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The information on this site is subject to a disclaimer (see Please acknowledge EMM when (re)using this material africa&lang=en&feedname=igad&feedname=osce&feedname=wfp&feedname=eppgroup&feedname=consilium-europa&feedname=dg-comm-en&feedname=dg-comm-photos&feedname=pse&feedname=Cor-EN&feedname=gue-ngl&feedname=echo&feedname=iaea&feedname=law&feedname=un-az&feedname=cpac&feedname=earthquake-report&feedname=europarl&feedname=fao-en&feedname=giews&feedname=gc&feedname=ghana-gov&feedname=gov-rw&feedname=mfa-en&feedname=Infopak-en&feedname=nna-en&feedname=oecd-nea&feedname=oecdobserver&feedname=oic-oci&feedname=TheGovernmentOfBotswana&feedname=unodc&feedname=elections&feedname=icao-en&feedname=icj-cij&feedname=commongroundnews-en&feedname=homelandsecuritynewswire&feedname=ukba&feedname=usaid&feedname=un-org&feedname=undispatch&feedname=state-gov&feedname=sec&feedname=irinnews&feedname=unmultimedia-en&feedname=Whitehouse&sourceCountry=AF&sourceCountry=AO&sourceCountry=DZ&sourceCountry=AI&sourceCountry=AG&sourceCountry=AR&sourceCountry=AM&sourceCountry=AW&sourceCountry=AU&sourceCountry=AT&sourceCountry=AZ&sourceCountry=BS&sourceCountry=BH&sourceCountry=BD&sourceCountry=BB&sourceCountry=BY&sourceCountry=BE&sourceCountry=BZ&sourceCountry=BJ&sourceCountry=BM&sourceCountry=BT&sourceCountry=BO&sourceCountry=BA&sourceCountry=BW&sourceCountry=BR&sourceCountry=BG&sourceCountry=BF&sourceCountry=BI&sourceCountry=KH&sourceCountry=CM&sourceCountry=CA&sourceCountry=CV&sourceCountry=KY&sourceCountry=CF&sourceCountry=TD&sourceCountry=CL&sourceCountry=CN&sourceCountry=CO&sourceCountry=KM&sourceCountry=CR&sourceCountry=HR&sourceCountry=CU&sourceCountry=CY&sourceCountry=CZ&sourceCountry=DK&sourceCountry=DJ&sourceCountry=DO&sourceCountry=EC&sourceCountry=EG&sourceCountry=SV&sourceCountry=ER&sourceCountry=EE&sourceCountry=ET&sourceCountry=FK&sourceCountry=FJ&sourceCountry=FI&sourceCountry=FR&sourceCountry=GF&sourceCountry=PF&sourceCountry=GA&sourceCountry=GM&sourceCountry=GE&sourceCountry=DE&sourceCountry=GH&sourceCountry=GR&sourceCountry=GU&sourceCountry=GT&sourceCountry=GN&sourceCountry=GW&sourceCountry=GY&sourceCountry=HT&sourceCountry=HN&sourceCountry=HK&sourceCountry=HU&sourceCountry=XX&sourceCountry=IS&sourceCountry=IN&sourceCountry=ID&sourceCountry=IR&sourceCountry=IE&sourceCountry=IL&sourceCountry=IT&sourceCountry=CI&sourceCountry=JM&sourceCountry=JP&sourceCountry=JO&sourceCountry=KZ&sourceCountry=KE&sourceCountry=KW&sourceCountry=KG&sourceCountry=LA&sourceCountry=LV&sourceCountry=LB&sourceCountry=LR&sourceCountry=LY&sourceCountry=LI&sourceCountry=LT&sourceCountry=LU&sourceCountry=MK&sourceCountry=MG&sourceCountry=MW&sourceCountry=MY&sourceCountry=MV&sourceCountry=ML&sourceCountry=MT&sourceCountry=MR&sourceCountry=MU&sourceCountry=YT&sourceCountry=MX&sourceCountry=MD&sourceCountry=MC&sourceCountry=MN&sourceCountry=MS&sourceCountry=ME&sourceCountry=MA&sourceCountry=MZ&sourceCountry=NA&sourceCountry=NP&sourceCountry=NL&sourceCountry=AN&sourceCountry=NC&sourceCountry=NZ&sourceCountry=NI&sourceCountry=NE&sourceCountry=NG&sourceCountry=KP&sourceCountry=MP&sourceCountry=NO&sourceCountry=OM&sourceCountry=PK&sourceCountry=PS&sourceCountry=PA&sourceCountry=PY&sourceCountry=PE&sourceCountry=PH&sourceCountry=PL&sourceCountry=PT&sourceCountry=QA&sourceCountry=CG&sourceCountry=RO&sourceCountry=RU&sourceCountry=RW&sourceCountry=RE&sourceCountry=VC&sourceCountry=WS&sourceCountry=SA&sourceCountry=SN&sourceCountry=SC&sourceCountry=GB&sourceCountry=US&sourceCountry=IQ health officials monitoring the Ebola epidemic in West Africa say the outbreak may have reached a turning point in which transmissions may have begun to slow down. Dr. Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust the organization funding a series of fast-tracked trials of Ebola vaccines and....Fri, 31 Oct 2014 12:45:00 +0100homelandsecuritynewswireenhomelandsecuritynewswire-1a1935924b4c0d7d70dbdf4cd2a5f733CommunicableDiseasesPublicHealthPolicyPublicHealth52.5163 13.32769.55038 -13.67160.390841 9.4536435.909229 -100.38739851.4879 -0.17799845.3742 -75.6507-1.2702 36.804146.948212 7.4457366.30077 -10.7972 faces new protests Fri 31 Oct 2014 at 12:22. NNA - Protesters are gathering for a second day in the Burkina Faso capital Ouagadougou, calling on President Blaise Compaore to resign immediately. Opposition figures used social media overnight to call for new protests.Fri, 31 Oct 2014 12:43:00 +0100nna-enennna-en-560446505d94f0c46a2a4da225c38ca8UNbodiesUNSecretaryGeneral12.364 -1.52826 - Burkina Faso's President Blaise Compaore was toppled on Thursday as the army took power after protesters set parliament ablaze in a popular uprising against the veteran leader's 27-year-rule. The demonstrators earlier forced the government to scrap a vote on controversial plans to allow....Fri, 31 Oct 2014 12:43:00 +0100nna-enennna-en-6bb7b51f08631d9bbe1aa4a8d5047ff9UNSecretaryGeneralUNbodies14.6867 -17.45199.65032125204032 2.33977220863505-3.3725 29.356138.9051 -77.016248.8521 2.3489912.364 -1.52826 number of disposal wells in Texas has surged along with the number of drilling projects. Texas has more than 3,600 active commercial disposal wells. In 2013, the Railroad Commission approved 668 disposal well permits, twice the number of approvals in 2009.Fri, 31 Oct 2014 12:32:00 +0100homelandsecuritynewswireenhomelandsecuritynewswire-607ca23e124d5c91b3494f48cac65a84Environment32.907001 -97.54508232.1101 -96.639397 15 and Sunday 16 November: The EU at the G20 Summit in Brisbane, Australia – Supporting global recovery. The news: At the G20 summit in Brisbane (Australia) the President of the European Commission and the President of the European Council will push for the adoption of a strong Brisbane....Fri, 31 Oct 2014 12:00:00 +0100dg-comm-enendg-comm-en-5fec9ba6d70ef4f16204187b908e3f48EURussiaFinancialCrisisInternalMarketECnewsCouncilPresidentEuropeanCouncilG20Turkey-EUTAXUDJoseBarrosoEU-LatinAmericaEU-AsiaPolicyBudgetPolicyDevelopmentPolicyExternalRelationsPolicyTaxation24.63468 46.71791114.6867 -17.451927.07155 -98.14048848.8521 2.34899-34.6654 -58.409637.5424 126.93555.7388 37.666552.5163 13.3276-28.9972870207938 25.089228894487419.3395004253507 -99.627266840977640.4422 -3.6909718.0841 -15.9784-5.83333 -37.451.36100915482186 103.81078826424439.9293 32.8533-41.3348 174.80733.470556 -90.846389-6.18287 106.82945.3742 -75.6507-27.4539 153.02716.8722 96.124935.2086 110.72728.5687 77.216834.147678 -85.68421935.6831 139.80941.8955 12.490651.4879 -0.177998 Commission. MEMO. Brussels, 31 October 2014. Contribution of EU-funded research to IPCC's 5th Assessment Report. The Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) is planning to publish its Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) on 2 November 2014.Fri, 31 Oct 2014 12:00:00 +0100dg-comm-enendg-comm-en-e173fd7bf4e2726af441122750e52c24EcologyECnewsWasteTreatmentFP7EnvironmentAlternativeEnergyClimateChangeUNbodiesKyotoProtocolEU-LatinAmericaPolicyAgriculturePolicyBudgetPolicyDevelopmentPolicyEnergyPolicyEnvironmentPolicyExternalRelations-12.0824 -77.045438.9051 -77.016250.8371 4.3676164.1812 -51.73 October 2014, Nairobi/Rome - After a poor rainy season, parts of southern Somalia are now being hit by severe bouts of floods, further aggravating the already alarming food security situation in the Horn of Africa nation, experts at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) have warned.Fri, 31 Oct 2014 11:12:00 +0100fao-enenfao-en-b6a25429482e1b975e3339652b515c5fFoodSecurityFoodAidNaturalDisastersUNbodies41.8955 12.49062.04118 45.34419.02274 38.7468, 31 October 2014 (IRIN) - When Elise M’s* 18-year-old daughter tried to kill herself with an overdose of pills last year, the ambulance that Elise called took them to nearby South Rand Hospital, in the Johannesburg suburb of Rosettenville. But nurses at the hospital refused to admit her.Fri, 31 Oct 2014 11:10:00 +0100irinnewsenirinnews-e10a712d626c576a643b62f3787fa826ImmigrationEchoPublicHealth-26.1441 28.0502-17.8292 31.054-33.0162154046378 20.6172234129505-28.7083453322476 30.7321445167992-4.32084 15.2987 30, 2014 - Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird today issued the following statement: “Canada strongly condemns the ongoing violence in South Sudan and is deeply concerned by its impact on the civilian population and on neighbouring countries. “We are extremely disturbed by UN reports....Fri, 31 Oct 2014 02:55:00 +0100gcengc-03843eb508e7f4ffe7acfd9b759a01e2SecurityTerroristAttackConflictUNbodies9.229114 