This post will explain how Felix Felicis works and how to write plugins
(actually, there is no such thing in Felix Felicis).
Felix Felicis (aka liquidluck) is a simple lightweight static blog generator.
It supports markup of restructedText and markdown.
The name Felix Felicis is somewhat a magic liquid that Harry Porter won from his teacher.
The common name of Felix Felicis is liquidluck.
In case you mess it up, it's a little bit like Mercurial and hg.
For a real introduction, visit the project page .
How it works
If you have an interesting in reading the code. I strongly suggest you start at
The progress of building site:
load config file
Config file is in ini format. If you don't like ini, vote it for other format at
Config options can be found at Configure
Code at: liquidluck.cli.init_config
load all files in your postdir
You can define your postdir in Configure. The default directory is content.
In your postdir, there are two parts of files -- posts and pure files .
Posts usually have an extension of md, mkd, markdown, rst etc..
Pure files are the rest.
All posts will be rendered by its reader, and they will be loaded in the memory.
All files's paths will be stored in the memory.
Code at: liquidluck.cli.init_post
loading readers and run the start function of a reader
Config your readers in your config file with section [readers]
By defaults, it will load both of the two readers. mkd and rst.
You can disable it with a blank value: mkd =
Default value of mkd: mkd = liquidluck.readers.mkd.MarkdownReader
All readers are the subclass of liquidck.readers.Reader . A reader must have a
support_type and parse_post functions.
support_type returns a string, tuple or list.
The value it returns is(are) suffix of the supported files.
parse_post returns an object of a parsed post which contains title, content, date
and other meta info.
start function is optional. In case you need something to be loaded before the
writers start.
loading writers and run the start function of a writer
Just like above, you can config your writers with section [writers]
Find more information at Configure .
You can load things with start function. Writer usually attach stuffs on namespace
at this time. I will explain Namespace later.
More on Writers will be discussed later.
loading writers and run the run function of a writer
At this point, all data are loaded. The run function will write files to your
For pure files which I mentioned earlier, will be handled by
liquidluck.writers.default.FileWriter, which just copy files to the deploydir,
it's a good and simple beginning for your studying how to write a Writer.
All posts are stored in , you can just loop them, and do whatever
you want in your writers' run function.
The default writers can do everything that a usual blog did.
But you may still want to write your own writer.
All writers are the subclass of liquidluck.writers.Writer.
The Writer has initialized a jinja template environment for you,
it provided a write function for you to write files.
It also provided some alias like postdir, deploydir for convenient.
Specify a writer_type in your writer is appreciable. And every writer
must contain a run function.
There are some mixin in liquidluck/writers/ , they are really helpful.
The global namespace that you can use everywhere is ns in liquidluck.namespace.
Take a look at liquidluck.namespace.ns , it has lots of default values. The most
significate one is storage. Every writers will use the data on
Some data are attached to storage at init, others maybe attached at writers run function,
or readers run function. is attached data for global use in template.
Except storage, the others are information of configuration. They are explained earlier,
If you want to know more about it, read Configure .
Using logger instead of logging. Handle unicode with liquidluck.utils.to_unicode .
If you want write your own theme, you should have a little knowledge of jinja ,
a list of available variables at .
Have a bug? Report it with Github Issue .
Contact me with Email , English and Chinese are accepted.
Tagged in:python project