
Round up of the latest set of Mayor's Questions on cycling.

Assembly Members of the Greater London Authority (GLA) quiz the Mayor about his polices and responsibilities. This is one of the checks and balance on the Mayor and the bodies he is responsible for, such as Transport for London (TFL).


Quality of Service Indicators reports
Question No: 3974 / 2012
Jenny Jones
Please will you include statistics showing the number of pedestrians and cyclists killed and seriously injured from collisions with Transport for London buses in the quarterly Quality of Service Indicators reports, so that particularly unsafe routes can be indentified in order to allow for safety improvements to be made when they are needed?

Written response from the Mayor
TfL already publishes yearly statistics on the number of people killed or seriously injured following collisions with buses. As the number is very low in relation to the number of kilometres operated, this can vary significantly from quarter to quarter, making annual analysis a better form of monitoring.

The best method of understanding the circumstances and underlying causes of incidents remains bus operator investigations which take account of all factors including the actions of third parties which can often be the cause. It also recognises that no two routes are the same.

Cycle Parking at Stop and Shop bays
Question No: 4006 / 2012
Darren Johnson
Will you encourage TfL to carry out an audit of all ‘Stop and Shop’ car parking bays on its roads with a view to installing cycle parking where it does not already exist?

Written response from the Mayor
Please see my response to MQ 2930 /2012.

Answer by Boris Johnson (MQ2930/2012)
TfL has a comprehensive cycle parking programme which includes the installation of cycle parking stands on the TLRN.
TfL’s TLRN cycle parking programme prioritises installation on those areas of the network which have the highest demand for cycle parking, which by their nature tend to be those areas with shops, local services, transport interchanges or other destinations to which people regularly travel. This includes many locations where Stop & Shop car parking bays may be found.
TfL identifies locations for cycle parking installation through surveys, requests from members of the public and the London boroughs, officers’ knowledge of the network and through alignment with other programmes.
For example, where guardrail is removed to which cycles have been attached previously, locations are sought for the installation of cycle parking spaces. TfL will continue to consider areas with Stop & Shop parking as possible locations for additional cycle parking
Of course, it is not always possible to install cycle parking in some areas due to a lack of available space on the footway and need to ensure the safe passage of pedestrians, and clearance between cycles and vehicles on the carriageway, or issues with conflict with statutory utilities that may be located beneath the surface of the footway.

Cycle Parking on the Carriageway
Question No: 4007 / 2012
Darren Johnson
In locations where footway space is limited, will you urge Transport for London to install cycle parking on the carriageway as per its own guidelines as contained within Chapter 8 of London Cycling Design Standards?

Written response from the Mayor
Officers are drafting a response which will be sent shortly.

Bike Hire Scheme – extension to Hampstead
Question No: 4008 / 2012
Darren Johnson
Given the Mayor stated “Every Londoner should be able to take advantage of our hugely popular and iconic Barclays Cycle Hire scheme which has already brought untold benefits to London’s commuters, businesses and visitors alike” what is the Mayor’s response to the petition signed by hundreds of people calling for the scheme to be extended a mile and a half from Camden to one of London’s most popular sites, Hampstead Heath?

Written response from the Mayor
I view the Barclays Cycle Hire scheme as an expanding programme subject to topography, operational considerations and available funding. As part of the recent expansion of the cycle hire network, the scheme saw an extension to Camden Town, with the northernmost docking station on Castlehaven Road towards Chalk Farm.  Any further extension of the scheme would be dependent on the factors listed above.

In the meantime, I continue to encourage those with financial backing and strong proposals to contact TfL directly so that they are able to investigate the possibility of expanding the scheme.

Cycle Superhighway 5
Question No: 4009 / 2012
Darren Johnson
The proposed Cycle Superhighway 5 going east stops at New Cross Gate, when the roads get very squashed and dangerous for cyclists. Is this a definite choice by you to leave cyclists unprotected along the most congested section of this road, because you don’t want to disadvantage other road users?

Written response from the Mayor
Barclays Cycle Superhighway (CS5) was originally planned to run from Victoria to Lewisham town centre. As the design progressed, it became increasingly apparent that in order to fulfil my commitment to ensure the Cycle Superhighway is of sufficient high quality, physical constraints along this stretch would limit TfL’s ability to complete the route to these top standards.

TfL is still very much committed to delivering significant cycling improvements on the section of the A20, East of New Cross. Although they will not be formally branded as part of CS5, the route will still benefit from better cycling facilities, with 0.7km of new mandatory cycle lanes and substantial resurfacing of the roads.

Cycle Hire Charges
Question No: 4010 / 2012
Darren Johnson
Will the Mayor guarantee that any revenue from the large increases in cycle hire charges are ploughed back into the scheme’s improvement and not simply used to fund other forms of transport?

Written response from the Mayor
I can confirm that all additional revenue generated from the increase in the tariff will be put towards the cost of operating the scheme and to developing improvements for customers.

Campaign For Safer Roads at the Elephant & Castle
Question No: 4011 / 2012
Darren Johnson
Given the alarming number of deaths and injuries at Elephant & Castle in recent years and that well over 2,000 people have now signed a petition demanding safer roads at this location, will you agree to the four demands of the campaigners, namely:
1) introduce enforced 20mph speed limits on all of the roads in and around Elephant & Castle,
2) improve cycle safety on the Northern Roundabout,
3) create more pedestrian crossings and
4) narrow carriageways on St George’s Road and Newington Causeway.

Written response from the Mayor
Officers are drafting a response which will be sent shortly.

Junction of Ruckholt Road and Eastway (1)
Question No: 4017 / 2012
Darren Johnson
Will you urge TfL, as part of its ongoing junction review, to urgently re-design the junction of Ruckholt Road and Eastway, so that cyclists and pedestrians are not so endangered by construction lorries gaining access to the Olympic Park?

