
Looking for news articles? The library offers lots of ways to find the information you need. Search through historic newspaper pages from 1834-1922 in Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers.

Our Newsbank database has full-text articles from newspapers around the country. You will need your library card and PIN if you're outside the library, however. Under American News, you can click on USA to search newspapers nationwide or click on Arizona Daily Star to search the local paper going back to 1991. It's up to date -- you can even read today's paper -- and there's no paywall! You can also click on America's Obituaries and Death Notices to search for obituaries going back to the early nineties, as well.

Need earlier years? On the 3rd floor of the Main Library, you can access microfilm of the Arizona Daily Star and the Tucson Citizen going back to the late 1800s. At the Reference Desk, we have subject indexes that range from 1953-1989 to help you do a search (though a few of those years are missing).

Sometimes students come in and want to find out what was going on in the world on the day they were born. We've got the New York Times on microfilm, along with print indexes from 1851-2006.

Skip the machines and dig into old newspaper clippings arranged by subjects, with an emphasis on Tucson History -- what we call Vertical Files -- also up on the 3rd floor. We have file categories on everything from airplane crashes to the Central Arizona Project to Tucson Meet Yourself. You never know what you might find. Feel free to ask a librarian for help at the Reference Desk. We can often think of subject headings you might not be able to come up with. You can make photocopies or just browse. I love working on Reference questions where we get to use these files, particularly historical Tucson questions where I can run across old photos.

Questions?  We can help! Call Infoline at 791-4010 anytime during the open hours of the Main Library (Mon-Wed 9-8, Thurs 9-6, Fri 9-5, Sat 10-5 and Sun 1-5) and a friendly Information Specialist will be ready to answer your question. We also take questions via  email.

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