
It seems like everyone is looking for more ways to be eco-friendly these days, so I figured now was a great time to share some recyclable lunch ideas with you.

Disclosure: Entenmann’s provided me with the coupons, gift card and upcycled lunch sack for posting this and they are providing the winner’s package as well.

Recyclable Lunch Ideas

I’m all for teaching kids as young as possible the importance of being greener. That’s why I fully support Entenmann’s Little Bites Pouch Brigade program with TerraCycle. They are encouraging schools to collect the pouches from Entenmann’s Little Bites and then send them in to TerraCycle, which will use them to make various products. Plus, it can be used to fundraise for an organization when they earn points with their shipments.

Clearly, Entenmann’s is a great starting point for recyclable lunch ideas. However, are some other great ones to consider too.

Check-it: look for numbers and recycling symbols on plastics to know what types get reused.

Not sure what to do with your Little Bites pouches? Now you can recycle them with the TerraCycle Brigade programs and sign up  your school if it is not already participating. Check out what other lunch items TerraCycle recycles.

Put your sandwich in reusable lunchbox container to take home and use again.

Before you toss anything away, stop to think about how you might be able to use it again.  TerraCycle’s team of designers makes products out of wrappers and packaging.  Check out TerraCycle’s DIY section for ideas.

Have any leftovers from lunch? Before you throw away, make sure to check out what biodegradable foods can be brought back home to be added to a compost pile.

Make compost at home! Be sure to include the three basic ingredients: Browns (dead leaves, branches, twigs, cardboard, newspaper), Greens (grass clippings, vegetable waste, fruit scraps, coffee grounds) and Water to make an effective outdoor composting area.  Check out more info from the Environmental Protection Agency EPA

So, do you have other recyclable lunch ideas to share?


One Laughing Lindsay reader will win an Entenmman’s Little Bites prize package including: Little Bites Coupons, $25 Home Depot gift card, and a Little Bites upcycled lunch sack from TerraCycle.



The post Recyclable Lunch Ideas with Entenmann’s Little Bites and TerraCycle appeared first on Laughing Lindsay.

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