


May 6, 2014

When Church Planting Sees God Move Against Incredible OddsBy Warren Bird

Conventional wisdom told Brian McMillan to plant a church anywhere but Long Island, New York—known as a graveyard for new pastors. All efforts to start a new Protestant congregation in that place seemed to fail, resulting in another ministry tombstone erected.

“’No way, no how’ it can possibly happen there in the way you’re doing it,” Brian says he was told multiple times as he launched CenterPoint Church. Even looking back today, he sees a lot of wisdom in their counsel. “I would probably share the same advice with someone today, quite frankly.”

Brian landed in New York 12 years ago with no experience or specific education as a church planter, and no financial support—just plenty of naive passion and a desire to follow God’s call..

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The Biggest Frustrations in Ministering to FamiliesMany of the challenges that your church is facing would be positively impacted if the marriages and families in your church were healthy and strong. Today, perhaps more than ever, the church needs to have a comprehensive strategy for supporting the marriages and families in the church and community.  This leadership community will expose your team to the best and most effective models of marriage and family ministry in the church today and will challenge you to create a plan that will be effective in your unique church environment.

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Final Weeks to Participate in Large Church Salary SurveyFor those who participate, we offer an executive summary, an invitation-only video Q&A webcast and even salary tables for various church sizes (sanitized to remove all church-identifier clues). All free. For larger churches, nowhere else will you join such a sizable group of peers.

The Leadership Network “2014 Large Church Salary, Staffing and Budget Survey” will close at the end of May. Click here to take the survey.

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If your church is currently enrolled in a Leadership Network Leadership Community or InnovationLab, you now have the opportunity to post your job listing in our newsletter. For details, click here.

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Using Photos to Tell Your Church’s Story

Meet Peter Drucker Through the Eyes of Bob Buford

Where Is the Missional Movement Headed?



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