
Welcome to my personal Killer Content System Review. A self proclaimed automated system that allows you to easily make money through niche website creation.

Does it work? Is Killer Content System a scam or a money making miracle? And is this program recommended for experienced or inexperienced internet marketers? These are a few of the questions we will be discussing during my Killer Content System review.

The Basics

Name: Killer Content System
Website: www.killercontent.com
Price: $47 dollars, but always discounted to $37. Multiple upsells once you’ve entered the program
Owners: Socrates Socratous
Overall Rank: 60 out of 100

Killer Content System – Product Overview

The Killer Content System is a serious of software programs that supposedly will automate the whole process of building profitable niche websites. Niche websites are typically blogs that are based on a specific topic. They attract people who are interested in particular niches by generating content that is based on that particular niche/subject/hobby/etc.

Niche websites can generate anything from a few $1,000 dollars in passive income per month to making huge monthly income (100K per month) through Affiliate Marketing techniques. If your not familiar with affiliate marketing, you can click the highlighted link and read all about it.

But basically, affiliate marketing is a form of generating online sales through selling products on your website that you are affiliated with. You don’t actually own any physical goods or services, you just receive a commission when someone clicks on an affiliate link or banner, then goes on to make a purchase.

So you can see that by having a system that automates the process of building income producing niche websites would be a big deal.

Killer Content System claims that they can turbo charge this process of building profitable niche websites using their software. The have a couple of different marketing software programs and training tools, but their primary software that really makes their system killer, is 15,000 professional content articles along with their article spinner, let’s discuss this further.

My Personal Thoughts on the Killer Content System

To start off, I must say that the concept of the Killer Content System is incredible. I absolutely love the idea of an automated niche website producer and think that Socrates Socratous has to be a genius.

And at the same time, as you watch the Killer Content System infomercial and later, if you enter into the program, there are several red flags that indicate this program could be a scam.

First, let’s discuss the Scammy Stuff. The infomercial is loaded with personal success photos and Clickbank checks showing Socrates earning $20,000+ dollars per month. It’s a bit cheesy and not verifiable.

Like many online money making infomercials, he’s trying to drive home the concept of making good money online while having the freedom to live the life we all dream of living.

He shows his fancy car, his luxury Californian house, and talks about playing tennis while everyone else is slaving away at their day jobs.

But all in all, Socrates comes off as being a pretty genuine guy and he does get into the details of how his program works.

This is refreshing from the typical hyped up money making infomercials that are plaguing the internet these days. They talk a lot about making easy money, show multiple personal success stories, but share very little information on how their programs actually work.

Other red flags from the Killer Content System infomercial include pop up messages for discounts on the product when you try to leave the infomercial page or when you enter the program, you’re bombarded with upsell after upsell.

As you decline the upsells, you are then offered more discounts for the same product. This program is also marketed as a system that anyone can use to make $1,000 of dollars per day right away, regardless of your computer or marketing experience. A bit scammy in my opinion, but not the most unheard of sales tactic.

What I love about the Killer Content System is the concept. And here’s what it is. With this program, you can use the Killer Content Software that will allow you to choose from 978 of the most profitable online niches in today’s market, set up a website based on any one of these niches, then the software will automatically pick out quality content articles based on your niche.

Killer Content System claims to have 15,000 hot, professionally written articles that you can use to add content to your niche website.

They also have a Content Spinner that will change the content slightly so that it won’t be considered duplicate content.

Special Note: If you’re new to internet marketing, you should know that duplicate content and spun content, will literally kill a website.

You then choose the articles that you want to add to your website, spin the content, edit the content as you see fit, then affiliate Clickbank products that are related to your niche. And that’s it, you’re done.

You can add more content to your site without ever having to write original content, which can be a huge time saver.

As well, if you’ve ever tried to write website content, it can be a good amount of work depending on your writing skills and your passion for your niche.

The second part to the Killer Content System is that because this is such an automated process, you can produce several niche websites per day.

As you’re content gets ranked (supposedly) and customers come to your niche website, you make money off the purchase of affiliate products. If you can make $100 dollars per niche site per month and you’ve got 100’s of these sites going, you can make some killer monthly income.

So What’s the Problem with the Killer Content System?

The major problem with the Killer Content System that most any experienced internet marketer will see is the whole basis of Socrates selling pitch. He states this in his infomercial and he is 100% correct,


Any experienced internet marketers know that quality content is what makes niche websites successful. We’re talking about original content that is useful and helpful to your niche website audience.

Experienced internet marketers know that quality content is the basis of natural rankings for all search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.)