29.7821945.3742 -75.6507 European Investment Bank will provide EUR 400 million for investment by SME’s across Ireland through the Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland launched in Dublin earlier today. The SBCI has been created by the Irish government to improve access to finance by Irish companies and will provide simple access for long-term and low cost loans.Fri, 31 Oct 2014 00:00:00 +0100dg-comm-enendg-comm-en-5d8309c1d7c19deb17f0250cd69e90d7EnterpriseEurope2EIBFinancialServices53.3416 -6.25735 The Protection of Civilians (POC) site near Bentiu, in Unity State, South Sudan. UN Photo/JC McIlwaine. 30 October 2014 #150 Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has urged an immediate end of all hostilities in South Sudan amid a renewed outbreak of violence in two towns in the country’s North, the United Nations confirmed today.Thu, 30 Oct 2014 23:33:00 +0100un-orgenun-org-dad460beda6a7503da414dcb38707a98UNbodiesUNSecretaryGeneral9.229114 29.78219 30, 2014 Vaughan, Ontario Introduction. Prime Minister Stephen Harper today announced new measures to help make life more affordable for Canadian families. He was joined by Joe Oliver, Minister of Finance, Julian Fantino, Minister of Veterans Affairs, Candice Bergen, Minister of State....Thu, 30 Oct 2014 22:14:00 +0100gcengc-bac05b47ac56b343f99c6de04e62d944TAXUD43.548599 -79.626427 After months of speculation over the health of Zambian President Michael Sata, the government announced that Sata died in London on October 28 at the age of 77. With his death comes political uncertainty but also signs that Zambia will weather this storm with its democratic track record intact. Sata’s death was both sudden and unsurprising.Thu, 30 Oct 2014 22:03:00 +0100undispatchenundispatch-78e9a4a7416640d18d9de5888b9e66bdUNbodies-15.4088 28.2824-17.8292 31.054-28.9972870207938 25.089228894487451.4879 -0.177998 20, 2014 Ottawa, Ontario Location: Tunney’s Pasture, Brooke Claxton Building. Check against delivery. Thank you, Minister Ambrose. I'm pleased to be here today to update Canadians on Canada’s response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. As you know, last week’s announcement of an....Thu, 30 Oct 2014 21:45:00 +0100gcengc-93927c8c21a68c542e58183761c9b2ccCommunicableDiseasesPublicHealth49.9212 -97.124450.460524238145 -86.084801183843144.6658 -63.619645.000150425 -62.99865299446.20153 6.16666678.48612 -13.2391 13, 2014 Toronto, Ontario. CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY. Thank you Minister. I would like to reiterate some of the Minister's comments. Today we are announcing the start of Phase One clinical trials for our Ebola vaccine in healthy volunteers. These will be the first human clinical trials of the vaccine.Thu, 30 Oct 2014 21:45:00 +0100gcengc-0ac819e8749b43711f3fa58a77804dddCommunicableDiseasesPublicHealth43.7208 -79.412649.9212 -97.1244 20, 2014 Ottawa, Ontario Location: Tunney’s Pasture, Brooke Claxton Building. Check Against Delivery. Good morning, Thank you for joining us today. I am joined by Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Gregory Taylor, as well as Dr. Judith Bosse, Assistant Deputy Minister at the Public Health Agency of Canada.Thu, 30 Oct 2014 21:45:00 +0100gcengc-3614fd0f7f5fc09e3d3fd263125dc904CommunicableDiseasesPublicHealth49.9212 -97.124450.460524238145 -86.084801183843144.6658 -63.619645.000150425 -62.998652994, October 13 th 2014 Calgary, AB. CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY. Good morning. Thank you for being here today. I am joined by teleconference by Dr. Gregory Taylor, Canada's Chief Public Health Officer, and Dr. Judith Bossé, an Assistant Deputy Minister at the Public Health Agency of Canada.Thu, 30 Oct 2014 21:45:00 +0100gcengc-8b109f6111f04e1e0c91c2b7871a2673CommunicableDiseasesPublicHealth49.9212 -97.124451.0404 -114.06139.01375 -77.02415827.92124 -97.29032146.881271 -53.9725496.30077 -10.7972• An investigation is under way to determine what sparked clashes at a UN protection of civilians site in South Sudan. The UN Mission in the county (UNMISS) says that up to 60 people were injured in the fighting between two groups of people at the site sheltering up to 24,000 people