
So.. aging.

Yes, that scary word that we ladies, after passing the age of 25, fear.

Everyone experiences aging. Some take it all in their stride and wouldn't even flinch when you point out that a new wrinkle grew overnight. But for many others, like me, will gasp and emo probably for the next 20 minutes if someone told me I have wrinkles or look older than my age.

Even Barbie grows old.

*inserts omg emoticon face*

This was a picture of me taken in year 2008.

I was 21 years old then.

See how young I looked!

Moving forward to 5 years later, I was 26 years old in this picture.

Do I look older already?

& this is a picture of me with Dr. Chua, taken just few weeks back when I attended Silhouette Soft® The One Stitch Facelift workshop held by The Sloane Clinic™ on the 18th of April, at the Grand Hyatt Singapore.

I'm turning 28 years old this coming June. Comparing the picture of me when I was 21 years old and this current one, it is really obvious that I've aged. :(

No longer a SYT.

(Sweet Young Thing)

Website link: http://www.sloaneclinic.com/en-sg/

Silhouette Soft® Link - http://www.sloaneclinic.com/en-sg/theface/clinicserthefacesst.asp

So what is Silhouette Soft® and who is it suitable for?

The procedure is for anyone who experiences sagging skin, deep lines/wrinkles as well as softening of facial contours. *Droopy-ness* It is suitable for all skin types & is best recommended for men & women above the age of 30 who are trying to slow down the speed of aging and yet does not want to undergo a surgery.

Here's a picture of Aaron Kwok that broke the internet. He turns50 this year and looks nothing it! How is this possible? Where is this fountain of youth?!!

Not every one of us are blessed with great genes and time to maintain ourselves daily like celebrities do. But that doesn't mean we can't look our best even as we age right?

There are many procedures out that helps with slowing down the aging process and I'm sure most of you have heard of Thermage®. Compared to Thermage®, Silhouette Soft® gives a more visible result as it goes deeper into your skin than just the surface like Thermage®.

Silhouette Soft® is a minimally invasive treatment that targets sagging skin and lines/wrinkles. It is a 15 minutes procedure under Local Anaesthetic. It is best for addressing specific trouble spots of the face for a tailor-made non-surgical facelift.

It can be used to treat various parts of the face like lower jaw, eyebrows, cheeks, cheekbones and facial contours.

The procedure uses 100% bio-absorbable and fully natural threads that are strategically placed under your skin to lift & restore your facial contours and the results can last up to 18 months. There are no surgical incisions or stitches like the traditional surgical facelifts.

The threads will be inserted via a needle, making it a very minimally invasive procedure with very little downtime! The lifting effect is immediately visible and over time, the threads also help stimulate your skin's own collagen production process, resulting in a firmer and smoother appearance of the treated areas. The threads are safely absorbed and disappears after 6-8 months.

Here are pictorial evidence of patients who have undergone the Silhouette Soft® procedure. These images have been cleared for media use.

See how the lines along the sides of her nose are gone?

The cheeks are more plump and lifted too!

Check out how smooth the face is in the right picture after the Silhouette Soft® procedure.

Cheekbones are more prominent as well.

This male patient did the Silhouette Soft® procedure to fix his jowls and I must say it is really successful because the sagging minimized dramatically and he looks so much younger than compared to the left picture.

Notice how all the patients still look like themselves after the procedure? Because I've seen a few ladies who have undergone the traditional facelifts and they look so different after! Some are even to the extent of scary looking. I mean, who wants to go for a surgery to enhance their looks but end up looking worse than before?

To me, aesthetic procedures have to give a natural result. I want to be a BETTER version of MYSELF! Just like my double eyelid surgery that I did last year, I still look like myself.. just better.

We were also introduced to Silhouette Lift®, by Dr Tan Ying Chien, a procedure that is similar to Silhouette Soft®, just that the threads used are of different material. The threads are non absorbable and is is more invasive than compared to Silhouette Soft®.

This procedure is best for patients who want a more lasting result.

From this image above, you can see how as time passes by, our tissue starts to lose their firmness and elasticity. Sagging skin will make you look older as lines and wrinkles starts forming.

