
Creature Features celebrates the legendary duo Arthur Rankin & Jules Bass, creators of such timeless TV perennials as Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer, Year Without A Santa Claus, The Little Drummer Boy and more, with this group art show showcasing tributes from over 100 artists in the fields of film & TV, fine art, comics, make-up & visual FX, children’s book illustration and more!

Curated by author/historian Rick Goldschmidt and artist Patrick Owsley, this month-long family-friendly exhibit promises a holly jolly time for all who attend!

The opening reception will be on December 6, 2014 from 4pm-9pm, and features a visit from Santa! The show runs through Sunday, January 4th during regular store hours.

Participating artists include:

Matthew Adams, Bill Alger, Jorge Baeza, Becca Balistreri, David Bamundo, Fulton Beal, Zach Bellissimo, Christine Benjamin, Megan Besmirched, Shana Bilbrey, Jason Brower, Chris Buentello, Kevin Cannarile, Anthony Carpenter, Frank Cerney, Julian Chaney, Tony Cipriano, Paul Coker, Jr., Nicole Aguilar-Copp, Jack Davis, Gabi de la Merced, Amanda Dempsey, Eric Diaz, John Eaves, John Ellis, Mark Engblom, Jim Engel, Samanta Erdini, Melissa Eugene, Kali Fontecchio, Art Fuentes, Michael Funk, Kevin Gallegly, Rick Goldschmidt, El Gato Gomez, Phillip Graffham, Kevin, Graham Morris, Andrew Grenon, Gris Grimley, Kimber Grobman, Robert Heckman, Danny Hellman, Bill Jackson, Robert Jimenez, Kup Kake, Daniel Killen, Tom Krohne, Gary LaCoste, Dave Lanphear, Chad Lenzi, Bob Lizarraga, Ashley J. Long, Rebecca Lord, Albert Lozano, Jerrod Maruyama, Chris Mason, Bridget McCarty, Caroline McFarlane-Watts, Patrick McKay, Woody Miller, Jordan Monsell, Ruben Montes, Ken Morgan, Ron Murphy, Nesshead, Michael Noland, Mitch O’Connell, Eric October, Patrick Owsley, Caleb Paullus, Jason Peltz, Matt Pott, Carol Powell, Shane Prigmore, Paige Pumphrey, Alex Quintero , Merrill Rainey, Jeff Rebner, Jesse Rothbeind, John Rozum, Steve “The Dude” Rude, Jim Salvati, Stephen Sandoval, Scott Christian Sava, Cindy Scaife, Dawn M Schiller, Eric Schlegel, Pop Shadowz, Shag, SKULLUXE, Michael Stiles, William Stout, Diana Sund, Daniel Swartz, Dan Szczepanski, Mark Tavares, Xander Thurteen, Kirsten Ulve, Pedro Vargas, Ben Von Strawn, Aaron Waters, Woody Welch, Shelli Weldon, Casey Wong, Chuck R. Wright and Derek Yaniger.

2904 West Magnolia Blvd

Burbank, CA 91506


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