
Driving for my elderly Ukrainian Orthodox Bishop I quickly noticed that when he passed some Protestant Churches he made the sign of the Cross in a blessing. I asked, "Why do you give blessings to churches you know teach error?"  It seemed counter intuitive to me.  He said, "Whether they are church or not we cannot truly know, but we know they are schools of religion who teach something true about Jesus Christ and American society would be so much the worse off without them."  We passed by the Mormon Temple on Woodward Ave in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan and he looked over and shook his head no.  I did not bother to ask, I knew the difference, he had done the same at two Jehovah Witness buildings.  Here is an Evangelical Church being an excellent "school" not so much of "religion" but for Christ's sake exposing the insanity of the Scientistic Dictatorship's Darwinian Delusions.

I cannot help but compare this excellent presentation of the Truth of the state of the SCIENCE concerning "evolution," to a series of lectures (many hours long) given by Father Thomas Hopko on Ancient Faith Radio.  I'm embarrassed for Orthodoxy - though Fr Tom made clear he was speaking for himself and not for the Orthodox Church, that his examination of "the Theory of Evolution" was just his personal journey, at the same time he, a very well respected teacher of Orthodoxy, was on THE major voice of Orthodoxy (speaking to the culture) in America. What would any casual listener think?  His conclusion after 20 plus hours of lecturing (some of it that was quite good, by the way) "Come on, you have to see that there is something too it. There is too much evidence, too many great scientist believe it. It has to be TRUE."  I had listened intently and knew where he was going after about the second week, but still, hearing those words from his mouth STILL made my jaw drop.  Sorry, for all his knowledge of Orthodoxy his wisdom just did not translate into the fields of Physics, Biology and Molecular Biology and he was all but DEAD WRONG. I say all but, because, yes there is something to it, there is demonstrated certain abilities of adaptation of species, inside the confines of "pre-programmed information" present and dormant in D.N.A. structure, allowing for changes within certain limits, the result of environment over time. Some of this can happen quite quickly as the Russian Gray Fox experiments have proved. However, it does not signal the "creation" of anything, merely the expression of dormant D.N.A. programming.

The state of the Science of Evolution has been exposed by modern empirical scientific observation, obvious even to the layman with a little study, to be a truly out dated and even a superstitious view of Life's Origin, invoking the magic of "spontaneous generation" as it does. Comparing a drop of pre-biotic primordial soup (if any such ever existed) to a single cell, is like comparing a slab of rock to a computer.  There is no feasible way to get by non-intelligent/random means, from the first to the second. With a little study a great many people can understand the absolute physical impossibility of Darwinism, from MANY different angles and several different disciplines.  Here is a wonderful place to start.

I was first introduced to Michael Behe, through excerpts of his writing in Michael A Cremo's book "Human Devolution - A Vedic Alternative to the Darwin Theory." I have not read his book, "Darwin's Black Box."  At the time I did not know that Behe was a Christian. I'm not surprised to learn it. I have read several articles written by Behe over the years.

I'm was not familiar with Stephen Meyer, but I will soon read his two books, "Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design" and "Darwin's Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design"

I have read David Berlinski's excellent book, " The Devil's Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions.

We all need to create our own language in this cultural battle, learn the vocabulary and learn how to stand mind-dead and demon possessed Evolutionists on their heads, how to leave them speechless, (if they are honestly ignorant) and cursing if they are purposely deceiving.

If you want to lean to be a warrior for Truth, when dealing with those who are mired in the delusions of the culture, you have to be able to topple the Jericho Walls of LIES erected to block the true view of God's Creation and thus the Context for Christ's work.  The walls of Lies created by the "Enlightenment" are Secular Humanism - Marxism/Communism/Socialism, Freudianism -  Secular Psychology and Psychiatry, Corporate Pharmaceutical Practice of Medicine, all based upon the foundation of  "NATURALISM" - the Extreme Materialism of Darwinian Evolutionism.  These walls obscure and even block the view of True Nature and this includes "true human nature."  One has to smash to powder the foundation, which is Darwinism and the other walls begin to teeter, and quickly fall.