As I've mentioned, many people combat this with the traditional facelift that is very invasive and gives an unnatural appearance which I'm sure is not what we want.

With Silhouette Lift®, you can get a lasting and more natural result as compared to traditional facelifts. The downtime is definitely lesser as it is less invasive.

Here is a pictorial evidence of a patient who have undergone the Silhouette Soft® procedure. These images have been cleared for media use.

& this patient benefitted so much from the Silhouette Lift® procedure.

Her previous crowfeets around her eyes and puppet lines around her mouth made her look really tired and old but after the procedure, she looks so youthful and her skin just looks soft and supple!


Not now lah, but maybe when I'm in my 40s.

A big thank you to The Sloane Clinic™ for having us over to understand more on the various options we can have to slow down our aging process.

I'm super duper vain and I will definitely keep this procedure in mind and visit you guys when I'm age-appropriate for it!

It was an afternoon of fun and sharing of beauty tips and worries amongst us three ladies.

We were all super amazed by the before & after pictures and kept whispering to each other that we must do "this" and "that" when we are older.

Here are more details that I think you would be interested in!

The price

1-4 Silhouette Soft® threads may be placed per area, depending on the lift that you desire. It is priced from S$1605 per thread. Prices are inclusive of  GST.

What results can I expect?

The benefits of Silhouette Soft® include tighter skin, improved skin texture and renewed facial contours. Skin on the face and neck is firmer and visibly tighter. The procedure also smoothes out lines and wrinkles, leaving you with a more refreshed and youthful appearance.

Facial contour is redefined as skin regains its firmness.

Lower jaw - Volume of the cheek is redefined

Cheeks and cheekbones look fuller. Nasolabial fold is diminished

Eyebrows - Outer edge of the eyebrow is raised, eyes appear more refreshed

How long does the results last

It can last up to 18 months. Some patients will be able to enjoy longer lasting benefits, depending on individual's aging process and body's response to the threads. You can enhance the result of your Silhouette Soft® by combining them with other non-invasive face-lifting procedures like Ulthera® or Thermage®.

Can it be combined with other treatments?

Silhouette Soft® can be used as a single treatment or in combination with fillers and BOTOX® for optimal natural-looking results.

What happens immediately after the procedure?

As with any cosmetic treatment, some slight swelling, redness or bruising may sometimes be observed but it will gradually disappear within days. There is sometimes a slight wrinkling of the skin (required for optimization of the treatment), which will disappear over a few days.

Is there any downtime?

Unlike a surgical facelift, Silhouette Soft®does not require a hospital stay, a general anaesthetic or a long recovery period. There is minimal downtime involved. You can apply makeup immediately and continue with your normal activities right after the procedure.

Any post-treatment protocols to be followed after the procedure?

During the week following the treatment, do not undergo any dental surgery and avoid facial massages or other aggressive face treatments. For the first few weeks, avoid contact sports and sleep on your back. In the event that you experience any discomfort of the treatment site, you may take mild oral painkillers as prescribed by the doctor or contact The Sloane Clinic™ for advice.

Website link: http://www.sloaneclinic.com/en-sg/

Silhouette Soft® Link - http://www.sloaneclinic.com/en-sg/theface/clinicserthefacesst.asp

The Sloane Cinic™ is one of the leading aesthetics clinics in Singapore as well as Malaysia. They aim to empower change in everyone they meet. Be it defying the signs of ageing or enhancing your beauty potential, The Sloane Clinic™ can provide effective solutions with its comprehensive armamentarium of beauty innovations and wide range of exclusive cosmeceuticals.

The Sloane Clinic Branches:


30 Raffles Place #03-01 Chevron House S(048622)

Tel | +65 6533 2522


43 Jalan Merah Saga #01-66 Chip Bee Gardens S(278115)

Tel | +65 6471 1108


2 Orchard Turn #03-14A ION Orchard S(238801)

Tel | +65 6509 8108

Plastic Surgery Centre

10 Sinaran Drive #08-35 Novena Medical Center S(307506)

Tel | +65 6397 6848

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