who want to save a large part of machines computing power for the other simultaneous use such as playing video games.

✓ Live financial data feed. You can easily follow the latest economic events at the same time when you are watching the signals and you are wondering yourself the best potential investments This is an excellent way to combine the trading signals and your own know-how. If you come to the same conclusion with the robot that a particular investment is good, it is much more likely that this investment will be profitable.

✓ Fast and knowledgeable customer support. You will get quick answers to all the questions in your mind from expert customer service. Although the Option Bot 2 is really easy to use and is also well suited for beginning investor, can using such a technical accessory be a little frightening for someone. So if you have absolutely anything puzzling questions in your mind, I recommend to contact customer service directly. The website has a live chat feature, where you can directly speak with the customer service agent. And outside the opening hours of live-chat you can leave a message though the same feature. You generally get the answer at least within a few hours to your email.

✓ Daily trader insight videos. You get advises of best settings for the software based on daily financial news. In this way you will be able to take full advantage of the robot’s features in the best possible way in every market situation. Also you save your own time when you do not have to think about every possible fine-tuning opportunity, the professional traders will do this all for you, you just need to listen to their instructions.

✓ One-to-one coaching and online webinars. Individual advises are invaluable especially for novice investors. Your skills develop faster and you do not make the mistakes that beginners tend to make. Ask more details on these services from your personal account manager after registration.

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