Welcome back to the Law of Attraction Key Newsletter!
Can balancing and using your masculine AND feminine energy actually attract more money into your life?
The short answer is, “YES!”
Today, Rev. Karen Russo is going to show you how. This is a great article, I can’t wait for you to read it and you want to read this one all the way through (and then again) – it’s that important!
Also, in the Quick Tip section I have you take your Wealth Energy Temperature so you can move into a richer more fulfilling life of wealth.
Let me know who you are, leave me a comment or a question today – you have a unique voice and I can’t wait to hear it! When you leave comments and questions after these articles, it helps me get to know you and what you need and how I can best help. I highly encourage you to take action – leave a comment or a question and come back for my reply – I look forward to talking with you here!
Life Mastery Is Yours!
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“You have the power of the Universe within you – love this power, honor it, celebrate it
and your life will take flight.”
– Kristen Howe
Create Wealth through Awareness & Action
By Rev. Karen Russo
How to Leverage both the Feminine and Masculine and Create Wealth Through Awareness & Action
Wealth is both an inner state of consciousness and an outer state of circumstances. A holistic approach to creating and sustaining wealth includes our spiritual, ethical, emotional, mental natures as well as our actions, circumstances and physical results with money.
God (or life or the Universe or Spirit) includes both feminine and masculine ways of being. Therefore, healthy, vibrant, wealthy living is most effective when you deliberately leverage both the feminine and the masculine.
Feminine and masculine are energetic attributes of expression. These qualities are present in women and men, in the energy of places, in how projects, ideas and businesses are expressed. After working with thousands of spiritually conscious women from all across the globe helping them discover an empowered approach to spiritual wealth leadership, I am convinced that every woman and man can learn to value and develop both feminine faith and masculine focus—and prosper!
Feminine Spiritual Faith builds Wealth through Awareness
The feminine energy of wealth is all about cultivating feminine spiritual faith helps you build wealth through awareness.
Divine Love is inclusive. One of the attributes of the divine feminine is Love, the infinite embrace. Love is unconditioned generous welcoming of all energies, experiences and expressions. Love as a wealth principle is the idea that our existence is valuable… just because of who we are. We need to do nothing to earn Love.
Love for us, as us, around us. When an individual has a practice of spiritual study, meditation, and prayer that welcomes the felt experience of Divine Love, then every aspect of her material life, including money, work and profession, is perceived as flowing from the spiritual source, and therefore being supportive, sustaining and purposeful.
Fear dissolves into peace of mind. Present moment awareness that is diffuse and gracious is a feminine quality. In wealth creation, we become peaceful, not frantic, when we stay in the present moment. Most money worries are more about fear of lack in the future. Developing your ‘now’ presence is a valuable way to find financial peace of mind.
Receptivity and graciousness are big time income strategies. Gratitude is a feminine spiritual practice—receptivity and appreciation for all the material channels that spiritual source flows though activates more flow. I encourage all wealth builders, men and women, beginners and experienced, to have a vital, fresh gratitude practice in your profession, your business, your family finances. Grateful individuals are already wealthy… and stay that way.
Keep Reading for How to Use Masculine Energy to Create Wealth…
Are you ready to discover how a spiritual money mastery approach can create peace, freedom, flow and order in your money life?:
Masculine Money Focus builds Wealth through Action
Building masculine money focus helps you create wealth through action. Masculine qualities of doing accelerate the financial results you desire.
Wisdom is divine sufficiency. Wisdom is the infinite intelligence of the eternal, unified, all powerful presence of God (or Life, Source, Mother/ Father/ Creator). When we tap into our own inner wisdom, we are thinking from the mind of the divine within us. Wealth is a state of wholeness where needs are met, conditions are understood and supply is intelligently distributed with accuracy and perfection. For many wealth builders who want to lead their wealth more boldly, anchoring into Wisdom creates more powerful decisions about work, profession, investing, providing and giving.
Freedom is our natural state of being. The masculine in all of us wants to be free! Free to choose, act, move and generate. Spiritually freedom emerges from the Law of Co-Creation, the principle that consciousness creates experience and consciousness can be changed. We are always at choice to release judgments, resentments and victimhood around money and to affirm the cooperative, creative truths that we want to embody in financial affairs.
Inspired action gets results. Masculine action is focused, deliberate and confident. Often women who are developing their spiritual wealth leadership relieve overwhelm when they take simple, consistent, inspired actions in their money lives—becoming comfortable with the masculine provider energy within themselves. All wealth creators thrive with a healthy practice of spiritual habits and behaviors.
Find Your Sacred Balance of Feminine and Masculine Qualities
When you activate the feminine spiritual qualities of wealth you feel deeply connected to your spiritual source, you are engaged, content and powerful. When you activate the masculine spiritual qualities of wealth you become vitalized with natural power, clear in your financial decisions and brilliant in your actions. Deepen your faith. Build your focus. You’ll thrive as a leader of your wealth.
Quick Tip
Look Who’s Talking…
Take your wealth energy temperature today – Ask yourself this: “Am I more centered in the feminine energy of Awareness or the masculine energy of Action?”
Remember, it is a balance of the 2 that makes you a master of your wealth. Ask yourself how you can add more of your less favored energy. Look for ways to explore each, balance them and allow them to communicate with and influence each other – your wealth will be so much more rich and fulfilling!
“Many, many thanks to you dear Kristen,i am now concentrating on the HOW TO ATTRACT MONEY FAST program i got yesterday as a gift from you.
I know for certain this has been my biggest passion for many years now. I have been really out to know any secrets whatsoever that can help me put more cash into my account without violating the law or hurting anybody’s feelings.
Now, today again, i am getting more great news from you. You are a God sent !!! sincerely,