Remember friends, Google is a business and their customers are anyone who uses their search engine to find whatever they’re looking for online.

So Google’s job is to provide the most accurate and relevant search results for whatever search phrase or word that someone types in the Google search bar.

That being said, if you are using one of Socrates 15,000 hot professional articles to add content to your niche website, you are going to be penalized by Google, and your niche website will never see the light of day in the search results.

In theory, Google would detect duplicate and/or spun content and your niche site will never see top rankings. Henceforth, your niche website would never see TRAFFIC, and therefore you would never convert that traffic to affiliate sales.

The only other way to get around the Google Monster is by paying for rankings, also known as PPC (Pay Per Click) Campaigns.

This can also be an issue with Google Adwords for sites that are pure affiliate sites not based on quality content or helpful information for their users.

You might be able to get away with this using Bing or Facebook Ads, but the point is that you will be paying for traffic which could kill your entire niche website profits.

So what are your options if you want to make money online through niche websites/affiliate marketing using the Killer Content System?

Option 1 – Will the Google Monster Catch You?

If you believe that Google can not detect duplicate or spun content, you could certainly try the Killer Content System and see if you can put up multiple niche websites quickly. If you feel this way and want to test Google’s algorithm updates that are designed to spot duplicate and spun content, then go for it.

As a matter of fact, I’d love to hear from you if you are using the Killer Content System or if you plan to use it.

I’d love to know what happens to your sites and if it’s possible to achieve natural rankings. In other words, will Google catch duplicate and spun content? It’s an interesting question.

I would certainly hope that this is the case, but would love to know the truth. So if you use the Killer Content System or plan to use it, please leave me a comment below to let us know how it’s working for you.

The worst thing that could happen is you’re out $37 dollars, the cost of your website hosting, domain name and your personal time.

For me personally, I wouldn’t want to risk creating a business plan that is based on producing duplicate or spun content on multiple niche websites. Content should be original and unique and from a person, not from a machine.

It would really be devastating to spend a couple months producing 20 – 30 niche websites, waste hundreds of dollars on the hosting and domain name fees, plus the Killer Content System fees, if the sites never see natural rankings or natural traffic. You would essentially have a bunch of sites costing you two to three hundred dollars per month that don’t produce any revenue.

Option 2 – Create a Real Niche Site that is Based on Quality Content and a Long-Term Business Plan

Maybe I’m a bit conservative, but I’d rather spend my time building a niche website based on solid internet marketing principles.

I know it’s more popular to want to earn fast cash and make easy money online, but I really believe that if you’re going to create a successful online business, you want to build it correctly from the start.

I’d rather spend 6 months to a year building a niche site that can produce $1,000’s of dollars per month that won’t go away in the future because of search engine penalization.

I’m much more in favor of building assets that last. And that’s exactly what a niche website can become: an incredible passive income source that produces money on autopilot.

Google may change their algorithms from time to time but the one thing that will never change is that Quality Content is King.  Original content that is based on helping people will always gain natural rankings and will not be penalized by search engines in the future.

Using shoddy, out-dated ranking techniques and strategies are not what Wealthy Affiliate teaches, the program that I used to learn this stuff.

They teach how to achieve natural rankings, how to write quality content that enhances your user’s experience, and then how to use honest affiliate programs that offer customers a great value/service. That’s how you build a long term niche website business.

If you want to do the same, I encourage you to sign up for the Wealthy Affiliate Program. It’s got everything you need to create a profitable niche website business.

I’m talking about sound education principles based on affiliate marketing and website development, personal guidance, and a supportive community to help you develop your online business.

Below I’ve placed a comparison chart between the program that taught me how to make money online, Wealthy Affiliate, and the Killer Content System. Check it out and see which one has value for you.

Like I said from the start of this review, I love the concept of automation that the Killer Content System provides but I can’t fully recommend it based on it’s out-dated traffic generating concepts of duplicate/spun content.

You could potentially change all the professional articles somewhat and see if Google can detect the duplicate and/or spun content, but why put all that work into something that could potentially tank and be penalized by search engines.

Finalized Summary of Killer Content System

Name: Killer Content System
Website: www.killercontent.com
Price: $47 dollars, but always discounted to $37. Multiple upsells once you’ve entered the program
Owners: Socrates Socratous
Overall Rank: 60 out of 100
Final Verdict: Not Recommended, Possible Scam, Not worth the time due to out-dated traffic techniques

If you decide to use Socrates’s system, please come back to this Killer Content System Review and let me know how it’s working for you.

Thanks for reading my review and take care,


The post Killer Content System Review – Will Google Catch Them? appeared first on Learn To Grow Wealth Online.

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