
21 Day Fix Test Group OFFICIAL DETAILS

21 Day Fix is here! Be part of our FIRST ever 21 Day Fix Test Group.

Since 21 Day Fix just released,we have put together a 21 Day Fix Test Group, so we can all motivate and support each other through the workout program and  all submit our final results for a chance to be in the first 21 Day Fix infomercial! How awesome would that be?!

With the 21 Day fix you can lose UP TO 15 pounds in 21 days. By using the easy-to-follow portion control containers and 30 minute workouts you will make losing weight a breeze. There is no guessing, measuring, wondering, or counting. We will even walk you through every single step of the program and make sure you get the results you are looking for. 

The Basic Details

We are looking for 10 21 Day Fix Test Group participants for each of our 5 test groups (50 people total).

Group 1 starts March 3, 2014 (must register and place order by 2/21/2014)

Group 2 starts March 10, 2014 (must register and place order by 2/28/2014)

Group 3 starts March 17, 2014 (must register and place order by 3/7/2014)

Group 4 starts March 24, 2014 (must register and place order by 3/14/2014)

Group 5 starts March 31, 2014 (must register and place order by 3/22/2014)

You must fill out the application below to be considered.

You must purchase the  21 Day Fix Challenge Pack  or 21 Day Fix Base Kit by your group order deadline.

The 21 Day Fix Test Group takes place in a private Facebook group, so you must have Facebook.


Take and submit your “before and after photos” on day 1 and day 21.

Take and submit your ”before and after measurements” on day 1 and day 21.

Workout at home for 21 days in a row using the 21 Day Fix, just 30 minutes a day!

Drink Shakeology everyday (Shakeology is optional but strongly encouraged for maximum results).

Use the included 21 Day Fix food containers to keep your eating on track.

Post once a day for 21 days in our 21 Day Fix Test Group accountability and support group page.

We will work together and help each other throughout the entire program! This is a proven and simple Formula, and those who commit are more likely to finish and GET THE ABSOLUTE BEST RESULTS!

Optional daily challenges are provided to keep you motivated and accountable.

Receive personal coaching from us and support from other 21 Day Fix Test Group participants.

You’ll do everything at home, on your time, and on your schedule.

If you complete all 21 days of the program and submit your before and after photos you are guaranteed a free T-Shirt and are automatically in the running for the chance of winning $500.

Q: What is 21 Day Fix?
A: The 21 Day Fix by Fitness Trainer and Bikini Competitor Autumn Calabrese can be summarized in 3 parts. It’s simple fitness. There are 30 minute workouts for 7 days a week. It’s simple nutrition. If it fits into the 7 container systems you are given then you can eat it. Its fast results. You can lose UP TO 15 pounds in 3 weeks.

Q: How does the 21 Day Fix work?
A: Lets start with the nutrition portion. People see the container system and usually tend to think “This is small, I’m going to starve.”, but it’s not a starvation diet AT ALL. It’s healthy portion control. You do get to fill some of the containers more than once per day. It comes with a book that explains exactly how to use the system and it’s really easy. In the beginning of the book there is a formula that you would compute some personal information about yourself in order to find out what calorie range you fall into. It’s the only time you will ever have to think about calories. Once you know what calorie range your in you will find that section in the book and it will tell you “This is how many green containers per day you get, this is how many red containers, this is how many purple containers..” Autumn isn’t telling you that you have to put this and only this into certain containers, you get to design your own meals throughout the day. So Autumn isn’t telling you anything like “Oh for breakfast you have to eat a purple container! Or you have to eat a yellow”, you can actually divide the containers up throughout the day however you see fit.  There’s a list in the book of what you can put in each container but in general your vegetables will go in the green container, your carbohydrates (sweet potatoes, oatmeal) will go in the yellow container, your protein is going to go in the red container, the purple container is mostly fruit, the blue container is mostly healthy fats like dairy, and the orange container is going to be salad dressing and seeds. It’s more food than you think.  You can even sneak in some wine while on the program (its equivalent to one yellow container)!  If it fits in the container, you can have it, that means that your not stuck on some strict eating plan. Even if your a vegetarian or vegan it will work for you. There are some recipes in the book but they are just there in case maybe your not a chef and are wondering what you can do to spice things up. After about a week or two you will be able to visualize portion sizes of how much you should be eating and wont need to always carry around the containers, unless you want to The goal of this nutrition portion is to bring it back to basics and show you how to eat correctly.  In addition to all that, there is also a “3 day quick fix” book which is for you to use during the last 3 days of the 21 day fix. This 3 day quick fix book will drive those results home and have that ultimate result, its the polish or finishing touch!

