What Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie taught us during their divorce!Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie will always be amazing because of the people they strive to be in life.
Life is seriously the biggest mystery in the world, never-failing to challenge us during our weakest and strongest moments. Then, we are left to choose between the crossroads of choices. And everyday we are making choices, the kind that will define the rest of our lives. Have you ever thought about how many choices you make in a day? When the sunrises and you hear your alarm clock go off, you make a decision to turn it on and get out of bed and go to work, you make a choice to have a cup of morning starter fluid (Coffee). And then you continue to make choices like running that red light because you were almost late for work throughout the day.
The choices we make (I would hope) are always to better ourselves and the people we meet on a daily basis. And in our own personal lives, we go through life making small decisions and big decisions like getting married. Marriage is special and it takes a lot of work, both parties going into marriage obviously know this, right? And that means that nobody goes into a marriage expecting it to fail. Still, more than half of the media have been negativity focusing on Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie like they know the small and huge details within the marriage itself and the fact is, they know nothing about Angelina or Brat Pitt.
The only thing they know (and I know) is what their representatives have confirmed and that’s a divorce. Have some common decency and understand this isn’t something they planned for and while you might be torn up about the whole “divorce,” lets remember they are the one’s who are actually going through this trial. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have given endlessly to this world and they deserve a little more respect than these terrible speculated rumors.
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And even through the rumors Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have stayed positive. Brad Pitt opened up to CNN. He said:
“”I am very saddened by this, but what matters most now is the wellbeing of our kids,” Pitt told CNN. “I kindly ask the press to give them the space they deserve during this challenging time.”
Even Angelina is on the same-page as Brat Pitt. She said:
“This decision was made for the health of the family,” Robert Offer, an attorney for Jolie revealed to CNN in a statement Tuesday. “She will not be commenting at this time, and asks that the family be given their privacy during this difficult time.”
If you’ve been paying attention then you can learn something from Angelina Jolie and Brat Pitt. They still know how to keep things professional. Remember that quote (if you’re active on my Twitter then you’ll remember I posted it earlier this week) that you should always end every relationship with the same respect it started to begin? That’s frankly true and while we don’t know what goes on behind closed doors in ANY FAMILY next door to us or even in the Pitt home, we can safely assume they have enough respect for each other to stay off social media and not start a whole internet war.
Let’s be frank, you and I both know if one of the two took to Instagram, Twitter or any other social media account and said ANYTHING relating to the divorce it will serve for a week or two worth of made-up tabloids, how healthy is that for the children? Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have shown us how to unconditionally love and protect our children from the worlds harsh judgements. I consider that excellent parenting and (personally) it feels like they are respecting one another as well because they aren’t bashing on one another, don’t you agree?
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie (and every relationship in this world) have ups and downs. That’s just a fact of life. How many times have you and a friend fought over stupid stuff? And if you’re married how many times in a marriage do you have differences? It happens and that’s just a fact of life, let’s no pretend and single just these two out because they spend a lot of time in the limelight. But they taught us something else about life during these ups and downs.
They taught us to still give our time and serve others, they have worked TOGETHER even through their ups and downs with charity to help make this world a better place. How many couples do you see doing that during hard times in their lives? (I feel like this is part of staying strong because we are meant to do big things, we are all here to change the world and make it a better place to live, right)?
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My point is that no matter what these two are going through, it’s nobody’s business in this whole entire world to make unrighteous judgements and speculations about what caused this or that in the marriage. Ya’ll should be focusing on what they taught us together and celebrate that when two people are married they do their absolute best and sadly, that doesn’t always work out for the two because of different reasons and that’s completely fine.
I feel like these two are finding ways to work things out silently and secretly which shows a lot of respect, especially for the career paths that they are both on in this life. Remember the good and stay away from the negative. (What the H*** do we know) because we’re just not THEM. (I’m just trying to be real here and I think a lot of people respect real people).
Brad and Angelina Jolie have been through a lot together and even have quite a few children, including, Maddox, Pax, Zahara, Shiloh, Knox and Vivienne. We’re glad that the two are putting the children first, it’s amazing how many parents in this world don’t put their children first in life. Let’s remember the good, let us know what ELSE you think these two taught us? They have been quite the humble couple and I think that’s why so many people were “shocked,” and that’s okay too because it shows the impact that made in Hollywood and in the REAL WORLD. What do YOU think Lauraramoniquers.
Blessed be and be humble!
The post What Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie taught us during their divorce! appeared first on Celebrity News | Positive Celebrity Gossip | Laurara Monique.
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