in Jebel.Thu, 30 Oct 2014 21:30:00 +0100unmultimedia-enenunmultimedia-en-b4cdb682f51b47e68d87e0f5c96cd7f6CommunicableDiseasesUNbodies9.55038 -13.6716-28.9972870207938 25.08922889448744.85 31.643.7816 11.20788.48612 -13.23916.30077 -10.7972 of Canada governor Stephen Poloz and senior deputy governor Carolyn Wilkins respond to questions about the bank's latest monetary... Peter Van Dusen welcomes our regular House Leaders' panel: Peter Van Loan (Conservative), Peter Julian (NDP), and Dominic LeBlanc...Thu, 30 Oct 2014 20:35:00 +0100cpacencpac-e4b0c0c56b8d0c0e45d8e7005e028c1f49.986462 -99.79309143.89922 -78.852643.866667 -78.93333356.05291 -130.028107 Billboard promoting peace in Ouagadougou, capital of Burkina Faso. Photo: IRIN/Chris Simpson. 30 October 2014 #150 Greatly concerned by the deteriorating security situation in Burkina Faso, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called for an end to the violence and announced that....Thu, 30 Oct 2014 20:07:00 +0100un-orgenun-org-7c6a0859c3d518c7262f35952ca30dacUNbodiesUNSecretaryGeneral12.364 -1.52826 Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim (second left) touring the Kenyatta Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya and discussing preparations and readiness to deal with the Ebola outbreak. Photo: World Bank/Dominic Chavez. 30 October 2014 #150 The World Bank has announced it is boosting its efforts in....Thu, 30 Oct 2014 19:31:00 +0100un-orgenun-org-3e66db322c8a5f14915fc5ded28c9919CommunicableDiseasesPublicHealthUNbodies-1.28995502549729 36.868351107227714.6867 -17.45199.55038 -13.671640.4422 -3.690979.172945 7.17992438.9051 -77.016212.653 -7.986488.48612 -13.23916.30077 -10.7972 dialogue ahead of upcoming ICN2 with Bolivian President Evo Morales and other leaders. 30 October 2014, Rome - Evo Morales Ayma, current chairman of the Group of 77 and President of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, urged an expansive reading of state's duties to guarantee food, land....Thu, 30 Oct 2014 19:18:00 +0100fao-enenfao-en-f188790af7905f5dac55dc3292985cd1FoodSecurityFoodAidEnvironmentEcologyUNbodies41.8955 12.4906-28.9972870207938 25.08922889448745.69729216494354 12.74293477933333.718151 73.06054715.5501 32.532238.9051 -77.0162-16.7090871781643 -64.6651572547587-25.9622 32.573728.5687 77.216835.2086 110.727-5.83333 -37.4555.7388 37.6665 Oct 2014 Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator Keynote Address at the Conrad N. Hilton Humanitarian Prize Dinner: New Partners for a New Development Agenda Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York, New York Let me begin by thanking the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation for inviting me.Thu, 30 Oct 2014 17:33:00 +0100un-azenun-az-29576f002e8dc6e54d2cdc22fa084d58EnvironmentUNbodies33.334 44.39784.85 31.62.04118 45.344140.6222 -73.987833.5193 36.3135, Azerbaijan. Opening Remarks by Magdy Martínez-Solimán, UN Assistant Secretary-General and Director, Bureau for Policy and Programme Support Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is my pleasure to be with all of you, today, in Baku, to represent the United Nations Development Programme, one of....Thu, 30 Oct 2014 17:33:00 +0100un-azenun-az-c1d661e7e9ebae0bacd063e4c98d6129CommunicableDiseasesUNbodies40.4422 -3.6909740.3010441706205 49.7326664327222 Tillemann (ET/EPP), Member of Keila Rural Municipality Assembly, joined over 600 representatives from local, regional and national governments from across the globe in South Korea to explore ways on how to halt biodiversity loss and deliver the Strategic Plan of the CBD (2011-2020) and its Aichi Targets.Thu, 30 Oct 2014 17:24:00 +0100Cor-ENenCor-EN-c2384e9c824de4d1165a188ebf456284EnterpriseEurope2CommitteeOfRegionsEnvironmentEcologyJanezPotocnikECnewsBiodiversityEU-AsiaPolicyDevelopmentPolicyEnvironment38.7613889 127.203611137.5424 126.935 28 October 2014 - In a series of meetings with senior Australian and New Zealand officials UNODC Executive Director Yury Fedotov underscored the importance of an integrated approach to evolving illicit drug and organized crime challenges in Southeast Asia and the Pacific.Thu, 30 Oct 2014 17:09:00 +0100unodcenunodc-ff18f1d117d652acd211e610ad4c0de3DrugsConsumers-41.3348 