Written response from the Mayor
The Ruckholt Road/ Eastway junction is in the highway ownership of the London Borough of Hackney. TfL own and manage the A12 and the entry and exit slip roads to/from the junction. The layout of the junction was modified in the creation of the Olympic Park, led by the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA), with the consent of the London Borough of Hackney for their road network and TfL’s for the A12 slip roads and traffic signal modifications.

To modify the junction arrangement would need the agreement of the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) and the London Borough of Hackney. TfL’s Surface Planning Directorate are working with the LLDC on how best to ensure the Olympic Park and associated infrastructure is fit for post London 2012 purpose. Discussions concerning the Ruckholt Road/Eastway junction will form a part of this.

Junction of Ruckholt Road and Eastway (2)
Question No: 4018 / 2012
Darren Johnson
In your response to Question No. 2469/2012 you state that ‘one of the Stage 2 safety audits was for additional measures that were not implemented’. Will you review the procedures for safety audits to ensure that nothing slips between the gaps when on-site visits are looking at actual measures which have been put in place?

Written response from the Mayor
The note “one of the Stage 2 Safety Audits was for additional measures that were not implemented”, was referencing an alternative design solution not taken forward, not additional measures.

Junction of Ruckholt Road and Eastway (3)
Question No: 4019 / 2012
Darren Johnson
According to TfL’s report ‘Olympic Route Network - Revision E Proposals (Feb 2012)’ the ‘absence of pedestrian, cyclist and signal phasing details’ at this junction which had been identified as an issue in the first audit was deemed ‘no longer relevant’ in the second audit. Why?

Written response from the Mayor
The commentary in the Safety Audit was specific in referring to a section of the A106 Ruckholt Road in the vicinity of Sherrin Road. When a subsequent Audit referred to the issue as being no longer relevant, it is with reference to the Ruckholt Road/ Sherrin Road location which had been resolved.

Junction of Ruckholt Road and Eastway (4)
Question No: 4020 / 2012
Darren Johnson
Will you oblige TfL to revise its Safety Audit procedures so that audit guidelines always include a checklist for cycling safety issues and so that auditors are informed when a design falls short of government standards?

Written response from the Mayor
TfL has its own specific separate Safety Audit procedure which builds upon the National Standard HD 19/03 and is tailored to meet the specific needs of London. In accordance with Road Safety Auditing procedure in general, issues that the Road Safety Auditor considers could pose a hazard to any road user including cyclists, are highlighted and submitted to the designer for their consideration. The Auditor will raise problems relevant to a departure from standards when, in their view, the departure could result in a reduction in safety for any road users.

Dangerous junction – Trundley’s Road New Cross
Question No: 4021 / 2012
Darren Johnson
Lewisham Cyclists have been calling for the Trundley’s Road/Surrey Canal Road junction to be made safer for both cyclists and pedestrians without success. Given this is a key location on the London Cycle Network, will TfL work with the local authority to review this junction in order to help create a safer environment?

Written response from the Mayor
Lewisham Council is aware that the junction of Trundley’s Road/Surrey Canal Road is heavily trafficked, with large goods vehicles using the junction to access nearby industrial sites, which can impede pedestrian and cycle movements. The Council is therefore proposing to undertake a study at the junction, in the next financial year, to identify the improvements which can be made.

TfL will work with Lewisham on this study to ensure the points you have highlighted are considered.

Tooting Bec Gardens/Streatham High Road/Mitcham Lane junction safety review
Question No: 4022 / 2012
Darren Johnson
Although TfL’s decision to implement a new signal strategy at the junction of Tooting Bec Gardens/Streatham High Road/Mitcham Lane is welcome, in light of another recent collision here, will TfL now urgently bring forward its safety review of this junction, currently scheduled for April 2013?

Written response from the Mayor
TfL will commence this study early in the New Year.

NICE public health guidance PH41 on Walking and Cycling (1)
Question No: 4028 / 2012
Darren Johnson
What does the Mayor see as the number one barrier in London to implementing the recently published NICE Guidance on Walking and Cycling?

Written response from the Mayor
I welcome the new NICE public health guidance PH41 on walking and cycling.  Increasing walking and cycling can deliver significant health benefits for Londoners as well as improve the liveability of the city and benefit the economy and environment.  My Transport Strategy sets out my plans to increase walking and cycling and this is underpinned by a wide range of activities.  There are a number of challenges, not least the need to ensure that London’s road network is fit for the 21st century including the health needs of Londoners to be able to travel in a physically actively way.  Transport for London (TfL) is now preparing its new Roads Strategy, and the Roads Task Force, which includes high level representatives of walking and cycling user groups, is advising me on the design, management and operational options for London’s roads, with a final report expected in Spring 2013.

NICE public health guidance PH41 on Walking and Cycling (2)
Question No: 4029 / 2012
Darren Johnson
What steps are the Mayor and TfL taking to implement the recently published NICE Guidance on Walking and Cycling?

Written response from the Mayor
I welcome the new NICE public health guidance PH41 on walking and cycling.  There are major health benefits for Londoners from increasing walking and cycling which I support through a wide range of activities delivered by TfL and partners within London.  The NICE guidance recognises that a range of stakeholders must be involved to effectively promote walking and cycling and I have been and continue to work with stakeholders to increase walking and cycling in London.

TfL is investing in high-quality streets and roads, and using innovative solutions to create better environments for people on foot and on bicycles.  For example, over the next 18 months TfL will rebuild Euston Circus’ busy junction to improve the area for pedestrians and cyclists and reduce congestion.

