
It’s art for a cause – two things Brenda Cornwell is passionate about.

The Cystic Fibrosis Gala Art Show will be held from 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. on May 29 at The Willow on Wascana. Cornwell donates her time, her artistic talent and souvenir wine glasses to help make the fundraiser a success. It’s a cause near and dear to her heart because her family has experience with cystic fibrosis.

“I have two grandchildren that were born with cystic fibrosis,” Cornwell explained. “The one child passed away from the disease (at age six months). The remaining grandchild is 11, and he has physiotherapy and medication every day. He frequents (the) paediatric ward with lung infections. It’s tough on kids.

“And even though research has made great strides … still only 50 per cent of children born with the disease live into their 30s and beyond. So (the disease) still has a high mortality rate. And there still has to be a lot done.”

More than 20 artists – ranging from emerging professional artists to internationally known artists, including Wilf Perreault, Jack Sures, Vic Cicansky and Jason Robins – are participating in the event.

“I initiated the art show because I’m a visual arts teacher and an artist, and I belong to the Association of Professional Artists,” she said. “So I felt comfortable asking other artists to donate a portion of their artwork.

“Some of the artists donate 100 per cent, but we only ask that they donate 45 per cent. But there’s actually quite a few that do donate 100 per cent, which is very generous because they have to pay for all their supplies, as well as their time.”

Opening bids for the art offerings will range from $100 to $650.

“Generally, 95 per cent of the art is ready to hang,” Cornwell said, explaining that it’s either framed or on a finished canvas (that’s painted around the edges).

Art featured will include sculpture, pottery, various watercolour and acrylic paintings, as well as professional photography. Sizes vary from small to quite large pieces.

The Cystic Fibrosis Gala Art Show is held every second year. The last event raised $14,000.

Tickets are $35, which includes a glass of wine in a souvenir wine glass hand-painted by art students at Balfour and Campbell high schools.

“(New) wine glasses are painted with glass paint and processed, so that they are dishwasher-proof. We run them all though the dishwasher before we take them that day, to make sure they’re sanitized before we give people wine in them,” Cornwell explained. “Grades 9 to 12 have painted the glasses.”

“We’re hoping that we end up selling a number of tickets to people who are maybe looking for a special Mother’s Day gift, because it’s a really nice event … We have a lot of return patrons. People seem to really enjoy it. The majority of them come back every two years.”

Money raised at the event goes to research, as well as supporting local care for people in Saskatchewan with cystic fibrosis, a fatal, inherited disorder affecting mainly the lungs and the digestive system.

Approximately 75  tickets are available from The Willow on Wascana, Urbane QE3, United Artists Hair Salon and Spa, by calling (306) 522-5868  or (306) 584-0469 or emailing gcornwell@sasktel.net or dietrichrosemary@hotmail.com.

The event, which will be held both indoors and outside, will also include a silent auction and a short speech by Theresa Wager, an 11-year-old with cystic fibrosis, and her dad, who is president of the South Saskatchewan CF chapter.



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