174.807-18.1426 178.43137.5424 126.935-35.3499 149.042, D.C. – The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and Western Union announces the official launch of the third round of the African Diaspora Marketplace (ADM III), an initiative that promotes sustainable economic growth and job creation in Africa by supporting African diaspora entrepreneurs.Thu, 30 Oct 2014 16:49:00 +0100usaidenusaid-d3974c9eb8bb24609462c7fd89f761e7EnterpriseEurope238.9051 -77.016237.483611 -92.428889-6.17486 35.738171 +1.202.712.4320 | Email: | Twitter: @USAIDPress. WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Rajiv Shah will travel to London on Tuesday, October 28 , to meet with leaders in government and business about strengthening....Thu, 30 Oct 2014 16:49:00 +0100usaidenusaid-c6e34b6a5d5d426c334a404244568017CommunicableDiseases38.9051 -77.016251.4879 -0.177998, D.C. - Tomorrow , U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Rajiv Shah will give the keynote remarks at the University of Notre Dame’s 2014 Global Impact Forum in Washington, D.C. Dr. Shah will discuss how USAID is embracing a new model of development--harnessing....Thu, 30 Oct 2014 16:49:00 +0100usaidenusaid-574614eabd445d99cef1b688525575adCommunicableDiseases38.9051 -77.0162 +1.202.712.4320 | Email: Twitter: @USAIDPress. The World Bank Group has released Doing Business 2015: Going Beyond Efficiency, the 12th in a series of annual reports benchmarking the regulations that affect private sector firms. The U.S.Thu, 30 Oct 2014 16:49:00 +0100usaidenusaid-c7f6eba943c4feac08a05d3e4da2e0e24.63022 -74.08051314.6867 -17.451923.7099 90.40719.65032125204032 2.339772208635059.172945 7.1799248.52841203906669 0.97721156848002133.718151 73.06054733.781111 -96.017778-25.9622 32.573714.6449445866494 -90.494664289925450.4482 30.502142.224991 -111.051102 a major effort to revitalize agriculture in Swaziland, the government, the European Union and FAO have helped over 20,000 smallholder farmers produce more, higher-quality food and connect with new markets. Agriculture is on its way to become a key driver of Swaziland’s development.Thu, 30 Oct 2014 16:48:00 +0100fao-enenfao-en-36b6a617e05fdca98da243eb073ed6daUNbodiesPolicyAgriculturePolicyHumanitarianAid41.8955 12.4906-26.5647085663829 31.50149220515764.85 31.6 The availability of essential medicines in emergencies is still lacking in many parts of the world, according to the President of the Meeting in Vienna for the third time this year, the board monitors and supports governments' compliance with international drug control treaties.Thu, 30 Oct 2014 16:48:00 +0100unmultimedia-enenunmultimedia-en-3d16a5b0a205035c0c72458e8166943cUNbodies EU Commissioner Christos Stylianides. Photo credit: EPP. Incoming EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, Christos Stylianides, has been appointed EU Ebola Response Coordinator by the European Council. Assisted by the European Commission's Emergency Response....Thu, 30 Oct 2014 16:36:00 +0100echoenecho-2b711f33be69f29007b25824d174eed7UNbodiesInstitutionalAffairsEchoCommunicableDiseasesHumanitarianAidECnewsPolicyHumanitarianAidPolicyInstitutionalAffairs9.55038 -13.67168.48612 -13.23916.30077 -10.7972 an effort to deliver life-saving health equipment to Ebola-affected countries, a cargo plane transporting 14 ambulance cars has taken off today from Zaragoza airport in Spain to Guinea Conakry. This is the third cargo airlift funded by a €1 million contribution from the European Commission’s....Thu, 30 Oct 2014 16:36:00 +0100echoenecho-58bc22b98b78d08d1becd95678cfd54dCivilProtectionMarketEchoCommunicableDiseasesECnewsPolicyHumanitarianAidPolicyTransport12.653 -7.9864849.6326822866963 6.0760652332474541.6513 -0.8782059.62760879828135 -13.56451428845578.48612 -13.23916.30077 -10.7972 Ki-moon affirmed today during his visit to the Kenyan capital of Nairobi. Speaking at the launch of the Global Media Campaign against female genital mutilation organized by the Guardian Media Group, the Secretary-General underscored the importance of placing a greater media focus on the issue,....Thu, 30 Oct 2014 16:33:00 +0100un-orgenun-org-41461e4e1715181b81ac9c613615092fUNbodiesPublicHealthClimateChangeEnvironmentGenderEqualityTEN-T-NewsUNSecretaryGeneralClimateActionPolicyDevelopmentPolicyEnergyPolicyEnvironmentPolicyTransport15.3324 