NICE public health guidance PH41 on Walking and Cycling (3)
Question No: 4030 / 2012
Darren Johnson
Does the Mayor see any conflict between his ‘Smoothing Traffic Flow’ initiative and NICE’s statement in its ‘Walking and Cycling’ guidance, under Recommendation 3, that Pedestrians and cyclists should be given priority over motorised transport, in line with the Department for Transport’s ‘Manual for Streets’ and ‘Manual for Streets 2 - wider application of the principles’ from the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation?

Written response from the Mayor
Smoothing traffic flow is about improving the reliability of the road network for all road users.  This benefits all road users, including pedestrians and cyclists.

For example pedestrian countdown is very popular with pedestrians and is being extended across the road network.  Pedestrian scoot is also being developed so that more time can be given to pedestrians when needed.

I recognise that, beyond running the network reliably, more needs to be done to meet London’s needs, including the need to travel actively for health benefits. I have asked a road task force to report to me on what needs to be done to better meet the needs of road users recognising the different types of roads in London. I have doubled the funding for roads over the next ten years to improve asset condition, junctions, streets and road safety measures.

I fully expect these measures to improve network reliability and conditions for pedestrians and cyclists.

NICE public health guidance PH41 on Walking and Cycling (4)
Question No: 4031 / 2012
Darren Johnson
Is the Mayor aware that achieving the health benefits of increased walking and cycling set out in the NICE guidance will require the active support of the Metropolitan Police and the City of London Police? Will he ensure that the Police pay attention to this guidance, in order to ensure that its impact is maximised for the benefit of Londoners?

Written response from the Mayor
The Mayor’s strategy to improve transport safety and security in London sets out the objectives, priorities and key actions for TfL and its policing partners to promote cycling and walking in London. TfL and the police undertake a range of activities as part of this including proactive, high visibility traffic enforcement operations to reduce road danger and cycle safety and security operations to reduce barriers to cycling.

Black cabs and cycle training
Question No: 4037 / 2012
Darren Johnson
Thank you for your answer to 3463/2012 stating that you think the Addison Lee scheme of training drivers as a result of complaints from cyclists is ‘excellent’. So, I will ask again, will you apply it to black cab drivers?

Written response from the Mayor
All licensed London Taxi drivers already have to pass what is considered to be the hardest knowledge examination in the world, as well as an advanced Driving Standards Agency (DSA) taxi driving test which assesses their ability to drive a taxi in an urban environment.

TfL also provides taxi drivers in London with cycle awareness information relating to safety when driving, stopping and opening doors near cyclists. In addition, the booklet supplied to every licensed taxi driver ahead of the 2012 Olympics contained cycle safety information to help keep cyclists, taxi drivers and passengers safe. I have nonetheless asked TfL to consider what additional skills training would benefit taxi and private hire drivers, their passengers and other road users.

Cycling Budget
Question No: 4040 / 2012
Darren Johnson
Your business plan press release says that the Mayor intends to invest £913m in cycling in the next ten years. How much is being spent on cycling each year up to 2014/15? How much of this expenditure is for the junction review?

Written response from the Mayor
The spend is still being profiled and the exact breakdown finalised.

Cycling revolution (2)
Question No: 3800 / 2012
Caroline Pidgeon
You have set a target to achieve 5% modal share for cycling in London. Please explain why this target was chosen? Will you now revisit this target and aim to get more people in London cycling than in Hull by achieving a 12% modal share?

Written response from the Mayor
Officers are drafting a response which will be sent shortly.

Cycling revolution (3)
Question No: 3801 / 2012
Caroline Pidgeon
Your cycle safety action plan states: “One of the most effective strategies to increase the safety of cycling may be to encourage more cycling and more cyclists”. However when TfL representatives gave evidence to the Transport Committee they stated that the recent rise in cycle casualties were the result of more people cycling. Do you agree that TfL is holding two contradictory positions?

Written response from the Mayor
No. We know from more established ‘cycling cities’ that they experience the benefits of ‘safety in numbers’, whereby the very visible presence of cyclists on roads and cyclists riding in groups leads to safer driver behaviour.

In recent years, cycling casualties have increased in London as the number of journeys by pedal cycle has risen.  However, the long term trend in the rate of cycling casualties (relative to cycle flow) is downwards.

Cycling revolution (4)
Question No: 3802 / 2012
Caroline Pidgeon
Who has responsibility for championing cycling on the TfL board?

Written response from the Mayor
All TfL Board members collectively take a close interest in increasing the level of cycling participation in London.

Cycling revolution (5)
Question No: 3803 / 2012
Caroline Pidgeon
Have you considered incentivising the Boroughs to increase the modal share of cycling? Please provide details of any proposed or planned schemes.

Written response from the Mayor
Each borough was required as part of their Local Implementation Plans (LIP) to set targets for mode share (specifically walking and cycling) in support of delivering the Mayor’s Transport Strategy at a local level.  The LIPs were also required to detail how Boroughs were to achieve these targets in terms of relevant policies and schemes to be delivered.

As you will be aware, TfL provides substantial funding to support the boroughs in the delivery of their LIPs (£147.8m in 2012/13 and 2013/14). In addition, further support is provided through programmes like the Biking Boroughs initiative and the Cycle Parking programme.

Cycling revolution (6)
Question No: 3804 / 2012
Caroline Pidgeon
How will TfL implement the learning from the International Benchmarking exercise that they are taking part in with the help of their secondee from Copenhagen?

Written response from the Mayor
I am proud that London has made significant progress over recent years in delivering an increase in the number of cyclists on London’s streets, whilst ensuring conditions for cycling in the Capital are as safe as possible. TfL, working closely with the boroughs, continuously reviews its design practice; and many aspects of TfL’s delivery practices draw on experience from other cities in Europe which began investing in cycling 40 years ago.

The learnings from TfL’s ongoing benchmarking activity, helped by input from their Danish secondee, are being applied to the ongoing design of the Better Junctions and Cycle Superhighways programmes and will inform the revisions to the London Cycle Design Standards.

