
Senator Raynell Andreychuk has been named the YWCA Regina Women of Distinction Awards lifetime achievement award recipient.

“Senator Andreychuk’s distinguished 40-year career as lawyer, judge, diplomat, and Senator has demonstrated exceptional dedication to promoting freedom, democracy and human rights throughout the world,” a YWCA Regina news release said.

A lifelong supporter of voluntary associations and community service locally, provincially, nationally and internationally, Andreychuk said “Saskatchewan gave me the support and opportunities to pursue human rights and justice issues and my professional career.

“There is no greater honour to be received by an individual than being acknowledged by one’s own community.”

A selection committee names the lifetime achievement award recipient based on four criteria: the recipient must be a woman of influence, a woman of exceptional accomplishment, a woman of exemplary character, and a woman of endurance.

“YWCA celebrates the participation of women in every sphere of endeavour,” explained Melissa Coomber-Bendtsen, chief executive officer of YWCA Regina.

She described Andreychuk as “an aspiring model of principled leadership in realms where Canadian women continue to be underrepresented.”

Andreychuk was born in Saskatoon, earned Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws degrees from the University of Saskatchewan. In 1976, she was appointed a Saskatchewan Provincial Court judge. She went on to serve as Associate Deputy Minister of Social Services, and Chancellor of the University of Regina from 1977 to 1983. Her diplomatic career, which began in 1987, included appointments to Kenya, Uganda, the Comoros Islands and Somalia. Concurrently, she was named Canada’s permanent representative to three United Nations bodies. In 1990, Andreychuk became ambassador to Portugal.

In 1993, she became the first female senator from Saskatchewan.

Andreychuk will be presented with the YWCA Regina’s Women of Distinction Award for lifetime achievement at a gala on April 28.

Since 1981, the annual awards gala has celebrated women whose outstanding achievements contribute to the community and are an inspiration to others. In addition to lifetime achievement, nominees are recognized in 11 award categories, ranging from community leadership and enhancement to contribution to rural community.

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