
Happy July everyone, and Happy first days of summer to the Northern Hemisphere! It has felt like summer here in Coastal Virginia for a good couple of months, and I am really starting to pick my old summer habits back up. I'm not sure if my wallet appreciates a daily Starbucks run for iced coffee and to get out of the frosty, overly air-conditioned office, but I sure do.

Before I get into my goals for the month of July, I wanted to recap my goals for the month of June:

Keep a headache journal. I have been successful at this so far! I bought a planner from Target, and I have been logging when I have headaches, how bad they are, and what the triggers were. I need to continue this through August.

Finish The Goldfinch. I am SO CLOSE. I probably have about 45 minutes left on the audio book. Guys this is such a good book. But it is so. long. A serious time investment.

Try some new gluten free baking recipes. I made this Blueberry Buttermilk Banana Bread, and subbed out gluten free all-purpose flour. It turned out amazing!

Clean out our utility closet. Because spiders. Haven't gotten to this yet.

Send gifts to my college friends just because. I haven't done this yet, just because I'm a horrible friend.

Get my butt in gear for the 10k I signed up for in September. Nope.

Get started on a graduation gift for my little brother for graduating high school. I did start this. I purchased the materials!

Get a better planning system for blog posting. I am using the same planner that is holding my headache journal to keep track of my blog posts. I am trying to plan ahead about a month out, and keep track of my social media and link ups a little bit better. This isn't anything remarkable, but it works for me so far.

Now, on to July goals! (these are going to be much simpler):

Get my butt in gear for the 10k I signed up for in September. Duh. I have to do this sooner or later.

Join an insta-swap. This seems redundant, since I didn't get my gifts out last months, but maybe I can send out both gifts at once. I have seen a couple on Instagram, and I would love to be a part and make some new friends!

Have a date day in the Finger Lakes with Dave. We are going home to visit family in JUly, and I would love to spend some time relaxing just the two of us.

Make some pinnable images for old posts, and create a Popular Posts page. I am continually working on my blog, and these two things are something I'd like to get done in July.

I think 4 is going to be much more doable (and four is my favorite number, so we are going to keep that). I'll be back on August 1 for a goal update!

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