38.926251.4879 -0.17799838.9051 -77.01624.85 31.62.04118 45.34419.02274 38.746811.5086012087228 43.00827708887070.322805 32.5748 Asmah Mohamad, who was forced to undergo the painful FGM/C procedure, is is comforted by her mother Bedria. © UNICEF/NYHQ2005-2229/Getachew. A global media campaign to end female genital mutilation (FGM) has been launched in Kenya by the UN Secretary-General.Thu, 30 Oct 2014 15:50:00 +0100unmultimedia-enenunmultimedia-en-bee17dcf2ea0d8b4826bf166a1dbe02dUNbodiesUNSecretaryGeneral-1.28995502549729 36.868351107227713.455 -16.588751.4879 -0.177998 governments of the United States and Bangladesh, led respectively by U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Wendy Sherman and Bangladesh Foreign Secretary Shahidul Haque, convened the third annual Partnership Dialogue on October 28-29, 2014 in Washington, DC.Thu, 30 Oct 2014 15:08:00 +0100state-govenstate-gov-568246181d072d0bc7a8eeeef98e1afaPeaceKeepingEnvironmentCybersecurityAntifraudTAXUDAlternativeEnergyClimateChangeUNbodies14.6096 121.00640.066248 -79.91078339.841667 -96.51944439.473333 -85.92277838.335278 -82.78166724.4499808308276 90.402424360299622.3304 91.825233.695278 -88.604444 30, 2014 - Halifax, N.S Royal Canadian Navy/Department of National Defence. Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Athabaskan returned to its home port of Halifax, Nova Scotia, today after a successful deployment on Operation CARIBBE, Canada’s contribution to the multinational campaign against....Thu, 30 Oct 2014 15:00:00 +0100gcengc-cb7ac04f1697a8454a78aa91903326f254.61549 -126.90619730.476944 -89.69361135.909229 -100.38739843.216815948 -79.11627472239.919533 -75.38883744.6658 -63.619645.000150425 -62.99865299440.3941 -97.20210342.405278 -90.59166738.875 -78.863333 in prison experience more difficult conditions than men, according to the UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women, Rashida Manjo. She said women in jail sometimes have to trade sex for basic necessities, they experience inappropriate touching, and their privacy in bathrooms is often violated.Thu, 30 Oct 2014 14:45:00 +0100unmultimedia-enenunmultimedia-en-83cd66d33048e20a7cd58ca7aa19ce02UNbodies35.6831 139.8094.85 31.637.5424 126.935 Condemns Violence in South Sudan's Unity State Press Statement Jen Psaki Department Spokesperson Washington, DC October 30, 2014 The United States condemns in the strongest terms the latest attacks by Sudan People’s Liberation Movement /Army - In Opposition (SPLM/A - IO) in and around Bentiu, South Sudan.Thu, 30 Oct 2014 14:29:00 +0100state-govenstate-gov-6e8ef17c8c85f62031e2eae85e3f196dUNbodies38.9051 -77.01629.229114 29.78219 a series of meetings with senior Australian and New Zealand officials UNODC Executive Director Yury Fedotov underscored the importance of an integrated approach to evolving illicit drug and organized crime challenges in Southeast Asia and the Pacific.Thu, 30 Oct 2014 14:23:00 +0100unodcenunodc-0eb61b1ff17bb0ce0239f1f98daf6e5dDrugsConsumers-41.3348 174.807-18.1426 178.43137.5424 126.935-35.3499 149.042 and EIB have today signed a loan facility for €100 million. These funds will be used to enable continued investment in the electricity network in the south west region of the country to connect renewable energy to the national transmission network.Thu, 30 Oct 2014 14:07:00 +0100dg-comm-enendg-comm-en-0b1e240aa4fb2f0dd9206c6939519a7fEIBAlternativeEnergyEnvironmentMarketPolicyEnergyPolicyEnvironment53.3416 -6.25735 hundred million dollars is being provided by the World Bank to speed up the deployment of foreign health workers to combat the Ebola disease outbreak in West Africa. The announcement increases the Bank's funding to fight the virus over the last three months in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone to more than $500 million.Thu, 30 Oct 2014 13:59:00 +0100unmultimedia-enenunmultimedia-en-a364f1ef6e2197575d811eaada676bd1UNbodies9.55038 -13.67168.48612 -13.23916.30077 -10.7972, 30-10-2014: It is within the framework of simultaneous national validation workshops across IGAD member states towards the formulation of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Regional Strategy