Cycling revolution (7)
Question No: 3805 / 2012
Caroline Pidgeon
Have you made a formal application to the Department for Transport to enable you to begin trials of cycle specific traffic lights?

Written response from the Mayor
Officers are drafting a response which will be sent shortly.

Cycling revolution (8)
Question No: 3806 / 2012
Caroline Pidgeon
Why exactly was the Victoria to Lewisham Cycle Superhighway cut short?

Written response from the Mayor
Barclays Cycle Superhighway (CS5) was originally planned to run from Victoria to Lewisham town centre. As the design progressed, it became increasingly apparent that in order to fulfil my commitment to ensure the Cycle Superhighway is of sufficient high quality, physical constraints along this stretch would limit TfL’s ability to complete the route to these top standards.

TfL is still very much committed to delivering significant cycling improvements on the section of the A20, East of New Cross. Although they will not be formally branded as part of CS5, the route will still benefit from better cycling facilities, with 0.7km of new mandatory cycle lanes and substantial resurfacing of the roads.

Cycling revolution (9)
Question No: 3807 / 2012
Caroline Pidgeon
During the election you promised to “Make sure the Cycle Superhighways programme is completed to Love London, Go Dutch standards” by signing the Love London, Go Dutch pledge. Will you confirm that this promise applies to the recent plans for Cycle Superhighway 5?

Written response from the Mayor
I am committed to transforming London into a ‘cyclised city’ and am supportive of the principles of LCC’s ‘Go Dutch’ campaign.  TfL reviewed the detail of the campaign to ascertain how the principles it establishes can be incorporated into the design and implementation of cycling schemes in London, taking into account the UK legal framework and regulations, the physical constraints of London’s streets, and the needs of all road users.

CS5, which is currently out for communication, has already received positive feedback from many cycling groups and from roughly three-quarters of respondents to date. The proposals for CS5 include:

• Segregated and off-carriageway provision for cyclists at Vauxhall, including a short-cut through the gyratory for westbound cyclists
• Cycle ‘early-start’ facilities with segregated cycle lanes at Vauxhall Bridge / Millbank
• New mandatory cycle lanes
• Banning some turns for vehicles other than cyclists
• Reviewing where 20mph limits could be implemented or extended
• 5m+ deep Advanced Stop Lines (ASLs)

Cycling revolution (10)
Question No: 3808 / 2012
Caroline Pidgeon
What steps are you taking to improve the safety of CS7? In particular what are you doing to prevent cyclists travelling southbound along Kennington Park Road from being ‘left hooked’ by motorists turning into Brixton Road?

Written response from the Mayor
CS7 delivered a host of safety improvements for cyclists, including the removal of a major conflict point at Oval by removing a southbound general traffic filter lane and introducing a signalised left-turn on the A3 at the junction with Brixton Road.  Blind spot safety mirrors have also been installed to increase visibility of cyclists on the nearside to drivers of HGVs.

TfL is revisiting the Oval Junction as part of the Better Junctions programme to see if more can be done for cyclists here. Better Junctions will also be revisiting other major junctions on CS7, including Stockwell gyratory and Upper Thames St/Queen St Place on CS7.

In addition, significant improvements are proposed for east and westbound cyclists at the Oval Junction as part of Barclays Cycle Superhighway Route 5. The proposals include banning the left turn for motorists from Harleyford Street into Kennington Park Road (except cyclists) and new east and westbound mandatory cycle lanes on Camberwell New Road.

Better Junctions for Cyclists (1)
Question No: 3809 / 2012
Caroline Pidgeon
In the TfL response to the Waterloo Imax roundabout better junctions for cyclists review, kerb build outs are described as being designed to “help to take the primary position in the traffic lanes” . Do you think it is acceptable to be encouraging cyclists to move out into the centre of the road in front of fast moving traffic? Do you think this is an appropriate manoeuvre for new or inexperienced cyclists?

Written response from the Mayor
This approach to cycling is taught as part of the National Cycle Training Syllabus. TfL is also proposing a 20mph speed limit at the roundabout in order to reduce traffic speeds and further improve safety.

Better Junctions for Cyclists (2)
Question No: 3810 / 2012
Caroline Pidgeon
How are the consultations for each junction review being publicised?

Written response from the Mayor
Consultation material is sent to residents and businesses in the scheme area. It is also sent to relevant London-wide and local stakeholders and is posted on the TfL website. TfL also emails notifications of consultations to people who signed up for Better Junctions email alerts.

Better Junctions for Cyclists (3)
Question No: 3811 / 2012
Caroline Pidgeon
Will you commit to publishing the responses received for each of the junction reviews?

Written response from the Mayor
Responses to TfL consultations are available on the TfL website at https://consultations.tfl.gov.uk/.

TfL also sends this information to stakeholders and people who responded to the consultation.

London Highways Contract Alliance
Question No: 3812 / 2012
Caroline Pidgeon
Will contracts agreed under this new alliance require contractors and planners to:
a) ensure that safe routes for cyclists are provided during any road closures or diversions, and
b) ensure that all road upgrade or maintenance schemes include provision for cyclists?

Written response from the Mayor
TfL already requires its contractors to ensure that they consider the safety of cyclists and all road user groups in the design of any road closures or restrictions. Guidance has been supplied to current contractors to advise on suitable provisions for cyclists at roadworks. This is in addition to national guidance which, whilst generic, does take account of the needs of cyclists.

TfL's new contractors, with a service commencing in April 2013 under the London Highways Alliance Contracts, will similarly be required to demonstrate to TfL that their traffic management considers the requirements and safety of cyclists and to provide similar levels of cycling provision as far as possible where existing facilities have been impacted due to works. These conditions will apply at all locations where there are closures, diversions or maintenance works.

