Welcome back to the current issue of the Law of Attraction Key Newsletter!
What do you want to manifest in your life? Is it more money? More love? More health? More opportunity? More joy? Or anything else you can think of?
Whatever you want to manifest in your life, I have some great news for you – I brought Christopher Westra in for this week’s Law of Attraction Key issue to give you an important key to manifest more quickly. And, it isn’t what you think…
Also, in the Quick Tip section of this issue – I give you a way to instantly see more possibility than you ever imagined – check it out (there is a great power question in there for you too!).
Thank you in advance for sharing your comments after this issue – it is amazing for me to get to know you and it is also incredible to watch the dialogue within the Law of Attraction Key community. You are extraordinary!
I’d also like to ask you to share the ‘Law of Attraction Key Online Magazine’ with your friends and family – the more people we share this with, the higher the vibration – thank you in advance!
Life Mastery Is Yours!
P.S. Let’s connect on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/GoBigCoach – I’ll see you there!
“What do you really want to FEEL?
Discover the answer to that question
and you open yourself up to
a world of possibilities.”
– Kristen Howe
Know This 1 Thing, and Manifest More Quickly
By Christopher Westra
One of the most essential tasks when using the Law of Attraction, is to connect with your emotions.
Whenever we want to manifest something, it is because we THINK that it will bring us a certain emotion. Here are a few examples that illustrate what I mean.
You want to manifest a new car into your life, because you think it will make you feel more powerful and secure.
You want a new boyfriend or girlfriend, because you think that you will feel more lovable and worthy.
You want to manifest a vacation, because you think that a vacation will help you feel more relaxed and unhurried.
I’m sure you can think of some examples from your own life.
Please note that you only THINK that manifesting these physical items or events or situations will help you to feel certain emotions that you want to feel more of. Attracting what you want into your life may or may not help you to feel those emotions. Most likely, they won’t.
The reason that manifesting things won’t help you to feel desired emotions, is that you have the equation backwards.
In truth, it is feeling the desired emotions that will help you to manifest what you want into your life. The sooner you realize this, the faster you can use the law of attraction in a powerful way.
Keep on reading for a powerful 3-step process that helps you quickly discover your ‘Why’…
Manifesting Video
Reveals: 9 Manifesting
Secrets and Tools
Here is a 3 step process I call “Knowing Your Why”. This process will help you gain clarity and power in your own manifesting.
Step One:
Step One is to identify WHY you are desiring certain things in your life. Remember that your basic or foundational “WHY” is always an emotion.
Here is a little tool that will help you identify your Why.
Simply fill in the blanks in the sentence below:
“I want to manifest _______________ in my life because I THINK that manifesting this will help me to feel _____________.”
For best results, actually write the sentence above, complete with your filled in results. Writing clarifies thinking.
For example, “I want to manifest more family parties because I think that manifesting this will help me to feel more connected.”
Here is one more example. “I want to manifest a new job because I think that manifesting this will help me to feel free and prosperous.”
Your personal clarity and manifesting power will increase when you know and feel more positive emotions. Your Emotional IQ will grow as you are able to feel Empowered, Exuberant, and Exceptional, rather than just Fine and Good.
Step Two:
Step Two is to start feeling your desired emotions now. Yes, right now, before you manifest anything!
In the first step, you gained your own personal guide to the emotions you are wanting to feel more of.
Let’s say you identify that the foundational WHY underlying your desires is that you want to feel more Powerful and more Dynamic.
Super! Emotions are free!
There is nothing stopping you from feeling Powerful and Dynamic right now. That’s really what you want, so why not go directly there?
Maybe your ‘Know Your Why’ statement went something like this:
“I want to manifest my own business because I THINK that manifesting this will make me feel more powerful and dynamic.”
Remember, Like attracts Like. Do you really think that feeling powerless and boring will help you to attract a situation where you feel powerful and dynamic?
Of course not.
The secret is to feel powerful and dynamic right now. Creating and cultivating those feelings now WILL attract more of them.
It’s not that easy, you say?
Maybe not easy, but it is simple. Here are two concrete practices to help with feeling desired emotions right now.
The first practice is creating imaginary scenarios in your head, in great detail. I call this process holographic creation. Simply imagine scenarios in which you are acting powerful and dynamic. You are creative. You can do this.
The second practice is to “ACT AS IF”. As you go about your day, act as if you are already powerful and dynamic. You have a very good idea how powerful and dynamic people act, and you can pretend and role play those behaviors.
Step Three:
After engaging in step two for a couple weeks, move on to step three.
In step three, you ask yourself whether you still want to manifest what you thought you wanted in step one!
That’s right.
Sometimes you will still desire to manifest your step one desire. Super! If you’ve done step two well, you are likely well on your way to creating your desire.
You are MORE likely to manifest what you stated in step one, when you identify your why and feel the emotion now. This is because emotions are the power in the manifesting process. When you get the equation correct, the power flows.
But sometimes, after you’ve gone straight for the emotion and created the emotions you wanted more of, you no longer want what you thought you needed.
Here’s an example from my own life.
There was a time when I wanted a Hummer. For those of you who aren’t familiar with that term, a Hummer is a big, tough, expensive, recreational vehicle.
I visualized driving a Hummer, and I even went and test drove one.
When I explored my “WHY”, I realized that I wanted a Hummer because I THOUGHT that it would make me feel more powerful.
To feel more powerful and capable was what I really wanted. When I went on to step two and cultivated more feelings of power, I found I no longer really wanted a Hummer.
The desire simply wasn’t there. I felt my power.
In other situations, I DID still want to manifest my step one desire. One is not better than the other. Simply be open to the possibility that when you achieve the emotion you want, the desire for what you thought you wanted, may disappear.
Use these three steps to gain clarity into what you really want, increase your emotional IQ, and boost your manifesting power.
Quick Tip
Look Who’s Talking…
When you discover your ‘why’, you reveal to yourself the powerful positive emotions you want to feel. And there are infinite possibilities available to you that will generate those emotions within you. So, once you have gone through Step 1 from the article above, I want you to write out a ‘Possibility List’ – write down everything that you have experienced in your life that has generated those emotions. And write down anything you can imagine that might also generate those emotions – now notice how many MORE opportunities there are to experience those emotions than you may have previously thought…
And then ask yourself this power question:“How can I generate this positive emotion that I desire NOW?”
Every emotion you desire is already within you and when you choose to become aware of it and you choose to generate it, you tap into your personal power of creation!
“I have had so much inspiration from this program, I get chills every time I listen to one of the audios. Your program [How to Attract Money Fast – 7 Days to Daily Manifesting] has resonated with me and helped me out so much it is absolutely unbelievable and truly phenomenal! I have worked with sooooo many different programs from all the big names in the self-help industry and nothing has helped me as much as this! I am so grateful to have had this program cross my path! I too one day hope to be an inspiration and motivation to others! I get so much pleasure out of sharing my knowledge with others!
Thank you so much for blessing the world with this knowledge! These 5 rituals have been a life saver, I have practiced gratitude for a while now and linking emotions to the things one is grateful for really takes the practice of gratitude to the next level!
Thank You & Sincerely,
Justin W.”