and Implementation Plan 2016-2020 that had been launched on September 6th this year, that Mr.Thu, 30 Oct 2014 13:36:00 +0100igadenigad-e6eae799c3306969269a3889962dae5aEnterpriseEurope2InstitutionalAffairs-1.28995502549729 36.86835110722770.33517063516943 32.58957663809798.97797020905037 38.78598161807432.04118 45.344111.5086012087228 43.00827708887074.849569 31.60463 Commission Press release Brussels, 30 October 2014 The European Commission has today approved 27 programmes to promote agricultural products in the European Union and in third countries. The total budget of the programmes, the grand majority of which will run for a period of three years, is € 77,4.Thu, 30 Oct 2014 12:36:00 +0100dg-comm-enendg-comm-en-bb2a0198a41737bf56183d814ceba332ECnewsTurkey-EUExternalAffairsDacianCiolosImportsExportsReformConsumersPolicyAgriculturePolicyConsumersPolicyInternalMarket39.9293 32.853335.6831 139.80938.9051 -77.016250.8371 4.36761 But now let me now introduce Secretary John Kerry. There’s a spot on the State Department’s website that shows a running log of everywhere Secretary John Kerry has traveled. He’s logged well over 300 miles Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Israel, Turkey, Afghanistan, Lebanon a testament to the complexity and challenge of his charge.Thu, 30 Oct 2014 12:00:00 +0100state-govenstate-gov-39b23ace93293de2d1347b741276b21aInstitutionalAffairsSocietyPeaceProcessAlternativeEnergy24.63468 46.71791138.9051 -77.016234.558611 -88.22611134.5309 69.13675739.9293 32.853333.2286562085057 44.356930598938733.887189 35.51340435.7745 51.447733.5193 36.313537.5424 126.93535.2086 110.72728.5687 77.216855.7388 37.666532.9538143168592 41.592516715457635.6831 139.80931.3525303545421 34.967300552965130.0779 31.2508-5.83333 -37.4531.9494 35.9329 Thu 30 Oct 2014 at 10:07. NNA - Army Command Guidance Directorate issued the following communiqué: "On Wednesday at 3:00 p.m., an Israeli drone violated Lebanese airspace from above Nakoura village, executed circular flight over the South regions; and then left at 9:20 p.m. from above Rmeish village.Thu, 30 Oct 2014 10:28:00 +0100nna-enennna-en-0f6d2a7b20c88ab9ef38781b03baab13 – The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in Sudan has started this week distribution of life-saving food assistance for the vulnerable communities in northern Abyei for the first time since May 2011.Thu, 30 Oct 2014 10:13:00 +0100wfpenwfp-c78ad438798608cfe09cb6847997fff9UNbodiesFoodSecurityFoodAid4.85 31.6 well as providing food to families affected by Ebola in West Africa, WFP is also providing crucial logistics support to our partners in this massive emergency operation. As you can see below, this includes building treatment units, dispatching relief supplies, building warehouses and transporting aid workers.Thu, 30 Oct 2014 09:11:00 +0100wfpenwfp-1e07c7fc09adcdf324d718c231e7c43cCommunicableDiseases Sudan is moving ahead to build its information and communications infrastructure, according to the country's Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services. When the new nation became independent from Sudan in July 201, the minister says it had "no real infrastructure", especially broadband.Thu, 30 Oct 2014 05:53:00 +0100unmultimedia-enenunmultimedia-en-a365cafeb3d9936f74209bf8cd7be1e44.85 31.635.157871 129.054703, the Honourable Christian Paradis, Minister of International Development and La Francophonie, announced Canada's continued support for the Madagascar school feeding program of the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP).Thu, 30 Oct 2014 02:48:00 +0100gcengc-9c64d589f15d626dcb5ef26fba300bf1FoodSecurityFoodAidUNbodies54.61549 -126.90619750.460524238145 -86.0848011838431-18.90765 47.527679 October 2014 #150 Learning from the experiences of the Eastern and South Africa region will be vital in global efforts to reform humanitarian action, a top United Nations humanitarian official said today in Pretoria, South Africa, at the opening of the regional consultation for Eastern and Southern Africa of the World Humanitarian Summit.Thu, 30 Oct 2014 00:34:00 +0100un-orgenun-org-d630d3b48a0d434fbc6e54b8a113436cUNSecretaryGeneralUNbodies-28.9972870207938 25.08922889448749.02274 38.7468 Ebola Enable IntenseDebate Comments: