. Tell us how much of yourself you write into your characters.
I’m sure there is a part of me in every character, some more than others, of course. I’ve received much healing in my life from God, so I like to write about needy people.
What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done?
Dressing up in a gorilla suit…twice. Enough said!
When did you first discover that you were a writer?
I’ve always had a vivid imagination which I believe is essential for being a writer, so I took journalism classes during my school years. Later, I was able to hone the craft as the newsletter editor for several Crisis Pregnancy Centers in my community for nearly 25 years.
Our family served as a Shepherding Home for Crisis Pregnancy Centers a couple of times. Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.
I’m sort of a compulsive reader, I think. I’ll read anything from YA fiction to classics and biographies. Just recently I discovered that I’m a distant relative of Winston Churchill, so now I want to devour everything I can about him.
How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?
Staying centered on the Lord keeps my mind and spirit occupied with Him and not myself. Exercise is a great stress reliever for me, so I walk 8-10 miles every week with a walking partner who holds me accountable. We solve a lot of the world’s problems during that time.
How do you choose your characters’ names?
Sometimes names choose me. I know that sounds crazy, but that’s how it works for me, they just grab my attention or have stayed in my memory. I’ve also used names of real people I know or have known. It’s fun to include them and see the reaction. I actually have a file with names I’m saving for future projects…my favorite I found in an obituary.
What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of?
I know this will probably sound cliché, but I’m most proud of raising my two sons. They are loving, caring men, who are fathers to some awesome girls, and husbands to two amazing women. It’s pure delight to see them serving their families in such important roles.
If you were an animal, which one would you be, and why?
I would love to be a bird with the ability to soar above the earth at will. Wings give freedom to a completely different perspective, don’t you think?
What is your favorite food?
Wow, that’s a hard question because I’m a total “foodie.” I love ethnic food, especially Hispanic and Middle Eastern dishes. I can make myself like anything I know is good for me, so I try to stay on a healthy food plan that suits me. However, I’d trade my car for a bag of Lay’s potato chips.
What is the problem with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?
I’m a very social, extroverted person, which doesn’t lend itself well to the solitary calling of writing. However, I’ve learned to prioritize my time, I’m better at saying “no” to social things that would eat up my work time. There are times I still struggle, but when I remember that God asked me to write in the first place, it’s easier.
Tell us about the featured book.
The Short Life of Moths is the book I never wanted to write. Its content is centered on a domestic violence relationship, inspired by what tragically happened to my niece. While sitting in a court room, listening to her brutal testimony, I clearly heard God tell me to write the story. Let me just share the back cover with you.
Kristen Edwards is a bright girl full of possibilities—talented, a hard worker, and a horse lover. The summer before her senior year, she gives in to the pleadings of her best friend’s brother, Cameron Dalton, who wants to date her even though he’s four years older and a recovering addict. He tells her he needs her, and she’s committed to helping him change. But really he wants her … all of her. One terrifying night will change everything for Kristen.
Parker Sullivan, who works on a high desert ranch in central
, where rescued horses and wounded children meet, is intrigued by the new ranch hand, Kristen. He’s experienced enough of the rough side of life to know that something happened to her that causes the shadows in her eyes. How can he prove to her that he can be a place of refuge and a friend? If only she could see herself through his eyes …
Please give us the first page of the book.
Superior Court,
Clark County
“Ladies and gentlemen, what you are about to hear is a story surrounding a lovely, caring friendship…” The prosecuting attorney took two steps closer to the jury box, while each person in the courtroom sat up straighter. “…a lovely, caring friendship that went terribly, terribly wrong. What began as two young people entering a relationship with hope and expectation, ended with one of them being physically and emotionally broken, shamed and humiliated as the result of deliberate and horrifying violence…”
How can readers find you on the Internet?
I love Facebook, so look for me there. All my books can be found on:
Thank you, Sharon, for sharing your life and new book with us.
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