Quick Facts
Level requirement: 41 - 44
Start: Border Guard Captain / Merac
End: Border Guard Captain / Merac
Kill 25 Gnoll Soldiers. Report to the Carron Guard Leader.
Overview: (Border Guard Captain) I heard about Minearem making that blood poison for the Gnolls. How long will that take? We can't just wait here and watch while travelers and civilians get slaughtered. If we further thin the ranks of the Gnoll Soldiers, we should drastically cut Gnoll attacks... Still looking for work, mercenary?
Conclusion: (Border Guard Captain) You survived the Gnolls? We might not need this poison after all... Here's your reward.
Experience 1,850,000
SP 25
40,000 Gold
Keron Mage Collective Affinity (1,640)
Quick Facts
Level requirement: 42 - 45
Start: Armor Trader Clain / Merac
End: Armor Trader Clain / Merac
Soft, Yet Spiny
Hunt the Spike Canines and get 5 sheets of Spike Canine skins. Deliver to Klain.
Overview: (Armor Trader Clain) What with all the battles and the monster attacks, it seems like everyone's looking for better armor. This is great for me, business is booming. Also, the more lives my armor saves, the more reputation grows. The more my reputation grows, the more money I make. Only problem is, I need to stock up on materials. Especially that Spike Canine Skin. Few things make better lining than that stuff. Would you help us with our stock? The Spike Canines live in the Prison of Margadum. Not too many people are willing to go in after these beasts, no matter how well we pay. Belive me, we pay well.
Conclusion: (Armor Trader Clain) You brought back skins? I can finally produce the armor people need... And earn the money I crave. Speaking of money, here's your pay.
Experience 1,680,000
SP 3
Choose item: Moonstone [5] or Crystal of Effort [1]
Owl Forces Affinity (1,680)
Note: Spiked Canines and Dire Spiked Canines have a higher Spiked Canine Skin drop rate than Two Headed Canines do.
Quick Facts
Level requirement: 44 - 46
Start: Patrol Guard Noa / Margaadum Prison
End: Great Magician Minearm / Merac
Quest Chain
Noa's Report
Blood Poison of the Just
Noa's Report
Deliver Noa's Report to Minearm.
Overview: (Patrol Guard Noa) The more time I spend here, the more sensitive I become to demonic presences. I feel the taint in the air, permeating everything like a rancid corpse. I maintain control, but the darkness and hate are growing. Other things locked up in Margadum Prison aren't so lucky. Things are becoming more violent and tempers are short. I know it is related to this strange feeling. Deliver this report to Minearm. Our barriers are solid, but if this taint gets any stronger, I just don't know...
Conclusion: (Great Magician Minearm) Damn! Demonic forces are corrupting Margadum Prison? That magic barrier might hold, but we don't know for sure. We need a plan, as fast as possible. Quelling the Midran region might be good and all, but shoring up that barrier is imperative. Thank you for delivering this to me.
Experience 1,196,000
Note: The quest description is wrong - it's available at level 44, not 43.
Quick Facts
Level requirement: 44 - 47
Start: Great Magician Minearm / Merac
End: Magician Kihan / Merac
Quest Chain
Noa's Report
Blood Poison of the Just
Blood Poison of the Just
Deliver the Blood Constituent to Magician Kihan in Owl village.
Overview: (Great Magician Minearm) The Blood Constituent you wanted is compete... You'll kill a lot of Gnolls with this. It is with a heavy heart that I ask you to deliver it as soon as possible.
Conclusion: (Magician Kihan) It's finally finished? I was considering assaulting the Gnoll base itself, but you saved me the trouble. Once I pass this along to the guards, we'll make Gnolls a thing of the past. Thank you.
Experience 1,246,000
Choose item: Physical Attack Potion [10] or Physical Defense Potion [10]
Quick Facts
Level requirement: 45 - 48
Start: Magician Dien / Merac
End: Rau / Merac
Shoring the Column
Hunt Beast Scythes, Beast Archers and Beast Flyers. Deliver 10 Beast Hearts to Rau at the column of main magic.
Overview: (Magician Dien) As the dark powers grow, monsters across the land grow stronger and more violent. The best thing we can do to prevent this is shore up the main magic column. Unfortunately, I need you to bring me the hearts of tainted monsters and beasts. Margadum Prison is where we locked up these foul creatures. Hunt them carefully, hero.