Archpriest Symeon Elias

Dissenting Scientist Ralph Seelke Discusses His Doubts About Darwin

In this interview, Dr. Ralph Seelke shares about his current evolution research, and why he is skeptical of Darwinian evolution.Click here to listen.

Ralph Seelke received his Ph.D. in Microbiology from the University of Minnesota and the Mayo Graduate School of Medicine in 1981, was a postdoctoral researcher at the Mayo Clinic until 1983, and has been an Associate Professor or Professor in the Department of Biology and Earth Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Superior since 1989. An authority on evolution's capabilities and limitations in producing new functions in bacteria, Prof. Seelke recently co-authored the science textbook "Explore Evolution: The Case For and Against Neo-Darwinism."

Professor Colin Reeves, Coventry University

Darwinism was an interesting idea in the 19th century, when handwaving explanations gave a plausible, if not properly scientific, framework into which we could fit biological facts. However, what we have learned since the days of Darwin throws doubt on natural selection's ability to create complex biological systems - and we still have little more than handwaving as an argument in its favour.Professor Colin Reeves
Dept of Mathematical Sciences
Coventry University
Edward Peltzer, University of California, San Diego (Scripps Institute)

As a chemist, the most fascinating issue for me revolves around the origin of life. Before life began, there was no biology, only chemistry -- and chemistry is the same for all time. What works (or not) today, worked (or not) back in the beginning. So, our ideas about what happened on Earth prior to the emergence of life are eminently testable in the lab. And what we have seen thus far when the reactions are left unguided as they would be in the natural world is not much. Indeed, the decomposition reactions and competing reactions out distance the synthetic reactions by far. It is only when an intelligent agent (such as a scientist or graduate student) intervenes and "tweaks" the reactions conditions "just right" do we see any progress at all, and even then it is still quite limited and very far from where we need to get. Thus, it is the very chemistry that speaks of a need for something more than just time and chance. And whether that be simply a highly specified set of initial conditions (fine-tuning) or some form of continual guidance until life ultimately emerges is still unknown. But what we do know is the random chemical reactions are both woefully insufficient and are often working against the pathways needed to succeed. For these reasons I have serious doubts about whether the current Darwinian paradigm will ever make additional progress in this area.Edward Peltzer
Ph.D. Oceanography, University of California, San Diego (Scripps Institute)
Associate Editor, Marine Chemistry

Chris Williams, Ph.D., Biochemistry Ohio State UniversityAs a biochemist and software developer who works in genetic and metabolic screening, I am continually amazed by the incredible complexity of life. For example, each of us has a vast 'computer program' of six billion DNA bases in every cell that guided our development from a fertilized egg, specifies how to make more than 200 tissue types, and ties all this together in numerous highly functional organ systems. Few people outside of genetics or biochemistry realize that evolutionists still can provide no substantive details at all about the origin of life, and particularly the origin of genetic information in the first self-replicating organism. What genes did it require -- or did it even have genes? How much DNA and RNA did it have -- or did it even have nucleic acids? How did huge information-rich molecules arise before natural selection? Exactly how did the genetic code linking nucleic acids to amino acid sequence originate? Clearly the origin of life -- the foundation of evolution - is still virtually all speculation, and little if no fact.


There is scientific dissent to Darwinism. It deserves to be heard.



(scientists listed by doctoral degree or current position)


Henry F. Schaefer, Nobel Nominee, Director of Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry, U. of Georgia

Fred Sigworth, Prof. of Cellular & Molecular Physiology, Yale Grad.


Philip S. Skell, Emeritus Prof. Of Chemistry, NAS member

Frank Tipler, Prof. of Mathematical Physics, Tulane U.

