
Okay I'm going to confess one of my deepest, darkest secrets.  Are you ready?  Come close and I'll whisper it.  I have been known to un-decorate my entire house the night of Christmas.

Yes.  It has happened.  And yes.  I am slightly ashamed.  But those of you with A-type personalities will completely understand and most likely have done it yourself.

That said, it goes completely against my character to let things sit,
collecting dust and driving me crazy when the big day is over... But
this year I wasn't quite as anxious to dump the tree, and I'm not sure
why... I simply went with it.  I wanted the extra decor laying around
gone, but mostly because I wanted to clean all the dust (and dog hair)
from every surface!  I compromised by leaving up my tree, with only
lights and my sweet Names of God garland on it, packing away all the
other Christmas items.

While the hoodlums were in their rooms zoning out with all their new loot, I put up a few New Year's decorations.  I was okay with that
because you pretty much leave those out for a week or so.  (Or at least I think you do- I haven't ever put New Year's decorations up because... can I tell you another secret?  I loathe New Years.  Loathe.  It's almost always been kind of a sucky holiday for me.

This year I want to celebrate with with gusto, looking forward to the promises of a bright, New Year!  Besides, it kind
of helped with that blank feeling when it all comes down and feels
"over." I call that the holiday blah's.  (When I was a kid we didn't
take down our tree until New Year's Day.  Drove me nuts because it felt
pointless to me. Ha! Normally I like to put it up the day after
Thanksgiving and take it down the day after Christmas.) Next year I may
wait a bit longer to put it up.  We'll see.  And I may even decorate in
RED and white! Gasp.  I know, right?

And now... my final photo bomb until after New Years Day.

(Every clock in my house. Ha!)

(I found these in the scrap booking area of JoAnn's.)

(Free printable found on one of my favorite sites, here.)

(Please note Daisy's ball.  Ya try and pick up.... lol)

Guest quarters... ahhh... so soothing.

Nap, anyone?

My man did good this year.  He went to Anthro and bought me a fabulous cookbook that I can't quit looking at because the photography is so spectacular... speaking of photography... he also gifted me with two more vintage cameras for my collection... (And another sweet bloggy friend surprised me and sent the one in the very front! I love it!  I did a happy dance.) I think I can officially call it a collection now that I have more than one!!  Don't they look sweet in my little studio space too?

I was hoping to show a really cute clock charger DIY this week, (and I'll still try...) but I probably won't be able to squeeze in another post until the hoodlums are back in school.

I hope you all have a HAPPY NEW YEAR with plenty of smiles as you gaze backward at the years of the past, and look with great anticipation at the coming year.  Whatever you may face in 2013, I pray that these words will lift your sweet heart and give you a reason to smile at the heavens, expectant for His blessings;

Isaiah 43: 1b-3a

"Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.  When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.
3 For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior..."

He loves you so... (and so do I!!)  Happy New Year sweet friends!

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