
Marie Gilmore is the incumbent Mayor.  She is Alameda’s first elected female Black City Council member and Mayor.  Her campaign website is located here.   Here are all my posts referencing Marie Gilmore.  Her candidate profile from 2008. Here’s her educational background from the 2008 profile:

An article on Marie Gilmore after she was first appointed to the City Council to fill the seat vacated by Al Dewitt. Her educational and community service background:

…Gilmore comes to the council with a Stanford education and a law degree from the University of California, Berkeley, Boalt Hall School of Law.

In addition to her eight years on the Planning Board, she also served on the Alameda Recreation and Parks Commission and on the Northern Waterfront Specific Plan Committee…

A fluffy piece on her background, from Alameda Magazine:

If not self-determination, chalk it all up to a matter of simple fate. Gilmore’s 18-year path to mayorhood, as ineluctable as it was patient, owes more to her personable, straightforward manner; eagerness to help the city where her family has lived since 1989; and, perhaps most importantly, ability to manage the minutiae of city government, than it does to any carefully charted plan. In an era where, perhaps cynically, we expect ruthlessness from our politicians, Gilmore’s story is a breath of fresh air — and good news for a city otherwise recovering from more than its share of lapses in leadership.

An article detailing the most recent state of the City address given by Marie Gilmore.

Her candidate statement (the stuff that will be printed in the voter guide) is:

I am running for re-election as Mayor to keep Alameda moving forward.

Since I was elected Mayor, we’ve strengthened our city government and enhanced the quality of life for business owners, seniors, children and families.

At City Hall, we’ve improved transparency and increased our budget reserve. We’ve worked with public safety personnel to address future pension costs. At no cost to Alameda taxpayers, we now control Alameda Point and planning is underway to transform it into one of our greatest economic development assets.

We are planning and actively seeking funds for new parks and usable open space. Transportation challenges are being tackled head on.

In the community, we’ve supported programs for seniors and preserved emergency room services at Alameda Hospital. We launched new events to promote Alameda-based producers and manufacturers.

In the midst of the recession, we protected city-funded after school activities, youth sports and public library services. The library has implemented widely popular new reading programs and we continue to work with the school district to restore funding cuts from the state.

I would be honored to earn your vote to continue as Mayor of Alameda. Together, we can keep Alameda moving forward.

Add to the wiki but if you do make sure that you reference it with a link.  There are various questionnaires floating out there with varying levels of readability. You can start with those if you like.

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