Conclusion: (Rau) Thank you. The magic in these Bestial hearts will do much to fix the column. I sincerely hope we'll be able to stop this evil.
Experience 2,550,000
SP 5
100,000 Gold
Owl Forces Affinity (1,800)
Quick Facts
Level requirement: 46 - 50
Start: Miner Trainer / Dratan
End: Miner Trainer / Dratan
Quest Chain
Taking Back Treasures
The Scourge of Goblinkind
A Goblin Apology
The Scourge of Goblinkind
Kill 9 Elite Goblins. Tell the tale of your deeds to the Miner Trainer.
Overview: (Miner Trainer) We have Goblin problems, again. They're robbing travelers, destroying everything! I can't take this anymore, I'm finished. I don't care who they are, they've pushed us too far. Kill them, slay them, hunt them down and destroy them! I'm so furious I can't sleep! Kill the Elite Goblins first. The other Goblins look up to their leaders, let them see what happens when you push us too far! After the elites are gone, we'll send in the militia for the rest. So help me, none will survive!
Conclusion: (Miner Trainer) You killed them? Did the other Goblins see? Hahahahaha! Good. We'll head over there now and get the rest. I hope they spend their last hours in mind-shattering terror. Ahahahahaha! Raise the militia!
Experience 2,270,000
SP 9
Mazar Guardian Affinity (1,840)
Quick Facts
Level requirement: 47 - 49
Start: Border Guard Captain / Merac
End: Great Magician Minearm / Merac
Quest Chain
Prison Spelunking
The Great Wizard's Fear
Prison Spelunking
Kill 30 Beast Flyers in Margadum Prison and report to Minearm.
Overview: (Border Guard Captain) The Margadum Prison beasts are getting unusually violent. We're getting reliable reports of all sorts of terrifying acts. If any of those magical beasts escape... I don't want to imagine the results. Go and check the condition of the creatures. Tell Minearm what you see.
Conclusion: (Great Magician Minearm) I didn't doubt the reports, but I needed a firsthand description of the creatures. You, unfortunately, had to be the one to deliver it. Luckily, their violence hasn't spread beyond the prison walls, but we can't just pray for the best. What heppens when, not if, one escapes?
Experience 2,950,000
SP 30
50,000 Gold
Choose item: Attack Potion [10] or Defense Potion [10]
Owl Forces Affinity (1,840)
Note: The quest description is wrong - it's available at level 47, not 46.
Quick Facts
Level requirement: 47 - 50
Start: Great Magician Minearm / Merac
End: Archbishop / Merac
Quest Chain
Prison Spelunking
The Great Wizard's Fear
The Great Wizard's Fear
Hunt the Beast leaders and collect three of their rings. Deliver them to the Archbishop of Carron Village in Merak.
Overview: (Great Magician Minearm) This is not just a problem of beasts and taints, the tainted beasts are organizing. We must take out the beast leaders. The leaders act as healers and mages, they are quite strong in the ways of magic. If they break free, it will b catastrophic. Please kill the Beast leaders in Margadum Prison. Deliver their rings to the Archbishop. He needs to know about this.
Conclusion: (Archbishop) This is a Beast leader's ring! You are truly powerful, Hero. I agree with Minearms concerns. We cannot sit back and wait for those beasts to escape. I appreciate your bringing this here.
Experience 2,950,000
SP 2
Choose item: Crystal of Experience (Greater) [2] or Crystal of Efforts [2]
Owl Forces Affinity (1,880)
Quick Facts
Level requirement: 47 - 51
Start: Border Guard Captain / Merac
End: Border Guard Captain / Merac
Towering, Flaming Giants
Kill 10 Lava Giants. Report to the Border Guard Captain.
Overview: (Border Guard Captain) The Magma River is home to evil spirits we call Lava Giants. Used to be, they only hunted animals. But their numbers are on the rise and the animals 'round here are getting pretty scarce. The Lava giants are ranging farther and farther in search of food. It's only a matter of time before they start killing travelers and townspeople. They're really hard to fight, we need someone to drive them back to the river. If you can, please help!
Conclusion: (Border Guard Captain) You drove them back? That's amazing. Like it or not, you're our new go-to disaster person.
Experience 2,480,000
SP 10
Keron Mage Collective Affinity (1,880)
Quick Facts
Level requirement: 48 - 51
Start: Magician Louis / Merac
End: Rau / Merac
Sealing Margadum Prison
Deliver the book to Rau.