Robert Kaita, Plasma Physics Lab, Princeton

Michael Behe, Prof. of Biological Science, Lehigh U.

Walter Hearn, PhD Biochemistry-U. of Illinois

Tony Mega, Assoc. Prof. of Chemistry, Whitworth College

Dean Kenyon, Prof. Emeritusof Biology, San Francisco State

Marko Horb, Researcher, Dept. of Biology & Biochemistry, U. of Bath

Daniel Kuebler, Asst. Prof. of Biology, Franciscan U. of Steubenville

David Keller,  Assoc. Prof. of Chemistry, U. of New Mexico

James Keesling, Prof. of Mathematics, U. of Florida

Roland F. Hirsch, PhD Analytical Chemistry-U. of Michigan

Robert Newman, PhD Astrophysics-Cornell U.

Carl Koval,  Prof., Chemistry & Biochemistry, U. of Colorado

Tony Jelsma, Prof. of Biology, Dordt College

William A. Dembski, PhD Mathematics-U. of Chicago

George Lebo, Assoc. Prof. of Astronomy, U. of Florida

Timothy G. Standish, PhD Environmental Biology-George Mason U.

James Keener, Prof. of Mathematics &  Adjunct of Bioengineering, U. of Utah

Robert J. Marks, Prof. of Signal & Image Processing, U. of Washington

Carl Poppe, Senior Fellow, Lawrence Livermore Laboratories

Siegfried Scherer, Prof. of Microbial Ecology, Technische Universität München

Gregory Shearer, Postdoc. Researcher Internal Medicine, U. C. Davis

Joseph Atkinson PhD Organic Chemistry-M.I.T., American Chemical Society member

Lawrence H. Johnston, Emeritus Prof. of Physics, U. of Idaho

Scott Minnich, Prof., Dept of Microbiology, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry, U.

of Idaho

David A. DeWitt, PhD Neuroscience-Case Western U.

Theodor Liss, PhD Chemistry-M.I.T.

Braxton Alfred, Emeritus Prof. of Anthropology, U. of British Columbia  Walter

Bradley, Prof. Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A & M

Paul D. Brown, Asst. Prof. of Environmental Studies, Trinity Western (Canada)

Marvin Fritzler, Prof. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, U. of Calgary, Medical School

Theodore Saito, Project Manager, Lawrence Livermore Laboratories

Muzaffar Iqbal, PhD Chemistry-U. of Saskatchewan, Center for Theology

and the Natural Sciences

S.William Pelletier, Emeritus Distinguished Prof. of Chemistry, U. of Georgia

Keith Delaplane, Prof. of Entomology, U. of Georgia

Ken Smith, Prof. of Mathematics, Central Michigan U.

Clarence Fouche, Prof. of Biology, Virginia Intermont College

Thomas Milner, Asst. Prof. of Biomedical Engineering, U. of Texas, Austin

Brian J.Miller, PhD Physics-Duke U.

Paul Nesselroade, Assoc. Prof. of Psychology, Simpson College

Donald F. Calbreath, Prof. of Chemistry, Whitworth College

William P. Purcell, PhD Physical Chemistry-Princeton

Wesley Allen, Prof. of Computational Quantum

Chemistry, U. of Georgia

Jeanne Drisko, Asst. Prof., Kansas Medical Center, U. of Kansas

Chris Grace, Assoc. Prof. of Psychology, Biola U.

Wolfgang Smith, Prof. Emeritus of Mathematics-Oregon State

Rosalind Picard, Assoc. Prof. Computer Science,


Garrick Little, Senior Scientist, Li-Cor

John L. Omdahl, Prof. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, U. of New Mexico

Martin Poenie, Assoc. Prof. of Molecular Cell & Developmental Biology, U. of Texas,


Russell W. Carlson, Prof. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, U. of Georgia

Hugh Nutley, Prof. Emeritus of Physics & Engineering, Seattle Pacific U.

