


The link to the exchange is HERE.

The exchange’s info can be found HERE. On this blog, all information, updates, and questions will be posted and organized.

You may message us on the ask blog or email us at larryfanfictionsummerexchange@gmail.com

Please reblog this post to get the word out!


What is a fic exchange?
A fic exchange is an event on Ao3 that aims to produce more fanfiction for a particular fandom or pairing. Each person participating in this exchange will submit four prompts/themes that they would like to see in a Larry fic written for them; as well, they will also include their dislikes and things that they do not wish to read. When you receive your prompts, you will be given all of the requests from one other person on the exchange. You will pick one of their prompts and turn it into a fic. In return, another member will receive YOUR prompts and write one of them for you. (Basically you write a fic, you get a fic)

How do I sign up?
Follow THIS link to go to the form and fill out the sign up. Then email us telling us your Ao3 username and tumblr URL (This is so we know how to contact you if needed) NOTE: Anyone who does not send us an email or some sort of message will not have their sign up count. Make sure you message us asap once you sign up.

Where do I see my prompts?
When you receive your prompt, you will be notified in several different ways. You will be notified via the email that you provided; you will also see a tab called “My Assignments” on the drop-down tab on Ao3, where you see your username at the top. Clicking on it will send you to a list of your assignments; click on the username of the person you are writing for, and it will show you all of their prompt requests.

When’s the deadline?
The sign up for the fic exchange will close April 1st at 8pm CST. You will receive your fic by April 4th-5th. Your fic will be due July 1st at 8pm CST.

How many words?
We have a minimum word requirement of 5,000 words. With as much time as we’re giving, we’d love to see more than this, but we understand the constraints of time and inspiration for writing, so we have kept the minimum a bit lower this time.

My question is not here!
Message us on the ask blog, or send us an email!


please remember to email us! If you do not your sign up will not count. we will not be chasing anyone for this!

If you are not going to be able to finish your fic on time, you NEED to let us know by June 1st. We need everyone to update us on the status of their fic on or before June 1st. Having this check-in point allows us to find pinch-hitters and give them time to fill in for those who drop out.

Please strictly avoid any and all of the things that your person request NOT be in their fic. We don’t want anybody feeling uncomfortable or triggered by unwanted content in the fic that was written for them.

All fics must be submitted by July 1st. If you do not submit your fic, we will find you and hound you until you get it in. No exceptions.

Please have someone beta your work. This means have them check for spelling, grammar, and overall quality of your fic. We will posting a list of betas on the fic exchange blog halfway through. If you do not have your work beta’d, and it’s obvious that it was NOT, we will send it back and request that it be read over. No one likes a messy fic!

All fics must have the main pairing of Larry; any side pairings are welcome!

Please make sure your fic is at least 5,000 words long, but the longer the better!

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