
Let’s call this what it is: exploitation.

For weeks, I’ve been reporting on how TheTeaParty.net Leadership Fund uses ‘petitions’ and ‘Draft’ schemes as a way to make money and build big mailing lists.

Today, Backer and the TPLF are at it again.

A new email about ‘Draft Sarah Palin’ is a humdinger, with copy written to seperate well-meaning patriots from their money,   including saying in bold  ”you can be a tangible part of saving our nation from slipping into the vast sea of liberal socialism.”

How does sending money to Dan Backer and TheTeaParty.net Leadership Fund accomplish that? It DOESN’T.

Palin isn’t running. She isn’t going to run. And IF she ran, she has a HUGE war chest.

So giving money to the group wont do a thing to stop the sea of liberal socialism but it will make money for TheTea Party.Net Leadership Fund.

Here’s the email in its entirety. See for yourself how manipulative it is. 

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Sarah called it!

Obama led the way for Putin’s Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Even before he took the oath of office, Sarah Palin warned us about the disasters to come under Obama’s terrible leadership. 

“After the Russian Army invaded the nation of Georgia, Senator Obama’s reaction was one of indecision and moral equivalence, the kind of response that would only encourage Russia’s Putin to invade Ukraine next.” – Sarah Palin, 2008

AND Palin was right…when Obama did nothing, Russia took what they wanted. This proves Obama is nothing more than a weak homeland bully — attacking American citizens and watching freedom around the world burn.

Sarah Palin is the conservative leader we need in the U.S. Senate, NOW. 

But her window to commit to this race has almost closed, and that’s why I need you to respond to this request IMMEDIATELY. We need your help to gather the signatures necessary to push Sarah Palin over the top in a critical run for Alaska’s Senate seat in 2014.

CLICK HERE to sign your Draft Sarah Palin petition. 

Incumbent liberal Democrat Mark Begich is terrified of an Obama vist to Alaska, because he knows the American people are awakening.

Sarah’s the proven leader we need. She has a better grasp on world politics, and she knows what it means to cherish and protect our American freedoms far better than THE MAN WHO IS SUPPOSED TO BE LEADING THE FREE WORLD.

Last I checked, Mark Begich has spent too much time in Washington D.C. begging the Obama administration for favors rather than representing the good people of Alaska. Send Sarah to replace Begich and stop Obama!

Senator Sarah Palin, this is the name we need to put an end to Barack Obama and Harry Reid’s reign of liberal terror.

The United States Senate rests just outside conservative control, and by electing more Tea Party Heroes to replace the establishment cronies from either party – you can be a tangible part of saving our nation from slipping into the vast sea of liberal socialism.

Now more than ever, we need another Tea Party Hero in the Senate to halt Harry Reid and his pals in their war against our Constitution on issues like amnesty and gun control and our nation’s crushing debt. With Sarah in the Senate, conservatives across America will rest easier at night knowing she’s at the watch.

That’s why I need your renewed support today by signing the Tea Party Leadership Fund’s petition to draft Sarah Palin to the U.S. Senate – and I need you to chip in $5 or more to get Sarah’s name on the ballot.

Sarah is the proven Maverick who’s stood up to the special interests in Alaska and has been a tireless advocate for our Tea Party values ever since she hit the national stage.

Sign your name to the petition right now, and make a donation of $5 or more to convince her we’re serious.


Dan Backer

Tea Party Organizer

P.S. We worked hard to get her attention — now let’s seal the deal. By signing our renewed petition, you make a bold statement — you’re tired of the wishy-washy sellout establishment shills and you’re ready to put a real leader in the Senate next to Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. Follow this link, sign your name to our petition, and help us show Sarah Palin the Tea Party Leadership Fund has her back!






The Tea Party Leadership Fund is a leader in this freedom movement putting your nationwide support into local action.Learn more.






Paid for by The Tea Party Leadership Fund PAC



Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Contributions from foreign nationals or entities are prohibited. Contributions are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes.



Covering this story cost me my job at Breitbart Texas when Brandon Darby fired me and then tried to discredit me with the help of TeaParty.Net Treasurer Dan Backer, who signed this promotion. As I posted a few weeks ago.

Was Backer accomplice Darby paid to shut me up? He won’t answer.

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