
By Dr. Donald A. Ozello DC

Las Vegas Informer

Strengthen your hamstrings to increase running performance and lower injury risk. Strong hamstrings are vital to running success. Build stronger hamstrings with consistent targeted training and proper technique to decrease the possibility of injury and improve your fitness.

Injury Prevention: Powerful hamstrings stabilize the knee joint. Strong hamstrings help prevent non-contact knee injuries. The hamstring muscles cross the knee joint on the medial and lateral aspects. The additional support provided by strong hamstrings lessens the risk of non-contact knee ligament injuries which occur during quick changes of direction.

Strong hamstring muscles lower the chance of a hamstring injury. A strength imbalance between the muscles in the front of the thigh and the hamstrings is a contributing factor to hamstring tears and strains. The hamstrings work in an eccentric manner to control the movement of the lower leg while running. When fatigued overpowered hamstrings lack the strength to control their antagonist motion they are more susceptible to injury.

Decrease the occurrence and re-occurrence of hamstring strains and the possibility of non-contact knee injuries with a well-structured hamstring strengthening routine. Work with a fitness professional or strength coach to formulate an effective program.

Exercises: Here are two exercises that encompass a foundation for a hamstring strengthening routine.

Leg Curls: Use leg curls to directly target the hamstrings. Leg curls can be executed standing, seating or lying prone. Standing, seating and prone leg curls can be performed with an elastic exercise band. Seated and prone leg curl machines allow the use of greater resistance than an exercise band.

Standing leg curls recruit the surrounding muscles to a greater degree than seated and prone leg curls. Stand in good posture with your feet pointing straight forward. Tie one end of the exercise band to the ankle of the working leg. Secure the other end of the exercise band to a sturdy surface. Hold on to a stable structure for support. Exhale and begin the motion by extending your hip backward. Next bend your knee so your heel moves toward your buttocks. Focus your energy on the hamstrings and perform each repetition with precision. When the set is completed execute the same number of reps for the opposite leg.

Kettlebell Swings: Utilize kettlebell swings to develop the entire posterior chain. Kettlebell swings are a multi-joint functional exercise that trains the hamstrings, glutes and back.

Work with a knowledgeable kettlebell instructor to learn proper technique. Have the trainer demonstrate, teach, and supervise your form. Perfect your technique before increasing resistance.

Stand up straight. Hold the kettlebell handle with two hands at arm’s length in front of you. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Squat down until the bell almost touches the ground.

Begin each repetition with an exhale and an explosive contraction of the hips to raise the weight. Straighten your knees as you swing the kettlebell to eye level. Bend your knees and squat to let momentum lower the weight between your knees. At the furthest back point begin the next repetition with a strong exhale and a powerful hip contraction.

Conclusion: Kettlebell swings are a tremendous exercise to strengthen the hamstrings. Use leg curls and kettlebell swings as the building blocks of your hamstring strengthening program. Build powerful hamstrings to lower the possibility of a hamstring injury and a non-contact knee injury. Watch your running power increase and your best running times improve as your hamstrings grow stronger.

Dr. Donald A. Ozello DC

Dr. Donald A. Ozello DC is the owner and treating doctor at Championship Chiropractic. 8871 W. Flamingo Rd, Suite #202, Las Vegas, NV 89147.  His web address iswww.ChampionshipChiropractic.com. He can be contacted at (702) 286-9040 and DrO@ChampionshipChiropractic.com.

Dr. Donald A. Ozello’s mission is to educate and inspire others to live healthier, fitter, more functional lives.

Dr. Donald A. Ozello DC is the author of the book “Running: Maximize Performance & Minimize Injuries: A Chiropractor’s Guide to Minimizing the Potential for Running Injuries.” He writes a weekly health, fitness and nutrition column for The Las Vegas Informer. He is published in OnFitness Magazine, LiveStrong.Com, SpineUniverse.com and EHow.com. He has educational health, fitness and nutritional videos on Informer TV, Livestrong.com and YouTube.

Dr. Donald A. Ozello DC proudly handles Standard Process Supplements and Foot Levelers Orthotics.

Dr. Donald A. Ozello DC is an award-winning public speaker. He has spoken to numerous groups on the importance of health, fitness, exercise, ergonomics, nutrition and injury prevention.

Dr. Donald A. Ozello DC is a fitness enthusiast. Functional kettlebell training, running and bike riding are his favorite types of exercise.

Before pursuing his career in Chiropractic, Dr. Donald A. Ozello DC served in the United States Navy aboard the USS Bremerton, SSN 698.

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