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"Everybody's forgotten who built this bridge and why. Everybody's forgotten the war that gave this place its scars. Everyone, but me. I was there! I saw the battle! I died here, and I never left this place! I was bound here to stand guard and sound my {{ii|Guardian's Horn|war horn}} when our enemies ever returned. And now, now the howling grows louder, and I sense something evil stirring in the abyss, my hand reaches for my war horn. This place will soon see a battle again. One that will shape the Freljord for all time. And if the Freljord falls, so too will the rest of the world. Yes, this is more than just a bridge."| '''Gregor'''}}

"Everybody's forgotten who built this bridge and why. Everybody's forgotten the war that gave this place its scars. Everyone, but me. I was there! I saw the battle! I died here, and I never left this place! I was bound here to stand guard and sound my {{ii|Guardian's Horn|war horn}} when our enemies ever returned. And now, now the howling grows louder, and I sense something evil stirring in the abyss, my hand reaches for my war horn. This place will soon see a battle again. One that will shape the Freljord for all time. And if the Freljord falls, so too will the rest of the world. Yes, this is more than just a bridge."| '''Gregor'''}}

== Announcement ==

Announced by [[Brackhar]]:<ref>[http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=35633434#35633434 Proving Grounds Update: The Howling Abyss]</ref><br />

''Hey Gang,''


== In-Game Description ==


[[File:Howling Abyss Map Preview.jpg|thumb|250px|left|Howling Abyss Map Preview]] The Howling Abyss is a bottomless crevasse located in the coldest, cruelest, part of the [[Freljord]]. Legends say that, long ago, a great battle took place here on the narrow bridge spanning this chasm. No one remembers who fought here, or why, but it is said that if you listen carefully to the wind you can still hear the cries of the vanquished tossed howling into the Abyss.



''It's been a while since I first talked to you guys about making ARAM an official gameplay mode, and today I've got something awesome to share with you. For the past few months I've been working with an exceptional team of artists to create a space that's an appropriate setting for both the epic battles that occur in ARAM and within the world of Runeterra at large. As a result, we've completely reworked the Proving Grounds and, in effect, created something entirely new.''


== Features ==

[[File:Howling Abyss Screenshot.jpg|thumb|left|275x275px]]

''Now, instead of fighting on a random bridge over a black void, you'll be fighting on the Howling Abyss, an ancient landmark in Freljord where the Iceborn finally overthrew their oppressors and sent them tumbling into the chasm below. As you might have guessed from these [[Freljord#Journey_Into_The_Freljord|mysterious journals]], there's more (a lot more!) our story team would love to tell you Freljord – but for now, you'll have to wait.''

''Anyway, work is still ongoing on the map, and it's yet a few patches away from release but we just wanted to invite you guys in a bit earlier than normal to get your thoughts as we begin to polish it up. The environment team will be actively reading the forum and looking for your feedback, so please let us know what you think!''

[[File:Howling_Abyss_map.jpg|thumb|Howling Abyss location|338x338px]]

''Additionally I wanted to let you guys know that we are actively working on an official matchmaking queue for ARAM and plan to launch it with the map when it's ready. The queue isn't currently enabled on PBE as there's still a good bit of tech work that needs to be resolved to handle the number of players on the environment, but we're fully committed to giving you guys the best experience that we can. So with that, check out the map and explore what we've created; who knows, maybe you'll even find some surprises!''

== New features to ARAM ==

=== Rerolls ===

Announced by '''[[Brackhar]]''' <ref>[http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=3328642 New ARAM Feature: Rerolls]</ref>

''Hey gang,''

''A few weeks ago, I let you know we were working on a matchmaking queue for Howling Abyss, but it wasn't quite ready for testing. Well, with today's PBE patch that's changed! Once PBE comes back up you can try out our new queue and help us test out a new ARAM feature we've added especially for this queue: rerolls.''

''While the random element is a really fun part of Howling Abyss, we also understand there are times you simply don't want to play a particular champion. That's why we created the reroll feature specifically for this queue. When you're really not in the mood to play your particular champion on Murder Bridge, you can reroll and get a different random character instead.''

''Here's how it works. As you play matchmade games on Howling Abyss, win or lose, you'll earn points you can save up to purchase a reroll in champion select. You'll earn a base number of points every match, along with some bonus points based on the number of champions you own. While there is a cap on the number of points you can store up, you'll be able to reroll multiple times in a single champion select if you've got the points.''

''And don't worry about wasting your hard-earned points on queue dodgers. If someone leaves your match at champion select, everyone in the game gets a refund except the player who dodged.''

''This is the first time we've added a queue-specific feature like this to champion select, so be sure to give us your feedback. We look forward to reading your comments!''

=== Unique Shopkeepers ===

[[File:Howling Abyss Shop1.png|thumb|200px|Greyor]]

[[File:Howling Abyss Shop2.png|thumb|200px|Lyte]]

{{main|Howling Abyss/Quotes}}

The Viking, '''Greyor''', and the Hermit, '''Lyte''', (ie. the shopkeepers) enforce "limited shopping", preventing champions from purchasing items after they have left the fountain, until after they have been slain in combat. The point when the shop becomes inaccessible to them is represented by a unique animation - Greyor appears to fade back into his frozen corpse behind him and Lyte waves goodbye before retiring into his tent.

