One true mark of a professional is that all their communications are congruent in every way. Their stationery, business name, domain name and email signature all fall together and compliment their legal nurse consulting business. But one thing that many Certified Legal Nurse Consultants overlook is the email signature on their mobile phones.
How often have you received an email from a legal nurse consulting colleague, an attorney-client or CLNC® subcontractor whose email signature says something like “Sent from my iPhone while on the move,” “Sent from my Samsung Galaxy just before it exploded” or worse “Sent from my Blackberry”?
Yes, that’s a sure sign of someone who is not paying attention to detail and who is letting their mobile phone use the manufacturer’s default email signature. Every Certified Legal Nurse Consultant who reads my Tech Tips understands that a professional email signature, whether mobile or email-client-based, is essential and that email signature should contain at a minimum your name, title and contact info.
Take a look in your sent mail to see what email signature you’re using. Then, to find how to change your phone’s email signature to something more professional, simply search for “How do I change the email signature on my…”
Whether you have an iPhone® or an Android® phone, adjust your mobile email signature today. You can even set them on an account-by-account basis (i.e., personal and business) if you have more than one email account on your phone. While I always recommend you keep personal and business communications separate, I need to give you one caveat, the more accounts you have on your mobile device, the more likely you are to accidently send the wrong email to the wrong people. Just be careful because one email slip up can cost you future legal nurse consulting jobs.
Just be careful out there and make sure you’re using a mobile email signature that properly represents your legal nurse consulting business.
Keep on Techin’,
P.S. Comment and share whether or not you changed your mobile email signature after reading this Tech Tip.
The post Tom’s Tech Tip: Legal Nurse Consultants – Make Your Mobile Phone’s Signature Your Own appeared first on Vickie Milazzo Institute.