Greenways usage survey (1)
Question No: 3819 / 2012
Caroline Pidgeon
Please explain why the results of a survey conducted in August 2011 of 1079 Greenway users was not released until October 2012?

Written response from the Mayor
This regrettable delay arose partly from a change in the way the surveys and the analysis were undertaken and partly from an apparent discrepancy in the results for one of the Greenways sites surveyed.

At Proyers Path in Brent, there was an exceptional increase in usage that exceeded all expectations. Surveys were therefore repeated at this site, though with similar results recorded.  As no explanation could be offered for this increase it was considered prudent not to include the figures for Proyers Path as they would distort the figure for overall growth, which stands at 21% as reported on the TfL website: http://www.tfl.gov.uk/assets/downloads/businessandpartners/london-greenways-report-2011.pdf

Greenways usage survey (2)
Question No: 3820 / 2012
Caroline Pidgeon
Was the Greenways usage survey repeated in August 2012?

Written response from the Mayor
The Greenways Annual Monitoring Report was first published in 2009, and I can confirm that a report for 2012 will be available early next Spring.

Surveys to inform the report were conducted this August and September to cover school holiday and term-time periods, and the findings of these are now being analysed.

Barclays cycle hire
Question No: 3827 / 2012
Caroline Pidgeon
Users reported problems with the Barclays Cycle Hire service on 29 November 2012. Please provide details of what happened to the service on and what you have done to fix the problems.

Written response from the Mayor
Some casual users and auto-renew customers were temporarily unable to hire bikes on 29 November due to a problem with Serco's IT operating system. This fault was however rectified on the same day and only affected those attempting to hire a bike. All customers were able to return bikes throughout the day.

I am glad to say that the majority of Barclays Cycle Hire users - those who have annual memberships or had purchased an access period prior to the service issues - were unaffected.  In fact, usage on the day was the highest in a fortnight, at more than 26,000 hires which was around 25% higher than the previous day.

Kings Cross Gyratory study
Question No: 3829 / 2012
Caroline Pidgeon
I have been contacted by a constituent who is concerned that the current study into the improvements at King’s Cross Gyratory is being conducted behind closed doors and is not properly listening to local residents. Could you please outline the steps that TfL is taking to ensure that local residents and groups are involved in the study?

Written response from the Mayor
One of the key intentions of TfL’s feasibility study is to have thoroughly engaged with the local community. This process started with TfL officers meeting with Councillors from both London Boroughs of Islington and Camden in July 2012. Following this focus groups were held on 20th and 27th November with a range of local representatives. The invitees, members of local residents groups, community groups, and businesses, were suggested and agreed with London Boroughs of Camden and Islington officers in advance.

In spring 2013, the same people will be invited to attend another focus group to discuss how the study is progressing. In terms of the wider, general public, there is a feedback mechanism on TfL’s website: www.tfl.gov.uk/kingscrossgyratory.

TfL plans to seek wider input from local residents in summer 2013, once viable options have been distilled through the collaborative process described.

Belvedere Road
Question No: 3831 / 2012
Caroline Pidgeon
Have you discussed with Lambeth Council the value of converting Belvedere Road into an access only vehicle route to improve conditions for cyclists?

Written response from the Mayor
Key considerations in determining what measures should be introduced include the fact that parts of Belvedere Road are privately owned, it is a bus route, it provides coach parking for key attractions (such as the London Eye) and it’s a key crossing point between Waterloo and the attractions of the South Bank.

Nevertheless, TfL officers have discussed potential improvements to Belvedere Road and Upper Ground for all modes, including cyclists, with Lambeth Council, the South Bank Employers Group and local property owners.

Tooting Bec Common
Question No: 3834 / 2012
Caroline Pidgeon
What representations have you made to Wandsworth Council to encourage them to make cycling legal on a path on the North East corner of the park to make sure that the LCN5/LCN+219 are continuous routes for cyclists?

Written response from the Mayor
Officers are drafting a response which will be sent shortly.

Southwark Bridge Road
Question No: 3835 / 2012
Caroline Pidgeon
Local residents have contacted me to complain that cyclists’ safety on Cycle Superhighway 7 is being endangered because Southwark Bridge Road is being used as a rat run by aggressively driven lorries. What steps will you take to help improve safety on this stretch of road?

Written response from the Mayor
I am concerned to hear about the experience of your local residents.  TfL and its delivery partners in the boroughs are working closely with freight operators and freight trade associations to improve safety for cyclists through a range of initiatives.

Actions being taken include providing extra training for lorry drivers to raise their awareness of vulnerable road users; and retrofitting lorries with safety equipment such as extra mirrors, motion sensors and sideguards.  Many public sector contracts, including TfL’s, now require operators to adhere to this best practice.

Blackfriars Bridge Road safety audit
Question No: 3839 / 2012
Caroline Pidgeon
In your answer to MQ 3461/2012 you stated that the road safety audit at this junction is still being finalised. Please state when you expect the audit to be complete and the results published?

Written response from the Mayor
Officers are drafting a response which will be sent shortly.

TfL Business Plan
Question No: 3843 / 2012
Caroline Pidgeon

In your press release about the TfL business plan you highlight an additional £640 million that will be spent on cycling over the next ten years. However this figure is not mentioned in the Business Plan itself. Please explain why this is?

Written response from the Mayor
The TfL Business Plan analysis and commitments is all done over ten years, although the document itself focuses on the figures for the spending review period to March 2015.

Cycling Investment
Question No: 3942 / 2012
Andrew Boff
The additional £640 million of investment in cycling over 10 years detailed in TfL’s latest business plan is hugely welcome. How will this money be spent?*

Written response from the Mayor
This is being worked up and details will be published in the coming months.

