I was tagged by Charlote from Makeup by Candlelight. This one is a bit challenging. You have to share something about yourself that starts with every letter in the alphabet. I'm going to do something interesting and just write the first thing that comes to my mind. If there's a story behind it, I'll tell it, but some might just be random musings...okay, let's start.
A: Alcohol. Yes, that was the first thing on my mind. Alcohol and I have a love/hate relationship. It makes me happy, but the next morning, it gives me the worst headache ever. But hey, red wine prevents heart disease, so technically, I need to drink to stay healthy, right? Right.
Finally found the right size bottle for me. #heaven
B: Berries. I love fruit, but my favorite has to be berries. Any of the berries, preferably blueberries, raspberries or blackberries. I could eat them all day long, especially in the summer. They make a great light snack, whether I'm at work or on the beach!
C: Creative. I like thinking out of the box, thinking of the possibilities and what's next. I think I'm pretty creative in everything I do, especially in my job. My role isn't at all the most exciting; it involves a lot of analytics, data mining and Excel work. But what is exciting is finding a new and better way to do what I'm currently doing. There's always room for improvement and eventually, I'll be making my role more efficient, which will in the end benefit the company as well.
D: Dresses. I love dresses. When they're well-fitted, they can give any woman a confidence boost. My dress usually reflects my mood. When I'm feeling girly and flirty, I like wearing dresses with a full skirt. They're so fun to twirl in and they make me feel like a total princess. When I'm feeling more sexy, I'll either show me skin with a sleeveless dress or wear something a little more form fitting. I used to design and make my own dresses too. You can check out some of my work here.
E: EDM. Electronic Dance Music, in case you didn't know the acronym. I'm sure you guys are sick of hearing this term. EDM has become all the rage nice last year, and it's everywhere. Stores are promoting festival-wear and neon colors are the latest trend on all the clothing and beauty racks. I'm even getting sick of it and I've been a fan for 4 years. I think once this trend dies down, I can once again buy cheap festival tickets and go to a concert without seeing people take hits of "Molly" next to me. SNL did a hilarious spoof on EDM culture. Check it out below and be sure to check out my EDM related post later this week!
F: Food. I love food. All of it. Everything. Dessert is probably the only meal I need in life, breakfast, lunch and dinner are just nice to have. As a result of my food addiction, I'm a huge Yelper. If you're on Yelp, friend me! Always love discovering new places to eat! My profile is here.
G: Golden Rail. The bar I lived above my senior year of college. WORST BAR EVER. It was dingy, disgusting and a sausage fest. It was good some nights though. Friday nights after 12 am were usually the best times to go. Anyway, don't live above this bar if you're a light sleeper. Luckily, I'm not. I sleep through everything, but I needed to adjust for the first week. They have karaoke nights twice a week and it was horrible... the sound wasn't blocked at all. You could hear all the drunken singing crystal clear, as if you were at the bar yourself. Never again in my life.
H: Happy Hour. Because who doesn't love being happy? I wish it extended longer. 4-6 pm is not long at all and I'm never able to catch it because I get out at 6 pm on normal days! Luckily, we have Summer Fridays now, which basically means it's a half day on Friday. No more missed Happy Hours for three whole months. #feelinggood
Celebrating Cinco de Drinko..I mean Cinco de Mayo.
I: Impatient. I am super impatient. I think it's because there's so much that I want to do and accomplish, but there's just not enough time in the world for it all. I'm trying to condense too much into a small period of time. I know that I'm impatient and it's something I'm still working on for my own benefit. Deep breaths and yoga have really helped.
J: Joker. Batman's worst enemy and my favorite villain. I really like the bad guys who don't He's more about messing with you mentally and that's the worst kind of violence in my opinion. It can drive you to complete insanity.
K: Kickboxing. I started classes when I was a sophomore in college and it's awesome. Great way to relieve stress and be active! Two birds with one stone. There are different levels of kickboxing. There are fitness type classes that use kickboxing techniques to tone your muscles, and then there's actual kickboxing where you're sparring with the trainer and the other students in the class. I've done both types and I like the sparring class better.
L: Lazy. Is it possible to be motivated and lazy at the same time? I think it definitely is.
M: Maroon 5. The first band I saw live. I saw them a little over a year ago. Crazy to think I waited until I was 21 to see a live band play (I don't include festivals as a live band). It was a great experience though. Wish I was closer to the front. There's a lot more action there!
N: Nothing is impossible. That's my mantra. Words I live by. Can't think of anything more motivating than that. I have big goals and I'm not going to allow myself to settle. I know a lot of people who like being comfortable, but I like being challenged. I like obstacles, I like problem solving. Throw it at me world!
O: Open Minded. Always be open minded, enough said.
P: Pokemon. My favorite childhood TV show. When I got a bit older, it was Hey Arnold. And then Spongebob.
Q: Queens. NY. I was born as a city girl, not in the suburbs where I currently live. Interesting story, the first night I moved to NJ I couldn't sleep because it was too quiet. In Queens, the sounds of the highway behind my house, the honking cars and bright lights passing by put me to sleep. Without it, it was almost impossible for me to fall asleep. Of course, now I have the opposite problem. I've gotten so used to the quietness that any loud noises keep me up.
R: Rain. Not a rain person. I really dislike it, especially when I'm in jeans. They get all wet and dirty and end up sticking to me like a layer of skin. I'll take snow over rain any day.
S: Smooth Criminal. By Michael Jackson. My favorite song of all time. I hope you've heard of it, but if not, grab your headphones and listen below.
T: TV. I watch too much TV. Way too much. My favorites so far: House of Cards, Louie, Orange is the New Black and Game of Thrones. But that's just 4 out of the 100 I watch/watched. And thanks to Netflix, the hours I have spent on my couch are increasing at an alarming rate. I think I can safely call myself a couch potato.
U: Uber. The best way to get from point A to point B. Especially when you're out late at night after public transportation stops running. My friends and I have used it a few times for our girl's night out days. It's really convenient and reliable and the more people you have, the cheaper it is.
V: Violin. I used to play the violin when I was younger, from age 8-14. I enjoyed it, but it wasn't my favorite hobby at the time. When it came down to it, I was more into the active activities, like ice skating and gymnastics.
W: West Coast. The most recent area I visited. California to be specific. See the wonderful places I've been to and the food I've eaten here.
My first In-N-Out Burger!!
X: X..marks the spot? I have nothing to say about this lol.
Y: YOLO. Because that's how you need to live life. I have a bucket list full of items and I am determined to complete it. I think I should post the list to make it official and start crossing off things as I go along. Have any of you done this? Has it been a good source of motivation?
Z: Zumba. I love Zumba. It makes getting fit fun. Don't be fooled though, it's by no means easy. You'll sweat, look gross and smell afterwards, but at least you're enjoying it during the workout. I run occasionally, but I find it to be boring at times. I'd rather do something that doesn't seem like a workout, but actually is.
Well, there we go! That was my life in letters. I hope you all are not sick of me yet :P
Now for the nominees...
Keisha from The Chrysalis Gals
Kaelyn from My Fair Daily
Kim from 2justByou
Katie from KatieCrafts
Natalia from Magic Jewellery Box
Kristin from the art & tree chatter of aquariann
Have fun with this gals! Feel free to tag yourself if you want to participate.
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