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The following is an excerpt from Love 2.0: How Our Supreme Emotion Affects Everything We Feel, Think, Do, and Become. Love on the Brain When you and another truly connect, love reverberates between you. In the very moment that you experience positivity...
Drinking is a bad habit which can easily turn into a destroying disease. In America, there are over 18 million people that have problems with alcohol use disorder. The temptation is all around and unfortunately, there is no medicine, like...
The energy drink and dangerous drugs lawyers at Arentz Law Group, P.C. are currently investigating claims where victims have suffered sudden heart attack, cardiac arrest, or even death after consuming high-caffeine energy drinks such as Monster, Red...
Sony’s XBR-65A1E 4K Ultra OLED TV Sony Electronics used CES 2017 to unveil a wide range of displays, sound bars and A/V components, including a look at the company’s first OLED-based 4K Ultra HDTVs and a close-up look at its first 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray...
Who is John de Ruiter and why does he do what he does? John is a gentlemen, craftsmen, and sage, who in his youth awakened to deeper levels of reality, and continues to deepen, learn, and grow. Since 1986, a few friends, and gradually hundreds...
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