Ten-highest KSI hotspots
Question No: 3964 / 2012
Victoria Borwick
Would you consider publishing monthly KSI statistics involving all pedestrian and cyclist collisions with any motor vehicle from the ten-highest KSI hotspots within London?

Written response from the Mayor
Collision data in London is collected by the Metropolitan and City of London Police and passed to Transport for London on a monthly basis for input into the ACCSTATS database.  There is always a delay of up to three months between a collision occurring and the police supplying the details to TfL.  All collision data in the current processing year remains provisional and subject to change up to the point when the year is finalised and closed (usually in May of the following year). As a result, data is only published annually once it has been finalised.  Only finalised data, based on the previous three full years, is used to identify collision hotspots.

Greenway Diversion
Question No: 4091 / 2012
John Biggs
A section of the Greenway at Pudding Mill is closed until late 2014 for Crossrail. The Crossrail helpdesk advises pedestrians and cyclists to take an alternative route via Marshgate Lane and Stratford High Street. What role did TfL play in suggesting and mapping this alternative route and do TfL project an increase in accidents along this busy stretch?

Written response from the Mayor
The delivery of the Crossrail Project is managed by Crossrail Limited under delegated authority from its Sponsors, Transport for London and the Department for Transport.

I understand that it was necessary to close part of the Greenway following the 2012 Olympics to enable the tunnel portal construction works at Pudding Mill Lane to progress safely.  I gather that this was discussed with the London Borough of Newham and Transport for London, along with other local stakeholders before it was formally accepted following the review of Crossrail Limited’s highways application (Schedule 3) for the Pudding Mill Lane construction site.

Crossrail Limited does not expect there to be an increase in accidents from this closure and has installed signage to help pedestrians and cyclists use the new route.

Stirling Corner (1)
Question No: 4160 / 2012
Andrew Dismore
In view of the change of policy by LB Barnet re Stirling Corner, will you now review safety at this junction, especially for cyclists, pedestrians, and traffic entering the junction from the north and south side roads?

Written response from the Mayor
Officers are drafting a response which will be sent shortly.

Stirling Corner (2)
Question No: 4161 / 2012
Andrew Dismore
Will you accept my invitation to attempt to go round Stirling Corner on your bike?

Written response from the Mayor
I cycle the whole of London. When I next do Stirling Corner I will give you a report.

Cycle Safety
Question No: 4162 / 2012
Andrew Dismore
In relation to cycle safety, what is the meaning of “off street trials of more innovative junction designs”, why do you think they may make cycling safer, and what innovative junction designs are being considered?

Written response from the Mayor
Officers are drafting a response which will be sent shortly.

Question No: 4167 / 2012
Len Duvall
Will TfL reconsider the scaling back of the CS5 from Victoria to Lewisham and seek alternative through-routes for cyclists around New Cross to reach Lewisham town centre?

Written response from the Mayor
TfL is providing funding to London Borough of Lewisham for further improvements for cyclists in the New Cross and Lewisham area. This will include new sections of mandatory cycle lane on Lewisham Way and a range of other measures to improve access to CS5 and Lewisham town centre for local cyclists. TfL is working with the London Borough of Lewisham and local cycling groups to develop proposals for improvements and are seeking suggestions as part of the CS5 public consultation.

Further details on the proposals and the public consultation can be found here: www.tfl.gov.uk/cs5

Question No: 4168 / 2012
Len Duvall
Will the Mayor confirm his commitment to CS4 Woolwich to London Bridge and ensure that the scheme is not scrapped?

Written response from the Mayor
CS4 from Woolwich to London Bridge is in TfL’s programme to be opened in 2015. In collaboration with the London boroughs, early design work has started and TfL plans to consult on proposals later in 2013.

Safety improvements at priority junctions (1)
Question No: 4253 / 2012
Murad Qureshi
TfL’s better junctions review has identified 100 junctions at priority locations which require changes to improve cyclist and pedestrian safety.
What is the timetable for making safety improvements to the junction of Cromwell Road and Gloucester Road in Kensington and Chelsea, and what safety measures will be implemented there?

Written response from the Mayor
You have asked a number of questions (MQs 4253 / 2012 – 4275 / 2012) about specific junctions that are part of TfL’s Junction Review programme.

TfL has committed to reviewing the 100 priority junctions by December 2013, working closely with user groups representing a range of stakeholder interests. In addition, TfL has committed to delivering improvement schemes at 50 junctions by December 2013, 35 of which will be at the priority 100 locations.

Progress updates on specific junctions and consultations will be available on the TfL website at: www.tfl.gov.uk/betterjunctions

TfL would be happy to meet you to discuss the detail of any location if you wish.

Safety improvements at priority junctions (2)
Question No: 4254 / 2012
Murad Qureshi
TfL’s better junctions review has identified 100 junctions at priority locations which require changes to improve cyclist and pedestrian safety.
What is the timetable for making safety improvements to the junction of Edith Grove and the King’s Road in Kensington and Chelsea, and what safety measures will be implemented there?

Written response from the Mayor
Please see my response to MQ 4253 / 2012.

Safety improvements at priority junctions (3)
Question No: 4255 / 2012
Murad Qureshi
TfL’s better junctions review has identified 100 junctions at priority locations which require changes to improve cyclist and pedestrian safety.
What is the timetable for making safety improvements to the junction of Great West Road and Chiswick High Road in Hounslow, and what safety measures will be implemented there?

Written response from the Mayor
Please see my response to MQ 4253 / 2012.

Safety improvements at priority junctions (4)
Question No: 4256 / 2012
Murad Qureshi
TfL’s better junctions review has identified 100 junctions at priority locations which require changes to improve cyclist and pedestrian safety.
What is the timetable for making safety improvements to the junction of Great West Road and Shield Drive in Hounslow, and what safety measures will be implemented there?

