
This is another guest post from Faradiva Bermoy who is a regular writer for lawmacs web design blog she writes on various different topics here is a post you surely will enjoy. Chunky day planners are becoming a thing of the past thanks to smartphones. If you’re a student looking to get more organized in college, look into all of the tools available. Whether you need a calendar, a scheduling assistant, or a study guide, your iPhone or Android can be the personal assistant you can’t afford as a student but you need more than ever.


This app is the substitute personal assistant you never thought you’d have. It will help you keep track of every single aspect of your life. You can schedule your study hours or your social life, set assignment due date alarms and even work out a homework study schedule. Keep track of your study group, professors, or even your social network connections related to school.

Remember the Milk

With this app, you’ll never forget the important things you have to do. This app also allows you to prioritize your list, which is crucial when you have more things to do than you have time for in a day. Sync this app with email, calendars and use the app even if you don’t have the Internet.

Wolfram Alfa

For those of you who are enrolled in math or stats classes and need a little help to stay above water with those equations, check out Wolfram Alfa. According to Android users, the app has been described as “the world’s definitive source for instant expert knowledge and computation.” You’ll get help with math, stats, physics, astronomy, engineering and pretty much every number-oriented field you are studying.


Your roommate will probably be the most excited about this app since it means you won’t be harassing them to quiz you on your upcoming exams. Quizlet gives you access to 21 million flash cards that have already been created. You can choose the ones that apply to your exams.


inClass allows students to record lectures, take text or video notes and copy images of slides or in-class handouts. The app is useful for students who want to spend less time in class taking notes and more time paying attention. It’s also useful for times that you have to miss class and need a fellow student to keep you in the loop.


Most students can relate pretty well to the phrase, “I procrastinate.” This app allows you to make task lists, organize your lists, and assign time to each task. Not only does it allow you to make lists, but it also encourages students to break down tasks into steps so that you can see how to get from point A to point B.


With a free 2 GB worth of storage, Dropbox allows you to share documents with others. If you have a group project, this app is ideal; you can create specific folders for each task and group member.


In our culture, we are always running from one appointment or class to another. When you have an idea on the run, you may not have time to write it down. You can get more done on the run with Evernote, which allows you to quickly record music, pictures, texts, screen shots, spreadsheets and links. If you remember something you have to do, you can also make lists. Evernote is searchable, so you can find notes later.

College students are some of busiest and most stressed out people. They are balancing part and full-time jobs with difficult classes and young adult social lives. If you’re having a hard time keeping up, there’s an app for that.

Brett Harris writes articles for several of the Top 10 colleges for a cheap online degree 2013 and recommends checking out the site.

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