As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I believe I will start this off with the punchline, instead of building things up, so it will stun all of you, sending your brains reeling and once again rejecting the Lame Cherry to force you to come crawling back to reality as you admit in whispers, "Lame Cherry was right again".
What the reality is, is that gold is not a rare metal at all, but like diamonds has been so monopolized by a cartel syndicate, bent on world control, that you have been lied to, into the fiction that gold is not common.
Gold in effect is one of the most common elements, found in minute quantities everywhere, but that is not the point in this at all. The point is that for 6000 years gold has been mined and accumulated, but the only recorded amounts have been western resources, and they have not been updated for a generation.
Asia and the Soviet Union resources have never appeared in the tallies.
For a moment, revisit the Bible in what it said of King Solomon's mines in what they turned Jerusalem into. The Queen of Sheba fainted when she saw the wealth of Jerusalem. The Egyptians and Babylonians invaded when they saw the gold there, as gold in that city was more common than iron.
An entire city of gold is an immense amount of gold, and it just did not disappear or rust away, as nothing destroys gold.
I realize this is going to make all of the precious metal traders quake and go into denial, but the fact is that the world gold supply is SIX TIMES THAT WHICH IS ON THE BOOKS.
....and so you know, they are still mining the stuff by the ton.
Gold has been the stuff of plunder for sometime. King David started storing it for the Temple and that sort of became a treasury deposit, until regimes started being overrun, and then the things precious in metals and gems, started being buried in secret repositories.
Just as an example in this, after World War II, the two primary holders of gold were Germany and Japan in their caches, which were immense. The Germans moved a great deal of it around in stockpiles and a portion returned for the resurrection of Europe under the cover of the Marshall Plan.
In Asia, the Japanese moved a great deal of gold not necessarily to the main islands, but used the Philippines as their cache. That is what was behind the General Douglas MacArthur and President Ferdinand Marcos relationship in the mix of German General Charles Willoughby, who MacArthur termed "his little nazi" and some believed was involved in the Kennedy assassination, Bonner Kellers, William Marquat, and the best junior officer to arise in the legendary Edward Lansdale.
The two greatest military intelligence officers in the American era were Vernon Walters in the west and Edward Lansdale in the east.
General Marquat would manage M Fund, named after him. This fund was from the looted treasuries which Imperial Japan took out of Asia. It is under Japanese control. At the end of the 20th century it was estimated at worth of 500 million dollars.
It is these massive gold deposits which are off book and termed the "black gold" as no one admits to their existence.
The key in this in folks like Henry Kissinger taking East Timor or George Soros stealing Slavic gold mines, has to do with keeping control of the monopoly, so there is not another Russian diamond mine dump against DeBeers to upset the market structure based on fiction.
In this era of gold mining due to tax avoidance from the known regimes, 1/3rd to 3/4's of the yearly mining output immediately ends up in private sales.
In returning to the Philippines, that cache which Japan buried was estimated be 2 billion pounds of gold or 2 million tons. That was the Asian cache alone, and did not include India, nor what has been pouring forth from Australasia in mining since.
So you understand the context of this, the official records showed 10,000 tons of gold prior to 1849 in the California gold rush, in existence in the world. Compare that 10,000 to the 2,000,0000 figure of Philippine gold cache alone. Most of the gold in the world is black market, so it is not official. It is though a reality that 6 times the gold is in existence than what is being admitted to, and that number is growing by tons every year.
It is all about absorbing the world wealth supply for control by the cartel, but in that, the reality is, if it were known that gold was as common as iron or diamonds are as common as coal, that prices would plunge and the economic warfare against the Dollar would end, providing America went back to the Lame Cherry Gold Standard.
Gold is a precious metal. It has some absolute necessary uses, but it is not a metal as rare as the dominators who horde it, have admitted to.
You can now make up your own mind about gold. I have none nor care to have any of the trinkets of manipulation. I simply am educating to bring people to the correct way of thinking.
nuff said
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