Written response from the Mayor
Please see my response to MQ 4253 / 2012.

Safety improvements at priority junctions (5)
Question No: 4257 / 2012
Murad Qureshi
TfL’s better junctions review has identified 100 junctions at priority locations which require changes to improve cyclist and pedestrian safety.
What is the timetable for making safety improvements to the junction of Grosvenor Road and Chelsea Bridge in the City of Westminster / Kensington and Chelsea, and what safety measures will be implemented there?

Written response from the Mayor
Please see my response to MQ 4253 /2012.

Safety improvements at priority junctions (6)
Question No: 4258 / 2012
Murad Qureshi
TfL’s better junctions review has identified 100 junctions at priority locations which require changes to improve cyclist and pedestrian safety.
What is the timetable for making safety improvements to the junction of Grosvenor Road and Lupus Street in the City of Westminster, and what safety measures will be implemented there?

Written response from the Mayor
Please see my response to MQ 4253 / 2012.

Safety improvements at priority junctions (7)
Question No: 4259 / 2012
Murad Qureshi
TfL’s better junctions review has identified 100 junctions at priority locations which require changes to improve cyclist and pedestrian safety.
What is the timetable for making safety improvements to the North West corner of Hyde Park Corner in the City of Westminster, and what safety measures will be implemented there?

Written response from the Mayor
Please see my response to MQ 4253 / 2012.

Safety improvements at priority junctions (8)
Question No: 4260 / 2012
Murad Qureshi
TfL’s better junctions review has identified 100 junctions at priority locations which require changes to improve cyclist and pedestrian safety.
What is the timetable for making safety improvements to the junction of Hyde Park Corner and Knightsbridge Slip in the City of Westminster, and what safety measures will be implemented there?

Written response from the Mayor
Please see my response to MQ 4253 / 2012.

Safety improvements at priority junctions (9)
Question No: 4261 / 2012
Murad Qureshi
TfL’s better junctions review has identified 100 junctions at priority locations which require changes to improve cyclist and pedestrian safety.
What is the timetable for making safety improvements to the Marble Arch Gyratory in the City of Westminster, and what safety measures will be implemented there?

Written response from the Mayor
Please see my response to MQ 4253 / 2012.

Safety improvements at priority junctions (10)
Question No: 4262 / 2012
Murad Qureshi
TfL’s better junctions review has identified 100 junctions at priority locations which require changes to improve cyclist and pedestrian safety.
What is the timetable for making safety improvements to the junction of Marylebone Road and Marylebone High Street in the City of Westminster, and what safety measures will be implemented there?

Written response from the Mayor
Please see my response to MQ 4253 / 2012.

Safety improvements at priority junctions (11)
Question No: 4263 / 2012
Murad Qureshi
TfL’s better junctions review has identified 100 junctions at priority locations which require changes to improve cyclist and pedestrian safety.
What is the timetable for making safety improvements to the Lambeth Bridge Northern roundabout in the City of Westminster, and what safety measures will be implemented there?

Written response from the Mayor
Please see my response to MQ 4253 / 2012.

Safety improvements at priority junctions (12)
Question No: 4264 / 2012
Murad Qureshi
TfL’s better junctions review has identified 100 junctions at priority locations which require changes to improve cyclist and pedestrian safety.
What is the timetable for making safety improvements to the junction of Vauxhall Bridge Road and Drummond Gate in the City of Westminster, and what safety measures will be implemented there?

Written response from the Mayor
Please see my response to MQ 4253 / 2012.

Safety improvements at priority junctions (13)
Question No: 4265 / 2012
Murad Qureshi
TfL’s better junctions review has identified 100 junctions at priority locations which require changes to improve cyclist and pedestrian safety.
What is the timetable for making safety improvements to the junction of Vauxhall Bridge Road, Millbank and Grosvenor Road in the City of Westminster, and what safety measures will be implemented there?

Written response from the Mayor
Please see my response to MQ 4253 / 2012.

Safety improvements at priority junctions (14)
Question No: 4266 / 2012
Murad Qureshi
TfL’s better junctions review has identified 100 junctions at priority locations which require changes to improve cyclist and pedestrian safety.
What is the timetable for making safety improvements to the junction of Victoria Embankment and Bridge Street in the City of Westminster, and what safety measures will be implemented there?

Written response from the Mayor
Please see my response to MQ 4253 / 2012.

Safety improvements at priority junctions (15)
Question No: 4267 / 2012
Murad Qureshi
TfL’s better junctions review has identified 100 junctions at priority locations which require changes to improve cyclist and pedestrian safety.
What is the timetable for making safety improvements to the junction of Victoria Embankment and Savoy Place in the City of Westminster, and what safety measures will be implemented there?

Written response from the Mayor
Please see my response to MQ 4253 / 2012.

Safety improvements at priority junctions (16)
Question No: 4268 / 2012
Murad Qureshi
TfL’s better junctions review has identified 100 junctions at priority locations which require changes to improve cyclist and pedestrian safety.
What is the timetable for making safety improvements to the Victoria Gyratory in the City of Westminster, and what safety measures will be implemented there?

Written response from the Mayor
Please see my response to MQ 4253 / 2012.

Safety improvements at priority junctions (17)
Question No: 4269 / 2012
Murad Qureshi
TfL’s better junctions review has identified 100 junctions at priority locations which require changes to improve cyclist and pedestrian safety.
What is the timetable for making safety improvements to the junction of Talgarth Road and Giddon Road in Hammersmith and Fulham, and what safety measures will be implemented there?

Written response from the Mayor
Please see my response to MQ 4253 / 2012.