Enable IntenseDebate Comments Earlier this week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) issued new guidelines on how states should deal with travelers from Ebola-stricken regions, but a lack of federal authority to mandate such guidelines....Thu, 30 Oct 2014 00:28:00 +0100homelandsecuritynewswireenhomelandsecuritynewswire-e75a28dcbbafc20947b54eded18e24b6PublicHealthConsumersCommunicableDiseases41.7218 44.783153.9166667 -6.966666741.337549 -74.36465842.19239 -76.06242440.6222 -73.987840.7265 -74.39698.48612 -13.2391 S. Brady Press Briefing Room. 1:09 P.M. EDT. MR. EARNEST: Good afternoon, everybody. Q Is there a game on tonight? MR. EARNEST: I’m sorry? Q Is there a game on tonight? MR. EARNEST: There is a game on tonight. I was hoping somebody would mention this today so I wouldn’t have to awkwardly bring it up myself.Thu, 30 Oct 2014 00:06:00 +0100WhitehouseenWhitehouse-9ba85fac15714320e6fc50ac59b47aa3CommunicableDiseasesPeaceProcessTerroristAttackGenderEqualityPublicHealthUNbodies24.63468 46.71791131.121571 -99.33321438.9941 -94.626635.909229 -100.38739857.692509 -94.22157342.19239 -76.06242441.3 -80.8555.7388 37.66656.30077 -10.797230.2804 -97.733438.613461 -95.26534331.835278 -93.28833332.486389 -91.85916740.451111 -88.80416731.52425 34.44580843.145409 -95.14660637.510278 -92.67638947.59074 -122.149239.9293 32.853336.503333 -76.76944451.875481 -109.61440338.7488 -90.29577433.334 44.397835.7745 51.447747.37883 -122.22769937.97895 -121.26100233.5193 36.313535.724072 -77.92315739.404433 -76.52274846.73 -106.20055644.647222 -90.59638931.3525303545421 34.967300552965131.150278 -81.99666740.1983846636256 -74.67136453191140.6222 -73.987850.4482 30.502152.68972 -107.695297 has been significant mobilization in West Africa of international personnel whose efforts are starting to pay off, according to the Head of the UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response (UNMEER). Anthony Banbury held a joint press conference with the US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power in Accra, Ghana.Wed, 29 Oct 2014 22:22:00 +0100unmultimedia-enenunmultimedia-en-8077d7642ed3a3253a1a8edee130ee5fCommunicableDiseasesUNbodies5.55856 -0.2009249.55038 -13.67168.48612 -13.23916.30077 -10.7972 Room. 3:44 P.M. EDT. THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, everybody. And thank you, Dr. Brantly, not just for the introduction, but for your extraordinary work to help save lives in Africa and here at home. As many of you know, I welcomed Kent and his wonderful wife Amber to the White House last month.Wed, 29 Oct 2014 22:12:00 +0100WhitehouseenWhitehouse-9de6f65988e5557e5820f3093a09a942CommunicableDiseasesGenderEqualityPublicHealth43.145409 -95.14660614.6867 -17.45199.172945 7.17992444.708778 -83.80184939.645 -106.59361147.37883 -122.22769938.208056 -88.0186116.30077 -10.797237.663889 -84.46638942.128056 -91.1833.203611 -91.05722234.163385 -117.9904168.48612 -13.239140.51862 -107.538240.2668 -76.888 October 2014 #150 Deliberations on a modern youth policy framework continued today in Azerbaijan’s capital, Baku as hundreds of experts, policymakers, researchers and activists met for the second day of a United Nations-backed meeting, which is expected to usher in a set of focused guidelines to....Wed, 29 Oct 2014 21:53:00 +0100un-orgenun-org-e33119a570250a7832111f6465604938UNbodiesEnterpriseEurope239.9293 32.853341.3317 19.8318-18.1426 178.43156.9483 24.0869.02274 38.746840.3010441706205 49.732666432722255.7388 37.6665-28.9972870207938 25.089228894487440.4422 -3.6909729.3286826161311 47.579425130785912.653 -7.9864859.9379 10.712345.8071 15.9644-5.83333 -37.45 Statement of the Third U.S. - Bangladesh Partnership Dialogue Media Note Office of the Spokesperson Washington, DC October 29, 2014 The governments of the United States and Bangladesh, led respectively by U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Wendy Sherman and Bangladesh Foreign....Wed, 29 Oct 2014 21:08:00 +0100state-govenstate-gov-5d78115711f7ddfb4634576e0dc98410TAXUDUNbodiesClimateChangeAlternativeEnergyCybersecurityAntifraudPeaceKeepingEnvironment14.6096 121.00640.066248 -79.91078339.841667 -96.51944439.473333 -85.92277838.335278 -82.78166724.4499808308276 90.402424360299622.3304 91.8252