Now lets talk about the workouts. They are 30 minute workouts that is designed so that you have to do it 7 days a week for 3 weeks (21 days). Every single day is different and that is what is going to keep you really interested so that you don’t get bored, or plateau, but you keep your body guessing. There is cardio, lower body, upper body, cardio with weights, Pilates, yoga, and Autumn’s favorite “Dirty 30″. Another great thing about these workouts is you can do them even if you have bad knees or a bad back because there is a modifier in every workout. Whether you’ve been working out for a year, 2 years, your whole life, or you have not worked out in your whole life, you can still do this program. If you are an athlete or you have built that strength you can still keep doing the program because its just about how far and how hard your willing to push yourself. Many people see Autumn and they think because of her petite but strong stature that this program is only for women, but that’s also not the case. Autumn is a Beast and I guarantee you if a man does this program he will be pleasantly surprised on how good a workout he just got in.  You get 7 workouts on 2 DVDs (not including two additional 10 minute ab workouts).

Here is the breakdown of each workout:

Total Body Cardio Fix: Your heart rate is going to go up, You will work non stop for 1 minute and then have a 20 second break. This workout is designed to keep your metabolism revved up high long after the workout is over.

Upper Fix: All upper body and abs. Your going to hit every major muscle group in your upper body. This is targeted resistance training that will help shape your chest, back, shoulders, abs, and arms.

Lower Fix: Get ready to work those legs! This is targeted to firm and tone your entire lower body while you burn fat and blast calories.

Pilates Fix: You will be lengthening the muscles and strengthening the core. Its a full body workout, you will be hitting the body every way you possibly can and will firm your hips and thighs.

Cardio Fix: It’s cardio with weights. It’s going to hit all the major muscle groups as well but weights have been added so that you torch more calories.

Dirty 30: It’s circuit training with weights combined with upper and lower body. You’ll be crushing it for 30 minutes straight.

Yoga Fix: After beating your body up all week its time to straighten your body out with this workout which will improve your balance, flexibility and strength.

Plyo Fix: This is a bonus DVD that you get as for free only from ordering through LetsGetToned.com. It’s a plyometric workout that is a lot of jumping, so get ready for another calorie torching workout. Your legs are going to be on fire because it is a really challenging, but good workout.

10 Minute Ab Fix: Be prepared to give your abs a beat down!

Q: How long does it take to complete 21 Day Fix?
A: For 21 days straight you will work out for 30 minutes a day.

Q: Who should do the 21 Day Fix?
A: Anyone. This program was designed for all walks of life. Do you have a beach vacation coming up? Do you want to look great at your upcoming reunion? Do you want to jump-start your weight loss goals? Do you want to finally take care of your New Years resolution? If you have a weight loss deadline, want a flexible eating plan, are a fitness beginner, have tried and failed at complicated diet programs, have a lot of weight to lose, are busy or just want a lifestyle change then 21 Day Fix is right for you.

Q: What equipment do I need for the 21 Day Fix test group?
A:  You will need the 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack, a pair of cross training shoes and a set of dumbbells or resistance bands. A set of 5-10 pound dumbbells will be OK. 

Q: Can I get the 21 Day Fix for FREE?
A: Maybe. If you are an existing Shakeology customer you may be able to get 21 Day Fix for FREE. In order to get the 21 Day Fix for free you must currently have Shakeology being shipped to you through autoshipment or you must be wanting to place an order for Shakeology. Please contact me for furthur details on how to get your FREE copy of 21 Day Fix, email chriswatson06@gmail.com, or text 267-733-2067, or send a facebook message to facebook.com/watsonchris

Q: What is the difference between the 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack and 21 Day Fix Base Kit?
A: The 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack gives you more bang for your buck and comes with a 30 day supply of Shakeology, and includes FREE SHIPPING.  The base kit is currently SOLD OUT and wont be available until late March. You save over $70 with the challenge pack compared to buying each item separately.

What you will get when you join the Test Group: 

The 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack includes:

6 easy-to-understand  30 minute workouts (Available on 2 DVDs)

21 Day Fix 30 minute workouts include resistance training, lower body training, upper body training, cardio training, cardio training with weights, pilates, and yoga.

2 abdominal training 10 minute workouts (Available on the 2 DVDs above)

1 exclusive “Dirty 30″ 30 minute bonus workout - if 21 Day Fix challenge pack is ordered here. A $19.95 value, FREE. This workout is 4 rounds of insane fat-burning exercises. 

7 Portion Control Containers - These seven color-coded containers deliver exactly the correct portions so you never eat too much or too little.  Fill them up with as much food as you want and if it fits you can eat it.