Safety improvements at priority junctions (18)
Question No: 4270 / 2012
Murad Qureshi
TfL’s better junctions review has identified 100 junctions at priority locations which require changes to improve cyclist and pedestrian safety.
What is the timetable for making safety improvements to the junction of Upper Richmond Road West and Sheen Lane in Richmond-upon-Thames, and what safety measures will be implemented there?

Written response from the Mayor
Please see my response to MQ 4253 / 2012.

Safety improvements at priority junctions (19)
Question No: 4271 / 2012
Murad Qureshi
TfL’s better junctions review has identified 100 junctions at priority locations which require changes to improve cyclist and pedestrian safety.
What is the timetable for making safety improvements to the junction of Upper Richmond Road West and Clifford Avenue in Richmond-upon-Thames, and what safety measures will be implemented there?

Written response from the Mayor
Please see my response to MQ 4253 / 2012.

Safety improvements at priority junctions (20)
Question No: 4272 / 2012
Murad Qureshi
TfL’s better junctions review has identified 100 junctions at priority locations which require changes to improve cyclist and pedestrian safety.
What is the timetable for making safety improvements to the London Road Roundabout (Chertsey Road / London Road) in Richmond-upon-Thames, and what safety measures will be implemented there?

Written response from the Mayor
Please see my response to MQ 4253 / 2012.

Safety improvements at priority junctions (21)
Question No: 4273 / 2012
Murad Qureshi
TfL’s better junctions review has identified 100 junctions at priority locations which require changes to improve cyclist and pedestrian safety.
What is the timetable for making safety improvements to the junction of Hook Road and Bridge Road in Kingston-upon-Thames, and what safety measures will be implemented there?

Written response from the Mayor
Please see my response to MQ 4253 / 2012.

Safety improvements at priority junctions (22)
Question No: 4274 / 2012
Murad Qureshi
TfL’s better junctions review has identified 100 junctions at priority locations which require changes to improve cyclist and pedestrian safety.
What is the timetable for making safety improvements to the junction of Apex Corner and Hampton Road West in Hounslow, and what safety measures will be implemented there?

Written response from the Mayor
Please see my response to MQ 4253 / 2012.

Safety improvements at priority junctions (23)
Question No: 4275 / 2012
Murad Qureshi
TfL’s better junctions review has identified 100 junctions at priority locations which require changes to improve cyclist and pedestrian safety.
What is the timetable for making safety improvements to the junction of Kew Bridge, Spring Grove and Kew Bridge Road in Hounslow, and what safety measures will be implemented there?

Written response from the Mayor
Please see my response to MQ 4253 / 2012.

Cycling accidents by vehicle type
Question No: 4305 / 2012
Murad Qureshi
How many cyclists have been killed, seriously injured or injured this year broken down by vehicle type?

Written response from the Mayor
Officers are drafting a response which will be sent shortly.

Cycling accidents caused by vehicles turning left
Question No: 4306 / 2012
Murad Qureshi
How many cyclists have been killed, seriously injured or injured this year as a result of vehicles turning left? Can you please categorise these incidents by vehicle type.

Written response from the Mayor
Officers are drafting a response which will be sent shortly.

Tulse Hill gyratory
Question No: 4347 / 2012
Valerie Shawcross
In answer to my question 3228/2012 you said you were going to ask TfL ‘to gather information on Tulse Hill Gyratory to ascertain if there are any issues that may be detrimental to road safety.’ What findings have been made as part of this work? Will TfL consider adding Tulse Hill to their gyratory review programme?

Written response from the Mayor
TfL is exploring a range of options at this location.

These will be explored during 2013, with conclusions being drawn towards the end of the year.

Cable Car & Cycle Hire
Question No: 4356 / 2012
Valerie Shawcross
In response to an FOI Mayorwatch submitted last month, Transport for London has released the schedule of payments and sums paid by Emirates for their £36m cable car sponsorship deal, including the sums paid so far and due in future years. However, you have not released a schedule of payments for the cycle hire scheme and Barclays sponsorship. Why?

Written response from the Mayor
This information cannot be released without the agreement of Barclays. TfL is however in discussion with Barclays in order to agree the release of further information.

Cyclist casualties
Question No: 4378 / 2012
Valerie Shawcross
For the latest available annual figures, which are the 10 worst junctions for cyclist casualties in London, both KSI and injured?

Written response from the Mayor
Officers are drafting a response which will be sent shortly.

Accident blackspots (1)
Question No: 4379 / 2012
Valerie Shawcross
For the latest available annual figures, which are the 10 worst accident blackspots for pedestrian accidents in London, both for KSI and injured?

Written response from the Mayor
Please see my responses to MQs 4377 / 2012 and 4378 / 2012 for details of worst junctions for pedestrian and pedal cyclist casualties in London in 2011.

Accident blackspots (2)
Question No: 4380 / 2012
Valerie Shawcross
For the latest available annual figures, which are the 10 worst accident blackspots for cycling accidents in London, both for KSI and injured?

Written response from the Mayor
Officers are drafting a response which will be sent shortly.

Bridge safety
Question No: 4386 / 2012
Fiona Twycross
I have had emails raising concerns about the safety of both Battersea and Putney Bridge for cyclists. Problems include potholes in the road and no space for cyclists to get over the bridge safely. What work will the Mayor do to promote safety in these areas?

Written response from the Mayor
Putney Bridge is owned and maintained by the London Borough of Wandsworth and TfL has advised the borough of the concerns raised.

Battersea Bridge is owned and maintained by TfL and its carriageway is in good condition and was resurfaced prior to the 2012 Games.

The bridge has two quite narrow traffic lanes and the footways are not wide, meaning that the scope to reallocate more space to cyclists is extremely constrained.  There is an extensive programme of work underway looking at enhanced provision for cyclists at many locations across the network, including consideration of a new pedestrian cycle bridge across the Thames between Fulham and Battersea.

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