Overview: (Magician Louis) You must already know that all of the monsters in the Prison of Margadum are getting more powerful. We're working on strengthening the magical barrier at the Prison as well as reinforcing the main magic column. Once again, please deliver this book of barriers to magician Rau at the column of main magic.
Conclusion: (Rau) I'm working on reinforcing of the magical barrier. Again. At least this time I have help. Another book? This book will really help. Thank you again.
Experience 1,613,000
80,000 Gold
Quick Facts
Level requirement: 48 - 51
Start: Armor Trader Clain / Merac
End: Armor Trader Clain / Merac
Skins of Ruin
Collect 7 Salamander Ruin Skins for Armor Trader Clain.
Overview: (Armor Trader Clain) You have no idea how great business's been! My armor's selling like mad in Algol. I'm busy, but boy it feels great. War is hell, but it's good to know I'm saving lives. Anyways, could you get me some more materials? I need more Salamanders Skins, but better quality this time around. The best stuff I've found so far are Salamander Ruin Skins. 5 of 'em should be more than enough. I want to make the best armor in all the land, will you help me?
Conclusion: (Armor Trader Clain) Oh, these are wonderful. Thank you, I hope this is payment enough...
Experience 2,690,000
SP 3
Keron Mage Collective Affinity (1,920)
Quick Facts
Level requirement: 49 - 52
Start: Merchant Tino / Dratan
End: Merchant Tino / Dratan
Stylishly Dangerous
Collect 4 Shiny Teeth and 4 Hard Teeth, give to merchant Tino.
Overview: (Merchant Tino) Warriors should carry mementos of their kills. Few things are as frightening as a screaming warrior charging you covered in the bits of dead things. Anything frightening that hangs on armor does the job: teeth, heads, horns, tusks, even.... less mentionable bits work. Only problem is, scary trophies are hard to get. Who wants to spend all that time and effort hunting down dragons or goblin kings? That's hard, it's so much easier to just buy that stuff pre-made. This is where you come in. I need some dangerous-looking teeth. the best ones come from Rough Jaguars and Cerebrus. I'll pay you for a decent-sized batch, think you can get me some?
Conclusion: (Merchant Tino) Ooo, these are great! They're sharp and scary-looking, perfect.
Experience 2,870,000
SP 3
Mazar Guardian Affinity (1,960)
Quick Facts
Level requirement: 50 - 52
Start: Archbishop / Merac
End: Archbishop / Merac
Quest Chain
The Death Knight Rises
Next of Kin
The Death Knight Rises
Destroy Dead Mask Lancers and Dead Mask Soldiers. Give the rotten flesh to the Archbishop of Carron Village, Merak.
Overview: (Archbishop) The Death Knights in the deepest parts of the prison are getting restless. If they fully awaken, terrible things will happen. I'm not sure you grasp the severity of this. These are Death Knights. They are the embodiments of psychic rage. In armor. These are the sort of things Ares has nightmares about. We have to cut off their power or fortify the seals. If we are to have a chance, we'll need to kill some of their servants and study this power. The alternative doesn't bear thinking about. Trust me, you don't need the nightmares.
Conclusion: (Archbishop) These rotting scraps of meat should shed light on weaknesses of the Death Knights. We need every edge we can find.
Experience 2,550,000
SP 3
Owl Forces Affinity (1,960)
Quick Facts
Level requirement: 50 - 53
Start: Archbishop / Merac
End: Healer Yabo / Juno
Quest Chain
The Death Knight Rises
Next of Kin
Next of Kin
Deliver the rotten flesh to Healer Yabo.
Overview: (Archbishop) While I study to find a way to reseal or repair the Death Knight's seals, I want you to handle their servants. The Death Mask Soldiers and Lancers... the less you know about the creation of these things, the better. Don't go seeking nightmares. The only thing we can do for these poor souls is put them to rest and inform next-of-kin. Due to the decay, this might take some extra analysis. After you kill them, take samples of their flesh to Healer Yabo.
Conclusion: (Healer Yabo) You want to know who this used to be? i agree, we should do our best to bring peace to the families of the victims, I'll analyze it immediately. I know it wasn't enjoyable, but thank you for carrying it here.
Experience 1,887,000
100,000 Gold
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