David Berlinski, PhD Philosophy-Princeton, Mathematician, Author

Nei Broom, Assoc. Prof., Chemical & Materials Engineering, U. of Auckland

John Bloom, Assoc. Prof., Physics, Biola U.

James Graham, Professional Geologist, Sr. Program Manager, National

Environmental Consulting Firm

John Baumgardner, Technical Staff, Theoretical Division, Los Alamos

National Laboratory

Fred Skiff, Prof. of Physics, U. of Iowa

Paul Kuld, Assoc. Prof., Biological Science, Biola U.

Yongsoon Park, Senior Research Scientist, St. Luke’s Hospital, Kansas City

Moorad Alexanian, Prof. of Physics, U. of North Carolina, Wilmington

Donald Ewert, Director of Research Administration, Wistar Institute

Joseph W. Francis, Assoc. Prof. of Biology, Cedarville U.

Thomas Saleska, Prof. of Biology, Concordia U.

Ralph W. Seelke, Prof. & Chair of Dept. of Biology & Earth Sciences, U. of

Wisconsin, Superior

James G. Harman, Assoc. Chair, Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Texas Tech U.

Lennart Moller, Prof. of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Inst., U. of Stockholm

Raymond G. Bohlin, PhD Molecular & Cell Biology-U. of Texas

Fazale R. Rana, PhD Chemistry-Ohio U.

Michael Atchison, Prof. of Biochemistry, U. of Pennsylvania, Vet School

William S. Harris, Prof. of Basic Medical Sciences, U. of Missouri

Rebecca W. Keller, Research Prof., Dept. of Chemistry, U. of New Mexico

Terry Morrison, PhD Chemistry-Syracuse U.

Robert F. DeHaan, PhD Human Development-U. of Chicago

Matti Leisola, Prof., Laboratory of Bioprocess Engineering, Helsinki U. of Technology

Bruce Evans, Assoc. Prof.of Biology, Huntington College

Jim Gibson, PhD Biology-Loma Linda U.

David Ness, PhD Anthropology-Temple U.

Bijan Nemati, PhD Physics, Senior Engineer, Jet Propulsion Lab (NASA)

Edward T. Peltzer, Senior Research Specialist, Monterey Bay Research Institute

Stan E. Lennard, Clinical Assoc. Prof. of Surgery, U. of Washington

Rafe Payne, Prof. & Chair, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Biola U.

Phillip Savage, Prof. of Chemical Engineering, U. of Michigan

Pattle Pun, Prof. of Biology, Wheaton College

Jed Macosko, Postdoc. Researcher Molecular Biology, U.C. Berkeley

Daniel Dix, Assoc. Prof. of Mathematics, U. of South Carolina

Ed Karlow, Chair, Dept. of Physics, LaSierra U.

James Harbrecht, Clinical Assoc. Prof., U. of Kansas Medical Center

Robert W. Smith, Prof. of Chemistry, U. of Nebraska

Robert DiSilvestro, PhD Biochemistry-Texas A & M

David Prentice, Prof., Dept. of Life Sciences, Indiana State U.

Walt Stangl, Assoc. Prof. of Mathematics, Biola U.

Jonathan Wells, PhD Molecular & Cell Biology-U.C. Berkeley

James Tour, Chao Prof. of Chemistry, Rice U.

Todd Watson, Asst. Prof. of Urban & Community Forestry, Texas A & M

Robert Waltzer, Assoc. Prof. of Biology, Belhaven College

Vincente Villa, Prof. of Biology, Southwestern U.

James Tumlin, Assoc. Prof. of Medicine, Emory U.

Charles Thaxton, PhD Physical Chemistry-Iowa State U.

Stephen C. Meyer, PhD Philosophy of Science-Cambridge

Paul Nelson, PhD Philosophy of Biology-U. of Chicago

Richard Sternberg, Invertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institute

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