
Darren Major wrote:

If an Englishman wears a t-shirt alluding to the Knights Templar, or any kind of racial/national superiority - similar to 'Singh is King', would that be permissible or would it be regarded as a crude, narsarcistic display of supremacy and irrelevant cultural pride?

Rightly or wrongly, this is all about context. It wouldn't bother me in the slightest seeing someone walking down the street wearing a Knights Templar t-shirt, but if they were surrounded by other people wearing them at an EDL rally, then it probably would. Like it or not, and again, rightly or wrongly, it's a cultural signifier that there's no getting away from. Similar to your Union Jack in the window. I like my country, I think it's pretty good, but I wouldn't have a Union Jack in the window, because it's a cultural signifier. These things change and mutate over the years, that's life. An Asian mate of mine had a 'Don't Panic - I'm Islamic' t-shirt, which we all just thought was dead funny.

Darren Major wrote:

brain dead young Pakistani drivers plaguing the roads

There are a certain section of young blokes who drive like total twats. If you live in a predominantly Asian area, don't be surprised if it's predominantly Asian lads doing it. I did a lot of my growing up in Orchard Park in Hull and there was exactly the same problem, except that it was predominantly indigenous white lads doing it. What some people might call 'chavs'. A bell-end is a bell-end.

Darren Major wrote:

"Wha wha wha, you're a racist". Okay, to appease you I'll change my view. I think it's wonderful to observe my city become a heaven for backward Pakistani's, along with other jihadi supporting Muslims in general. How can a white man not enjoy the unprecedented development from English city to Islamic paradise, mosque after mosque, all wrapped up with lobbying power and not one interest in the host nations history, culture or traditions?

As you're talking a lot about Bradford, what I would vouch (as an outsider coming to Bradford maybe three or four times a year) is that the Asian community has given the area a lot of its culture in a very positive way. I'm not arguing with you on that, because I don't live there, but equally, you can't really argue with me on it because you don't see it as I (an outsider) does.

Statistics: Posted by Chris Catalyst — Wed, 30 Apr 5:05 pm

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