In Love with my AB bracelet!
I don’t know if it was my purple gem, claw setting ring mummy brought me back from Egypt years ago or just recent Egyptian hieroglyphs, jewelry trends rising, but I am obsessed with scarab jewelry. I have a beautiful scarab ring and was in search of more scarab finds when I stumbled across this bad boy bracelet by Aurora Bailey. I love getting to know designers a bit more and so I caught up with Aurora and her stunning collection.
• How do you begin the process of designing one of your pieces? AB - Sometimes I will wake up in the middle of the night with an idea or I will see something like a pattern or texture in nature or a New York City sidewalk that becomes part of a piece. Nature is full of these amazing patterns and textures that never seize to inspire me and amaze me.
• When hand-picking rocks, what is it that you are looking for to make them
stand out? AB - Anything that can make them unique and special. I don’t necessarily look for perfection in a rock but more like characteristics that will make it stand out. A stone that I am currently obsessed with now is from Brazil and it is called Nephrite, it is extremely difficult to work with because it is very soft and delicate but its so unique in its green tones and textures that it makes all the hard work worth while. It reminds me of Kryptonite.
• What rock has been your favourite find? AB - Rutilated quartz. It is not that this is a very rare stone, rather that it is so interesting because of its intricate and complex design. It is a clear stone (but not always) that has these needles in silver and gold tones. To me it looks like shooting stars are going through it and I love that about it.
• Nature is a great inspiration to you, what else inspired you in your work. AB - Art. I am a painter and have always thought of jewellery as a form of wearable art or miniature sculptures. If you are curious about my painting
• You taught yourself everything you know about the business of jewels, how
was this process? AB - It has been a learning experience like any other. With the help of some very talented experts along the way, I have been able to bring my sometimes-crazy visions to life.
• Did anything you learn take you by surprise? AB -That like anything else, mistakes can be made and the best thing to do is learn from them.
• Did you ever expect your designs to prove some popular? AB - That is a hard question. Every piece I have ever created I have done so thinking of me as the person wearing it. When someone loves one of my pieces I feel like there is a connection because someone else out in this planet loves a piece as much as I do and that makes for a very rewarding exchange.
• You mention that Mexican motifs and textures add a layer of complexity to your pieces – how do decide what sort of textures match the right rock? AB - Mexico is a country very layered in terms of culture. Color is very important and representative of my culture, so much so that we have a pink called “Mexican Pink”. I come from a state In Mexico called Guanajuato, nicknamed “the city that silver built” for its silver mines. So by using silver, the art, architecture and colours of my magical Mexico I create almost a collage of metal and colour that to me represents part of my culture.
•You also have A&A, a project with your mother; has she been a great influence in the path you are on now? AB - My mother has been the greatest influence in my life all together. The things that always resonate with me are: always do what makes you happy, take chances and never give up. Most importantly, have fun and laugh along the way.
• How important is it to you to create unique pieces which are affordable to everyone? AB - Very! The materials I use are of the highest quality and every piece is handmade. I use materials that have value like sterling silver or semi-precious stones but the real trick is to make these into little wearable affordable pieces of art.
You must check out all here beautiful pieces on here on her blog, instagram or website!
- Maloy xoxo