30 Day Supply of Shakeology - A delicious daily super-foods shake that is designed to give you energy, reduce cravings, and accelerate your fitness results. You can use this as a daily meal replacement or as an additional protein shake. This is a nutrient-dense combination of antioxidants, phytonutrients, adaptogens, and other rare ingredients that gives your body the superfoods it can’t get from a normal diet. Vegan and Non Vegan options are available.

Shakeology Shaker Cup - Use this cup to drink your Shakeology or for any drink.

21 Day Fix Quickstart Guide - This will show you exactly how to start seeing results immediately.

21 Day Fix Workout Calendar – This will help you know exactly what workout to do every day.

21 Day Fix Eating Plan - This simple approach to eating will take you step-by-step through the process to make the portion control system so easy that you’ll never have to think about it. You can enjoy delicious, healthy food without counting calories, and watch the pounds melt off.

3 Day Quick Fix - This is designed to help you get beach-ready in 72 hours. The 3 Day Quick Fix is Autumn’s secret weapon for losing weight fast before a competition or photo shoot. This is to be done during the last 3 days of 21 Day Fix for mind-blowing “after” pictures.

24/7 Online Support - Round the clock access to fitness experts and peer support to keep you motivated.

Free T-Shirt -When you complete the program and submit your pictures you will receive a FREE 21 Day Fix t-shirt.

Lifetime Access to Private Accountability Group - Get additional support and motivation from other 21 day fix users. Must have a Facebook account for access to the group.

Free Shipping – No shipping cost if ordered by February 28th, 2014.

Your own personal coach for guidance and support (Christine and I).

Option to become a Team Beachbody Coach for FREE - As a coach you have the option of starting your own fitness business or you can be a coach strictly to receive 25% off future product orders.

30 Day Trial Membership in the Team Beachbody Club - The Club gives you all the tools, support, and accountability you need to commit to a healthy lifestyle:

10% discount on all future purchases

Meal plans personalized for your goals

VIP access to your favorite trainers and experts, including live chats, exclusive videos, nutrition tips, and recipes

Access to the SuperGym, where you can track your progress, workout with friends and meet new buddies who share your health and fitness goals.

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee - You can try the entire program – all 21 days – and if you’re not completely satisfied, simply call Customer Service to return it within 30 days for a refund of the purchase price (less any shipping and handling). No questions asked. You get to finish the program and then decide if you want to keep it. That’s how convinced we are that you’re going to love your results. 

21 Day Fix Challenge Pack is currently on sale and includes FREE shipping, Starting March 1st, 2014 the price raises $20 more and will not include free shipping. Shipping will be an additional $2 if ordered on/after March 1st, 2014.

Ingredients and Nutritional Information for Shakeology Strawberry Flavor Download PDF
Ingredients and Nutritional Information for Shakeology Vanilla Flavor Download PDF
Ingredients and Nutritional Information for Shakeology Chocolate Flavor Download PDF
Ingredients and Nutritional Information for Shakeology Greenberry Flavor Download PDF
Ingredients and Nutritional Information for Shakeology Tropical Strawberry Flavor Download PDF
Ingredients and Nutritional Information for Shakeology Chocolate Vegan Flavor Download PDF

***IMPORTANT – Once taxes, shipping and handling costs are added into the cost of the 21 Day Fix Base Kit you will see why it is better to get the 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack. You will save more than $70 with the challenge pack compared to buying each item separately and you get FREE SHIPPING, 30 days of Shakeology, Club Membership and the option to upgrade to have your own coaching business at anytime FOR FREE).  You are saving BIG!!! ***

All of these testimonials are amazing reasons:

Chelsea O. – Lost 10 lbs. & 14 “Finishing the Fix, I don’t think I have ever felt this healthy, this strong, this accomplished in my entire life. I’m going to look my best on my wedding day and that is the biggest gift I could have ever received.”

Neil B. – Lost 11 lbs. & 9″ “I went from 168 to 157. To be able to do that in 21 days was amazing. I feel light. I feel fresh. I feel renewed. The 21 Day Fix, it’s my new secret weapon.”

Mary C. – Lost 64 lbs. & 57” “The way I look and the energy I have is just fantastic. I feel like I’m at least 20 years younger. It’s never too late to lose the weight. 21 Day Fix has definitely changed my life.”

Deon C – Lost 111 lbs. & 58” “After completing the 21 Day Fix and achieving my results, I will continue to do the 21 Day Fix for as long as I live. I’m not stopping. It changed my life. It saved my life.”

Beachbody Co-founder and CEO, Carl Daikeler, even got amazing results! – Lost 12 lbs. “I was blown away at my 12-lb. weight loss and visible transformation in 21 days!”



Fill out the application today to be considered for the 21 Day Fix Test Group.

Registration closes on March 22, 2014.



The post 21 Day Fix Test Group appeared first on LetsGetToned.com.

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