Each shopkeeper has a collection of generic quotes as well as unique quotes for the [[Freljord]], [[yordle]] and some [[Piltover|Piltovian]] champions, as well as special exceptions for {{ci|Blitzcrank}}, {{csi|Olaf|Brolaf}}, {{ci|Nami}}, and {{ci|Zilean}}. They also make comments about the amount of gold you have and the amount of time spent at the shop. Their extensive list of quotes can be found in the linked page above.

=== Exclusive Items ===

* {{ii|Guardian's Horn}}

* {{ii|Poro-Snax}}

* {{ii|Orb of Winter}}

== Gameplay ==

This map is similar to [[Summoner's Rift]], with the following exceptions:

This map is similar to [[Summoner's Rift]], with the following exceptions:

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** They spawn at 3:10 along the lane and respawn every 40 seconds

** They spawn at 3:10 along the lane and respawn every 40 seconds

== In-Game Description ==


=== Unique Shopkeepers ===

[[File:Howling Abyss Map Preview.jpg|thumb|250px|left|Howling Abyss Map Preview]] The Howling Abyss is a bottomless crevasse located in the coldest, cruelest, part of the [[Freljord]]. Legends say that, long ago, a great battle took place here on the narrow bridge spanning this chasm. No one remembers who fought here, or why, but it is said that if you listen carefully to the wind you can still hear the cries of the vanquished tossed howling into the Abyss.


<gallery orientation="square" spacing="small" position="center" columns="4" widths="150">



Howling Abyss Shop1.png|Greyor


Howling Abyss Shop2.png|Lyte




{{main|Howling Abyss/Quotes}}


The Viking, '''Greyor''', and the Hermit, '''Lyte''', (ie. the shopkeepers) enforce "limited shopping", preventing champions from purchasing items after they have left the fountain, until after they have been slain in combat. The point when the shop becomes inaccessible to them is represented by a unique animation - Greyor appears to fade back into his frozen corpse behind him and Lyte waves goodbye before retiring into his tent.



Each shopkeeper has a collection of generic quotes as well as unique quotes for the [[Freljord]], [[yordle]] and some [[Piltover|Piltovian]] champions, as well as special exceptions for {{ci|Blitzcrank}}, {{csi|Olaf|Brolaf}}, {{ci|Nami}}, and {{ci|Zilean}}. They also make comments about the amount of gold you have and the amount of time spent at the shop. Their extensive list of quotes can be found in the linked page above.



=== Exclusive Items ===


* {{ii|Guardian's Horn}}


* {{ii|Poro-Snax}}


* {{ii|Orb of Winter}}



== Development ==


=== Release Announcement ===


Announced by [[Brackhar]]:<ref>[http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=35633434#35633434 Proving Grounds Update: The Howling Abyss]</ref><br />



''Hey Gang,''



''It's been a while since I first talked to you guys about making ARAM an official gameplay mode, and today I've got something awesome to share with you. For the past few months I've been working with an exceptional team of artists to create a space that's an appropriate setting for both the epic battles that occur in ARAM and within the world of Runeterra at large. As a result, we've completely reworked the Proving Grounds and, in effect, created something entirely new.''


[[File:Howling Abyss Screenshot.jpg|thumb|left|275x275px]]


''Now, instead of fighting on a random bridge over a black void, you'll be fighting on the Howling Abyss, an ancient landmark in Freljord where the Iceborn finally overthrew their oppressors and sent them tumbling into the chasm below. As you might have guessed from these [[Freljord#Journey_Into_The_Freljord|mysterious journals]], there's more (a lot more!) our story team would love to tell you Freljord – but for now, you'll have to wait.''



''Anyway, work is still ongoing on the map, and it's yet a few patches away from release but we just wanted to invite you guys in a bit earlier than normal to get your thoughts as we begin to polish it up. The environment team will be actively reading the forum and looking for your feedback, so please let us know what you think!''



[[File:Howling_Abyss_map.jpg|thumb|Howling Abyss location|338x338px]]


''Additionally I wanted to let you guys know that we are actively working on an official matchmaking queue for ARAM and plan to launch it with the map when it's ready. The queue isn't currently enabled on PBE as there's still a good bit of tech work that needs to be resolved to handle the number of players on the environment, but we're fully committed to giving you guys the best experience that we can. So with that, check out the map and explore what we've created; who knows, maybe you'll even find some surprises!''



=== Rerolls ===


Announced by '''[[Brackhar]]''' <ref>[http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=3328642 New ARAM Feature: Rerolls]</ref>



''Hey gang,''



''A few weeks ago, I let you know we were working on a matchmaking queue for Howling Abyss, but it wasn't quite ready for testing. Well, with today's PBE patch that's changed! Once PBE comes back up you can try out our new queue and help us test out a new ARAM feature we've added especially for this queue: rerolls.''



''While the random element is a really fun part of Howling Abyss, we also understand there are times you simply don't want to play a particular champion. That's why we created the reroll feature specifically for this queue. When you're really not in the mood to play your particular champion on Murder Bridge, you can reroll and get a different random character instead.''



''Here's how it works. As you play matchmade games on Howling Abyss, win or lose, you'll earn points you can save up to purchase a reroll in champion select. You'll earn a base number of points every match, along with some bonus points based on the number of champions you own. While there is a cap on the number of points you can store up, you'll be able to reroll multiple times in a single champion select if you've got the points.''



''And don't worry about wasting your hard-earned points on queue dodgers. If someone leaves your match at champion select, everyone in the game gets a refund except the player who dodged.''



''This is the first time we've added a queue-specific feature like this to champion select, so be sure to give us your feedback. We look forward to reading your comments!''

== Trivia ==

== Trivia ==

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